And of course the reason is pretty plain to anyone who’s paying attention. Casual is being used by OP to mean “bad at the game.”
They are just having a hard time admitting it to themselves. It’s much easier to just accuse people who are better at the game than you as being “hardcore sweatlords.” When in reality, many of us on this thread are spending significantly less time playing the game than the average “casual” player.
I do not take seriously the claims of people who play full time hours of being casual.
It might be better to just be honest and say "I spend a huge amount of time gaming but at an incredibly low level and have absolutely no viable excuse for not gearing up in a game that is about gear.’
Wow tokens are not required for the crafted gear. They are a shortcut for players who are too impatient to actually put in the work to get a reward they want.
That Is not how I read the post.
That just got reverted back to their pre-SL state. They are not “historically low” or whatever other factually inaccurate claim you want to make.
You are mistaking my use of the word bad as an insult. It’s not meant as one.
Real casuals don’t have time to spend grinding endless, boring; unengaging content just so that the people who do can gear up.
Put another way, Blizzard appears to be moving away from the idea that in an MMO, one should be able to circumvent endgame play by gearing through trivial content.
Be as bad as you want, it’s fine. Just don’t expect those of us who can’t put in large chunks of time into the game to cheer for changes that will force us to do so in order to optimize our characters.
Welp, because i have 22 days left on my sub. I have zero better to do right now. I will voice my displeasure with this decision they made until my last hour of my sub!
They deliberately did this nerf, to drive players like me away, after 17 GD years of staying subbed in support of their game.
Welp mission success Blizz! After countless years of screwing things up, you finally found my breaking point!
WoD was miles better to me than what DF is shaping up to be.
I agree, casual players are not limited to those who are low-skilled players. Casual players can absolutely be skilled and do challenging content. Casual is a mindset.
It’s actually really normal to be bad at things you do for fun. A lot of people are not good at their hobbies, but as long as they enjoy it. But it’s actually crazy to demand that your hobby change to accommodate your wants.
Good, see ya. I hope you take players like Elusia with you. If you’re leaving after 17 years because you can’t get BiS gear by avoiding endgame mechanics, then you clearly have absolutely no memory of how brutal gearing in this game was 17 years ago.
Sure it does, you just dislike the fact that actual casuals are tired of watching full time hardcore gamers claim their title and are speaking out against it.
Give me a freaking break already! I have 1-3 of each class except mage, and can play them just as good as you!
Your statement is actually funny, so you think we are not as good as you? Because we dont feel like doing grouped content anymore after a decade and a half doing so?
Lol, I’m not exactly the bar you should be shooting for if skill is what you’re after. Actually, that’s not entirely true. If you played as well as me, it wouldn’t take you very long to gear up and get some titles and stuff-and I’m awful. But-and this is a big ol hairy but—I’m determined. Seriously a case of ‘If I can do it, surely anyone can.’