HUGE Imbalance in the 8.2 crafted items

800 ore is not statistically relevant, it is only 160 prospects. Telrya is the only one with close to something reasonable when historically I think we have been looking at a 1.5% drop rate for the rare gems.

I am not trying to feel important, just trying to point out that after a similar event with the 8.1 rings, Blizzard intentionally limited the ring to two colors creating an artificial demand. So this is working as intended.

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it did do something, sure it didn’t reduce the cost of the first craft, but it cut in half the costs of the 425 and 440 crafts, and cut rerolling costs by half as well since scrapping the ring gives half the gems back. sure it’s expensive as hell still and needs further fixing, but saying it did nothing is a bit disingenuous

scrapping the ring gives back roughly half the gems used to make. for example the 410 gives back 17 red and 17 green gems in order to lessen the burden of crafting the next ring.

i still think they need to go further and increase the drop rate from prospecting significantly, but this was at least a start (hopefully they do more because with the lack of high ilvl crit haste rings, i’m gonna be dropping a pretty penny making this regardless)

whether it’s intended or not, it’s still worth pointing out the absurdity when compared to literally every other crafting profession in the game. you seem to be playing devils advocate for something that is incredibly inconsistent and quite frankly makes little sense.

the current JC model not only requires a ridiculous amount of gold to craft it’s item, but also ruins any chance at JC making profit by selling stat gems since the markets are getting flooded with them by other JC getting more of the non red/green gems than they know what to do with. this isn’t that difficult to understand.

i’ve made the 425 ring and im sitting on 150-200 of crit/haste/mastery/vers gems. you know how much these are going for on my server? <100g each. you might say oh thats like 80k gold, but good luck selling them with all the other JCs constantly undercutting you, when there isn’t that much demand because sockets aren’t THAT commonplace. and lets say you do sell them all by some miracle, that comes out to roughly 80k gold, which is still only about enough gold for about half of a single craft.

So why would you go JC if the craft costs a disgusting amount of gold, and it isn’t that lucrative otherwise. you could just buy cheap gems on your own and not worry about crafting them if you didnt want the ring, right? well unfortunately for people who find fun in getting the best gear possible, there are no viable options for high ilvl crit haste rings, or vers mastery since they dont drop in eternal palace. but just because we are willing to put up with this broken system and craft it anyway, doesn’t mean we cant point out the ridiculousness of it all.


Not to mention people whose characters have been jewelcrafters for years, and are now getting shafted because they didn’t take smithing or tailoring or whatever.

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yup, the profession is a joke in every way in its current state :confused:


Prospected 5k ore, just enough to get my rank 2 425 ring. That equated to 250k gold (10k per stack on my server) or roughly 19 hours of farming. (200 per 45 minutes with flying for me).

I also found the drop rates to match those listed on wowhead from PTR testing.

This is a bitter pill to swallow for something with random stats and I can’t believe this went live.

Actually all these cost ZERO as ALL of the mats can be farmed. It is NOT like the chopper or vial of sands that required you to buy something from a vendor.

That is not even close to true, unless every item you looked at had 2,000 or more listed in the AH. Only when the cost approaches the AH listed price (for every item) will that become true.

And 8.2 is only 3 weeks old. It is ABSURD to imagine the “price now” will be "the price 5 months from now: either the AH asking price, or the set of raw mats needed to make the item.

Blizzard does not balance a 2-year expansion based on “the prices during the first 3 weeks”. Neither should you.

The point isn’t that the cost is intrinsically unreasonable. Other crafted items have had similar investment requirements in the past, although not for quite a while. The issue is that, compared to all the other crafted items, the JC rings are disproportionately hard to make. It would be the equivalent of the 410 engineering helm requiring 3,500 Osmenite Ore to craft instead of 150.

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Time is money, friend!


If they don’t balance a 410 craftable around the first three weeks, they’re being stupid. The 440, sure, it should take months, but it’s supposed to be gated by raid materials, not by gems.

It is intrinsically unreasonable, though.

