11.1 Hunter Changes (MM No Pet - Pack Leader rework)

This is a moronic change and everyone who like are as much moronic, removing the pet maim the spec in PVP and any other content that isnt M+, its just bogus.

They could have simple make lone wolf work like grimoire of sacrifice from warlocks, they chose the godamn worst option.

I would be LESS pissed if they removed the pet period, the fact they are trying to shoehorn this lame bird that sometimes do something is what grind my gears, how facetious and dishonest, like, “we took all your pet, you will use this freaking bird now nd you will godamn like it!”

Its for the surprise of no one Snoozy is being the condescending tw@t that we know and love, heads up: dont engage, he is an elitist FOTM who dont care about things as long his group carry him.