Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

Thats a narrow limited perception.

2 groups which find emjoyment in 2 entirely different ways of playing. Blizzard tries to cater to both.

The fact you dont see 2 seperate groups is the source of the issue.


Keep fighting your pointless war.

It’s literally the same ilvl. It was normal raid gear. Raiders farmed benthic gear for the procs for early

I literally can’t simply this anymore for you.

It wasn’t corruptions. Benthic gear was farmed for specific procs on items.

It was not farmed for any other reason.

People didn’t farm benthic gear for just one piece.

Which were within the corruptions.

It still made the gear better than any other outdoor gear.

I’m a casual mythic raider. Explain that one

The fact that you think casuals means bad at the game is the entire issue.

Benthic gear was not corrupted gear.

It was still normal ilvl gear just like Korthia was normal raid level gear in 9.1 and ZM was normal raid level gear in 9.2

I understand where the hardcore players are coming from.
Its a competitive drive, you need constant progression or you lose interest, there has to be a goal to chase. So all content even meager upgrades you feel compelled to do it for that upgrade no matter how small its still an upgrade and progression.

If you’re raiding and got top gear in all the slots except your wrists and hands and those pieces aint dropping but you can still get a small upgrade doing open world content intended for casuals you will do it, but you wont like doing it.

You need to undertand that content isnt designed for you, your free to play it and engage in open world content as much as casual players are free to try out raiding and higher tier dungeons, thats kind of the point of Blizzard trying to bridge a crossover.

The more raiders who engage in Open World stuff and the more Casuals who pick up raiding means the overall game has more content for more players.

Fighting over each others content is counter productive to US together as the WoW Community, despite wanting to lable people and differentiate each other as casual or hardcore we are still one community.


You are right it wasn’t technically corruptions. But it was enhanced gear the same way. Just not with the kiss/curse.

At regular upgrade. But you could get ones that rolled higher. It was a couple pieces but if you were lucky it’d roll higher and max upgrade was just below heroic anyway.

Thats quite the projection and assumption.

Casuals are not Bad at the game, Casuals are the majority of the player base and have content designed for them to keep them playing.

Your argument reeks of desperation for conflict where there shouldn’t be any.


I’m overwhelmed with emotion. So many people in this thread I want to call out for being rude and dismissive but I’m just not in the right mindset for this. Going to play some ff14 and maybe chime back in later.

Note:I did notice it’s the same people from the mythic+ thread trying to justify these changes as good and I just can’t understand why they’re so opposed to people getting good gear.


Yep, never playing this game again. I AM KRUMTOILET!!!

You need to understand that the content is designed for everyone and if people choose to not partake in content that’s their choice

This is why people who don’t raid shouldn’t comment.

Raiders are already doing the open world content.

In 9.1 raiders farmed Korthia rep for conduits.

In 9.2 raiders farmed ZM rep for unity

Like you are way out of depth of what you’re commenting on.

Anyone is able to get the same gear. If people choose to not do it that’s their choice.

The game rewards gear based on difficulty of content.

Normal raid level loot rewards is more than adequate for world content.

Look, even if you were right about Benthic - which you’re not - BfA also had Visions of Ny’alotha, which gave mythic equivalent loot, with the highest chance to proc corruption. What does ZM have? Fake damage from the Toxicalic gem?

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Outdoor content has good gear for casuals and now heroic/mythic raider will now whine about doing another content they don’t want to do and have to for better gear. And has been downgraded to LFR and now casuals whine about gear and heroic / mythic raider will now look for another content to cry and whine about (cough mythic plus cough)

Mythic plus has better gear for dungeoneer and now heroic / mythic raider will now whine about doing mythic plus for gear to progress.

It’s like NOBODY CAN EVEN WIN without one or another cry and whine about it. It’s like raiders want their raid to be the only content to exist for gear and not anything else and with anything else will be “forced” to do when you can ignore it.


These changes to me seem like blizzard took a look at raiding and wondered why participation was low so instead of addressing that problem they decided to make the other content in the game less appealing to make raiding more appealing by comparison.


It was still catchup gear and most people complaining about gear were not receiving mythic level loot from visions.

ZM gear is extremely strong in outdoor content.

The solution isn’t nerfing OW content. RF should be buffed and we should have fewer tiers. In fact, ilvl spread is more harmful than helpful right now. There should be an ilvl that is easy to achieve where people will want you for anything, just looking for a body, and a slower ilvl climb to whatever the top of mythic raiding is. That’d actually help build communities. It wouldn’t solve social problems, but it’d reduce barriers to people partying together.


If I play DF, I still haven’t decided to buy it, I’m not sure I’ll be raiding. They need to make raiding funner and easier to do instead of pinning everything on the community. Right now it’s constant waits in LFG as your RL re-assembles parties between pulls. And it just lasts so long anyone with a life struggles with it. They also nerfed its ability to gear effectively by removing reroll tokens, essentially destroying raiders’ ability to go for specific drops.


So your stance is non raiders are second class players and shouldnt have the Right to voice their concerns and opinions?

Yes thats not the worst case image of what the worst Elitist stereotype is, but is it a stereotype if its true…

Your opinion is just a cess pit of entitlement and a supioerity complex, but you can certainly still voice your opinion even if makes you look like a terrible person.