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Yes what I said is indeed accurate. Perhaps you did not read my two posts in their entirety. I will repeat it for you, the ah data given was taken from the Undermine Journal which is a website with aggregate data on ah prices for every item listed on the ah. In particular, all of the 8.2 associated crafting materials. Furthermore, they did in fact number in the thousands or tens of thousands, meaning actual statistical representations of their rarity. The methodology is, indeed, quite sound.

I never once said that the “price now” will be “the price in 5 months”. What I did refer to was the long term forecast on the prices of the various crafting materials. I actually made a second post a few weeks after with renewed stats which show the current (at the time) trend. But there most certainly will be an lower bound which these prices settle into due to saturation and market demand. The important thing to consider is the rate at which this occurs for the various materials. For example, it would already appear as though the cloth materials have hit this value. ALL crafted items from professions with the exception of JC cost less than 100,000 g to craft their item (in some cases, 2 items!). At the time of that post, the JC ring was over 400,000 g!

This is not a 2-year cycle we’re talking about. Realistically it is a 6 month cycle, maybe slightly less. In roughly 3-4 months, 8.2.5 will likely come out with the various catch up gear. Then another 1-3 months later we’ll get 8.3 and the gear will be obsolete. In practice, a mythic raider should be able to craft their max ilvl gear pieces 2-4 weeks into the raid tier (depending on raid crafting material restrictions). For a lot of average teams, 2-4 weeks into the mythic tier means you’re likely 3-5 bosses in and already have access to most gear slot pieces (although those particular ones may not be “ideal”). What would be the point of being able to “finally” craft the gear months into the tier when you have already gotten your mythic drops?


This needs to be address now. Right now, as in hotfixes this week. Guilds are now progressing on the harder mythic bosses such as Ashvane, and we cannot prepare with 440s of our own because the cost of the materials is so out of line with the other professions. This is a direct result of the abysmal drop rate for both Sage Agate and Azsharine from prospecting. I prospected 2,200 ore today and now have …

108 Sand Spinel     |   10g (21g cut)
 92 Dark Opal       |    5g (9g cut)
 86 Lava Lazuli     |    8g (25g cut)
 80 Sea Currant     |    5g (5g cut)
 72 Leviathan's Eye |   20g (40-80g cut)
 27 Sage Agate      | 3000g (50g cut)
 13 Azsharine       | 2800g

The prices listed above are from the Illidan AH tonight. I farmed 400 and bought the other 1800 for 85k gold. I am not even close to crafting THE FIRST RING. It would cost at least another 85k gold to directly buy the remaining gems I need for the 410, but actually way more because the Azsharine quickly goes up above 4k after the first 10 listings. To craft all the way to 440, it would take well over 400k gold, even with some of the gems being returned when the previous ring is scrapped.

People are mass prospecting like crazy right now to either craft the ring or take advantage of the inflated green/red gem prices. This floods the market with the other gems, including the Leviathan’s Eye, so they are essentially worthless.

The drop rates need to change so that Leviathan’s Eye is the only rare gem from prospecting. If I got 13 Leviathan’s Eye instead of Azsharine, that would make more sense. The green and red gems have no business being a lower drop chance than the other gem colors. I should have ended with 80-90 red and green gems as well.

On large servers the market is already ruined and I doubt the prices of the other gems will ever recover, but fixing the green and red gem drop rates will at least get us our rings in time for progression alongside the other professions. In the future more attention needs to be paid to these drop rates to avoid another ruined market that lasts an entire patch.


The lower bound for AH prices is just over vendor price. Looks like it’s already there on Illidan.

Lava Lazuli: 6g
Sea Current: 14g
Sand Spinel: 14g
Dark Opal: 15g

Leviathan’s Eye: 90g

Sage Agate: 2,400g
Azsharine: 2,400g

Prices as of July 23rd.

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Still waiting on a response from Blizzard on this clearly broken system. Are we going to see changes while the ring is still relevant to progression?


Again, still waiting.

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It is horrible. I will not make my 425 ring ( or 410 ) for the cost… it is insane.

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Shame on BLizzard for preying on players and for supporting bots , we the players we are laughed at .

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