Huge nerf to solo/outdoor gear progression in DF Season 1

Sure thing. Excuses based on something you clearly don’t know anything about.

Didn’t realize this was a contest. Did you being corrected really make you that mad?

I can’t get mad at someone who thinks Shadowlands is good. Feels wrong.

Arenas sucks, there’s no objectives.

Except for the part where the content in question, Elemental Invasion areas, is filled with elites that are tanky and also hit like trucks. As do the Djaradin at the Obsidian Throne, the only real daily hub aside from the one centaur camp.

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Yeah but it was enough to have raiders complain about it’s existance because they felt compelled to farm for it. The only thing that raiders felt compelled to farm for here were the sockets from Korthia and the way of getting a second legendary from ZM.


Giving better and high item level gear in outdoor content (heroic and mythic raider will feel the need to do outdoor content or whatever content for better gear and feel forced to do it).

Better gear in mythic plus with higher item level (and now heroic and mythic raiders will feel the need to do other content that isn’t their content).

Everything blizzard does will have a LOSE-LOSE Scenario for both sides of the aisle rather you like it or not.

I never said it was amazing. It wasn’t good due to all the catering to solo players that happened.

Pvp gearing had its issues as well

Doesn’t mean the game is bad.

That definitely wasn’t why Shadowlands wasn’t good. They did not keep covenants closed up because of casual players.


Yes raiders were forced to farm benthic gear for pieces with specific procs on them because those said specific procs were good.

It wasn’t base benthic gear that was good.

Sockets from the maw
Conduits and sockets from Korthia
Second legendary from ZM

Still pales in comparison. Because regular ZM and Korthia gear didn’t have anything raiders needed.


Neither did regular benthic gear. You’re not understanding why benthic gear was farmed.

I do understand why it was farmed. Because of the corruptions on the gear. That doesn’t exist on Korthia or ZM gear. Conduits and sockets don’t add up to that because it’s not the gear itself. Benthic was better in a gear to gear comparison.

Nazjatar called, it wants its BiS armor pieces back.

You can’t pick and choose the moments when you can’t be labeled as a monster.

This whole thread sounds like a bunch of neurotypical people yelling at a group of autistic people for not playing the game Their Way.

There is 2 Warcrafts, Casuals and Elitists
Casuals just wanna play the game, get reasonable rewards for it in comparison to Elitist raiders. They occasionally want to try out raiding which is why we have LFR.

Elitists want to power level to max level, do top tier dungeons and raids for the very best gear and see any and all content in the game as having to benefit them in some way or its pointless, meaning content made for Casuals (who are the majority of players) is this wasted time and money on Blizzards part they could put into end game gear.

Its an age of inclusiveness, Casual players getting rewards for doing casual content Does Not Effect You. It does not change your game at all. All it does is bridge a little gap between Casuals having progressing and encouragment to try out raiding and mythic dungeons.

By spitting venom at Casual progression you are hurting yourself, it will mean less players, less future raiders, less raiding content. You should really WANT to encourage Casual players to try Raiding, becasue the more people raiding, even LFR the more attention it gets from Blizzard.


Those “bis” pieces were still
Normal tier and weren’t actually bis pieces. They were strong prices for early raid progression.

But it wasn’t. Gear to gear benthic was STILL normal lvl raid gear and outside of a random proc it was still normal raid gear.

That’s like trying to say all world quest gear was good because one world quest item titan forged.

But the answer is no.

Keep crying my guy. It’s the only thing you know how to do.

False. There are one warcraft played by people of all skill levels. Solo players pretend to be casuals in their demand for special treatment

The majority play this game without any issues.

Also not true. Any avenue that awards heroic or better raid loot will directly affect raiders.

It’s why freebie welfare gear caps at normal.

No idea what they’re doing. Open world gear was already weak sauce


Unless it forged, and it wasn’t the ilvl that matters. It was still better than what we’ve gotten out of ZM or Korthia.

No there is a reason why benthic was better and you can’t separate the corruptions from benthic because it wasn’t a socket or anything that made that item good. It rolled good and was good.

You could upgrade them to heroic ilvl and they were still BiS in mythic Eternal Palace due to the potency of their special effects.

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