Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

Then we see the same thing we saw in BFA. Everyone was fine except for the tiny tiny percentage of players in mythic raids who will always cry until no one receives anything except for them.


Is that why so many people quit in BfA? Because “everyone was fine”?

Wrong. I have an alt I plan to use as my main in DF, still have some 233/236+ gear that needs replacing, so I am spending my time levelling up my research in ZM so I can get the 252 gear in the slots I am missing. Add in the gear I do have from low keys, weekly chests and LFR and I should start DF at around 270 iLVL, that’s not bad to finish up my character doing overworld stuff.

Who quit?

And what kind of blanket statement is that? They quit because WQ gear wasn’t trash enough? Were they braindead fools that need to be treated as such with a rotting carrot on a stick?

Just curious where you’re coming from there.

Yes. Shadowlands is not a bad expansion because of gear. It was bad because the gameplay was terrible, the content itself was terrible, and the systems were terrible.

You can give someone a pile of poop and say “Hey I gave you something, you should be grateful,” but at the end of the day you still gave them a pile of poop.


Funny. You could have literally afk’d comp stomp for a week and had gear 20+ ilvles higher. But you do you. If you’re happy with crappy gear that will be trash by the time you farm the sandworn relics.

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classic bait and switch tactics, they got people pre-ordering the expansion with the promise of good to come, but they cant let things stay. it would cut into their metrics.


Just be glad or hell appreciative that you’re still getting gear sufficient gear to be precious for the content you’re doing.

Much rather have invasions, or assaults, than dailies, or wq’s. And have them happen randomly in different zones all over Azeroth, and not just in current content zones. Put them on a timer like Legion, and BFA had(every 6, or 12 hours?). Like those previous expansions have a few that are solo friendly, and a few that requires a couple other people around to do them. If nobody is in the area hop into group finder. Legion, and BFA had a good mix of both. Some of those elite mobs could kill you pretty fast until you eventually over geared them. Like that one mob that had that aoe fire ability that could just about hit you all the way down to the road in Zandalar near that one flight path lol. The solo friendly one could have gold, or a cosmetic item, rep for the reward. The ones that require a couple people could be the gear rewards. They should go away from having to farm multiple currencies like they had in Shadowfail. To much crap curriencies to keep up with is annoying to a lot of people.


One day blizzard will stop being a bunch of weird elitists with their ilevel loot and let people with dedication and skill earn something decent every so often in casual world content.

No one anywhere is going to care if Billy the Casual gets 408 rando loot every 2 weeks from this.


Thanks for the tip! Looks like I will sit out DF.


Wherever your travels take ya, I hope not but the best for ya lad.

The irony of you posting this on a Classic character is not lost on me


Lucky for me I do M+ and raid, you should try it one day and get better gear from it.

Gear only gets you so far and all of this moaning and crying about gear is getting ridiculous like seriously be glad that you can still earn gear via outdoor content. Isn’t that what your type of people want that the open world to have content that can offer gear that can benefit your content via the open world and don’t need to step into a dungeon.

So that when they try to venture to raiding or M+ they aren’t locked out by artificial gear requirements enacted by the playerbase. I AM KRUMTOILET!!!

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The more i hear of this expansion the more tempted i am to just not buy it.


If gear only gets you so far then it shouldn’t matter if casuals get max ilvl gear right? People don’t just want gear from open world content, they want Character(gear) progression. When the max ilvl you can get from open world content is 385, which you can only do once per week, you don’t feel like you have progression when M+ players can farm +8 and have a full set of 385 gear in a week maybe two. It makes your “progression” feel absolutely worthless and frankly not worth doing, which isn’t progression at all. This is exactly why WoW loses a huge portion of it’s playerbase after release. People get to max level and the only thing they can do to progress is M+, Raiding, or Rated PvP. All of which are very polarizing and not casual friendly in the slightest.


Raiding would NEVER get scrapped, where would you get such a ludicrous idea?

This happened in legion and BFA where M+ gearing was faster than PVP (unrated and rated), raiding and open world.

BlizZard should not throttle one gearing avenue far more than an other because it ends causing people to be funneled toward that.

We saw the same thing with systemlands season 1 where PVE players were funneled into PVP.

BlizZard fear is that high end PVE players may feel forced to do X content but that is going to happen no matter what if you are cutting edge. No point in gutting professions, PVP gearing, world/daily questing, etc to fight an irrational fear that Mythic raiders may be forced to do X content.

All BlizZard has to do is avoid doing the MoP daily fiasco and rental system constant grinding. That would make Mythic raiders happy and everyone else happy too. I see nothing wrong with Mythic raiders wanting to just raid log if they desire. And I see nothing wrong with those casual players that want daily or weekly progression on their own.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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