Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

just be lucky you can even get gear OP.

SMH so ungrateful.

So much focus on the gear, when casual players should be asking for more and better content, but we saw that in Shadowlands they mostly ignore it or ask to be nerfed(mage tower and Torghast).

No surprise Blizzard doesn’t bother to do anything for the solo player, they are happy with only WQ’s as long as they get some gear from it.

what? yes?

it’s solo in the sense you don’t need to do anything other than click the queue button.

whether it’s with other people or not doesn’t not make it “solo”.


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whenever an openworld/solo player wants the same gear as an m+er/raider it kinda sounds like a blockbuster clerk wondering why he’s not getting surgeon salary.

i intentionally chose a job that no longer exists as to not offend anyone lol


Thats actually kinda wholesome, good job

(Now i have to edit so that english as a second language doesn’t make me sound offensive :joy:)

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Never any of the casual guilds I’ve been in.

Guessing since they nerfed the gear, they will revert to the earlier acquisition rates, ie, the previous storm sigil cost and not needing the blue quality version before being able to buy the epic version.

Early progression has been pretty jacked up since BfA, where regular and heroic dungeons were made entirely pointless just a couple weeks after launch because there were all sorts of solo things that netted better gear.

This is part of why low-to-mid M+ pugs are so frequently terrible: you’ve got a bunch of players who think they can skip rungs on the dungeon ladder and jump straight to the key level that rewards gear better than what they have. This of course doesn’t work, because to run a dungeon you have to know the dungeon and know how to cooperate with partymates, which these players don’t because they got all their gear solo.

Now to be clear, I think there should be some “slow boil” progression options available, but I don’t think they should replace regular, heroic, or M0 dungeons. It should come in the form of things like TBC Blacksmithing, which could craft really nice high ilvl weapons through materials gathered from heroics — it was slower and still required some group play, but was also deterministic which meant that you knew how many more dungeon runs you needed to complete your weapon or its various upgrades. The RNG factor of dungeon loot is more of the problem than needing to run dungeons is. I wouldn’t mind M+ nearly as much if it concretely moved progress bars forward instead of being a series of dice rolls.

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I’ll take your word for it. Urban legend, then.

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Sounds about right.

No this is end game.

The open world is still there to showcase the story, the characters, the fantasy and RPG, the open world is not there to give you mythic level raid loot.

guys why dont i get mythic raid loot from doing quests to kill 10 mobs?

Or because the gear out there sucks and the place is boring.

People only spent time there to fly and get unity. That’s all. It’s not like people would still be playing there if they received the 246 gear slower.

They always run into this bonehead problem of making the gear worthless by the time you acquire it. And it has nothing to do with grind speed but their ilvl choices. Emissary gear hasn’t been worth chasing since wrath. Maybe a couple of pieces in Cata. Why? Crappy ilvl and a grind that is too slow for the ilvl.


Okay. Let’s say they bump the ilvl of world quest gear by 40 points.

Then what?



Life goes on I suppose.

 nothing is different?

What’s the point in doing it, then?

Ok honest time, I just got here after taking a long nap. Saw your post and to answer your question

To me at least there is none. Then again gear progression is not my goal this time so I don’t have much to lose either way. Should gear go higher, then cool, if not then as said before life goes on. Could lose players, may gain some I cannot say fer sure. Only that I just want everyone to enjoy that which they do. If they can.

Compare this to ff14 where open world players can get very close to the best gear in the game


FF14 has all the gameplay depth of a coloring book, so let’s not.

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