Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

No. I’m saying people who don’t raid shouldn’t comment on what raiders do because you clearly have no idea what open world content raiders do.

I see reading isn’t your strongest suit.

You’re not even comprehending what I’m saying.

Bloody did you log on yet another alt :joy:

No offense but this is the most out of touch thing I have read all day.

So you’re admitting WoW players are stuck in a skinner box and don’t actually enjoy the content they’re playing?

I’m saying that because I feel like disagreeing with me is asserting people play for the gear grind and gear grind alone.


They can’t mentally accept that the raids aren’t fun for some people.




Your talking points are years out of date.

You are entitled to your wrong opinion, I guess.

False if anything people can’t accept that if you want raidngear you have to raid.

or M+ to infinitely farm the raid gear.

If all they are going to let casuals get is garbage than they have decided they dont need casual subscription money. If there is nothing but raids and dungeons then people will unsub quickly.


Lower gear for world content is how the game has been for almost its entire existence.

The aberrations were in Legion/BfA with Titanforging, but you guys act like THE ONLY THING THAT HAS EVER MATTERED IN WOW is titanforged gear from world quests, even though that was a tiny sliver of the game’s lifespan.

What on earth were you people doing back in the days of classic, where all you could do is farm hundreds of bug parts for a green ring? Or BC or Wrath, where you capped out at blues from a rep vendor?

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It’s not an opinion. Some people don’t like to raid.

Raid gear yes but we want open world gear


Snozy channeling Christopher Columbus time when people would say the earth was flat and you sail off the edge :roll_eyes: :rofl:.

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I think the raid comment just feels attacked constantly because they are the minority and fear Blizzard leaning more towards casual players in the future.

People have sunk years even decades into playing this game, its a pretty scary thought to think next exp or the one after that they will do away what you enjoy about it, and in response attack content they arent really into and hope their loud vocal minority voice on the forums is enough to change Blizzard.

Blizzard doesnt base its business decisions in forum warfare, it uses the subscription metrics and data from whos playing what content most.

Some of you are just angry, probably lonely and only here stir up conflict in order to feel apart of something.
But you are already apart of something, the WoW community, attacking each other just makes it smaller and smaller. Some of you dont even have an argument or construct counter point its just negative responses without substance.

If you need a friend, try putting down the aggression and you’ll find many friends who accept you right here in the WoW community.


fated lfr already gives higher than solo/outdoor gear.

why you panicking it’s already that way.

Ah, it seem blizzard finally is reverting back to the world being a catchup system. good change.

If anything they needed to buff open world gear and not nerf it. There wasn’t much incentive to ever go to ZM

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the trend is coming back. bunch of flat earthers talking about an icewall and a glass dome or something. it’s crazy lol

everything works in cycles, even bad ideas :wink:

ZM achievement data shows that the portion of players who don’t do group content don’t actually care about power. Not even a free legendary was enough to get them to even finish the campaign.

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Or it’s just not fun in general.

You can’t keep piling grind after grinds and pass it as content to keep calling it fun.

I’m getting more dopamine spamming heroics in Wrath.


The criteria was “best gear from solo content” and aside from having to jump through hoops for a weapon or pray to RNGesus every two weeks when the right Warfront was up (incidentally, also a source of heroic quality gear) then SL loses to BfA categorically.

You’d have to go back to Legion, except Legion still had Titanforging. Legion still had scaling WQ rewards, including easy PvP gear from Warden Towers. And Legion had some of the most PUG friendly content too, I don’t think anyone would be grumbling about raids if the bosses were as forgiving as all of Emerald Nightmare or literally every one in Antorus except Sisters and maybe Aggramar.

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