Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

I am almost wholly an open world, solo, casual player. The OP doesn’t speak for me, nor does anyone else posting in this thread. The ones who come closest to my POV are Brewa & Kenny, but even they & I diverge in places.

As a mostly open world, solo, casual player, I haven’t logged in to WoW in almost a month. Not because it’s unrewarding or anything, but because I’ve been replaying D3 lately & having a lot of fun with that, because I’ve been super-busy at work, & because I get more reward & enjoyment from tabletop RPGs (Pathfinder 2 & Starfinder) than I do from computer games.

When I do come back to WoW, it will likely be playing my lowbie Shadow Priest, having lots of fun in lowbie zones like Loch Modan, & not caring at all what high level “end game” players are doing or getting. When I come back to this character, I’ll be checking out the parts of Shadowlands that I haven’t seen yet. But I won’t be caring as to whether or not my open world, solo, casual game play gets me “good gear,” because if I actually want to get that level of gear I’ll group up & do dungeons or LFR or maybe even PUG a normal raid or two before going back to soloing. & if I don’t have fun doing those things, I’ll find another game to play, or I’ll drop off MMOs entirely for a while. It’s not like they’re the best or only way to entertain myself.

But you do you. Roll your dice, move your mice. Whatever.


Thing is, if you bump all the world content gear by 40 points, people will expect higher gear levels for pugs for other content.

People don’t set ilvl requirements for math reasons, they do it as a basic filter to keep out people with no play skill.


That’s fine. You’ve said before you fine farming trivial content for a long time for gear.

Way too strong, should never have existed

Again, way too strong. Never should have existed.

Sounds fine. It’s catch up gear. It’s meant to be used to get you into end game content such as dungeons, m+, raiding, and arena.

Raiding is never going to be scrapped. This is a stupid dream that bad players have.

Crafted gear is not going to replace BiS from end game content in each slot.

tl;dr-This is a good direction for Blizzard to go in. They should just come out and say that ‘solo/outdoor gear progression’ isn’t an actual thing. It’s catch up gear. That’s it. The end. No further discussion needed.

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So do M+, problem effing solved.

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If it actually requires both dedication and skill, it’s going to get called 1% content by a lot of casuals. (Remember early TG and reopened MT)


I don’t remember what TG or MT is can’t even think of anything that goes with those.

I’m also not saying it’s elite content but just takes some skill and dedication to get to.

Torghast and Mage Tower

ah Okay ty I’m waking up. Imo though Mage Tower is very very hard. No matter how many times I tried Havoc I couldn’t do it or even get to the 2nd phase with the big evil void add or whatever it is. And Torghast at higher levels is actually pretty hard and requires knowing a good build, fairly good understanding of your class, and great knowledge of every enemy type.

What I’m talking about is chill content that takes some skill and effort to get and you get it maybe once per 2 weeks. And like I said I don’t think anyone anywhere would care if Billy gets that 408 piece every so often.

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The concept of wanting higher ilvl gear from doing faceroll outdoor content just to make that outdoor content even more faceroll seems hilariously pointless.

Posts like this are what helped created a decades-long problem where blizzard were convinced they knew what the player base wanted more than the players themselves did.

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Chill content cannot require skill nor effort, though. We’ve seen this over and over again.

Whenever Blizzard tries to put in ‘casual’ content with even the slightest skill requirement or challenge, the complaints begin.


I don’t even think gear/ilvl is the biggest issue here. It’s having stuff to do outside of dungeons/raids. When stuff doesn’t feel rewarding, people wont waste their time. So I see a lot of people buying DF, leveling, but not sticking around due to lack of things to do if they aren’t a raider, M+er or PvPer.


Well that’s odd if players really feel that way. I mean even some World Quests back in the day would take a little bit of effort and skill imo. I’m not saying they need to jump through hoops just put in the time and effort and be able to play the game and in time… well yay I get a stupid prize.

Shadowlands has more stuff to do than any expansion except maybe Legion, but people just kept ignoring all of it and complaining there was nothing to do.

The main cadre of people doing Shadowlands casual/outdoor content seem to be raiders.

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Again, because it didn’t feel rewarding. I know I mostly ignored everything because it felt like a major waste of time. Instead I just raided on 3 different characters. ZM was so terrible, I couldn’t bring myself to do it on alts(too much grind to get the drops to 252) so for me it was faster to just take my alts into normal/heroic raiding. But anyone who doesn’t raid for 1 reason or another has no reason to play this game anymore


Rewarding how?

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I don’t think it had more stuff to do, and I also think the stuff to do in other expansions was just more interesting than what SL had to offer. Just because it’s there doesn’t mean it’s good. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Things take FOREVER to obtain. The grind to 252 drops in ZM took months. And you had to do it on every single character. Why? It should have been account wide that once you upgraded the console fully, alts could do WQs and such for the 252 gear. But to have to grind and grind and grind for months, just to finally get an upgrade. Time didn’t equal reward. And it’s way too repetitive.


So you want more gear.


This is the funny thing about this recurring loop of a conversation that keeps popping up on this forum.

Casual players say “we want more content” and everyone (correctly) points out “what you mean is that you just want more gear” and they say “no no no it’s not about gear, we want more content”.

And then we look under the hood and… yeah, it’s totally just about wanting more gear.



Thank you.


Just don’t feed that when they are being intentionally obtuse.

nothing funny about it, not weird funny nor ha ha funny. you point fingers at “casuals” like its this large monolithic group of people. some people just want fun content but also want some meaningful progression. they want to see their character grow more powerful by doing the content.

of course people like to play the “you dont need the gear” angle which i can say the same thing about mythic raiding, why does it need to drop gear, theres no additional challenge beyond it… you dont need the gear.