HUGE Imbalance in the 8.2 crafted items

It is horrible. I will not make my 425 ring ( or 410 ) for the cost… it is insane.

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Shame on BLizzard for preying on players and for supporting bots , we the players we are laughed at .

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Thanks everyone for continuing to discuss this topic at such length. I hope someone out there with some influence is reading and paying attention. As with my previous update 15 days ago, I will provide another update with prices so that we can continue to observe the economic trend. This will mark the 3rd such update and the updates have been spread out over roughly two week intervals. These are the updated prices and various statistics as of 7/26/19:

Alchemy trinket: 61,594.60 g (An overall reduction of 28157.60 g since my original post and an increase of 1080.30 g in the last two weeks)
Blacksmith belt + pants: 38,916.15 g (An overall reduction of 74,590.80 g since my original post and a reduction of 34,154.55 g in the last two weeks)
Engineering helm: 26,067 g (An overall reduction of 49,332 g since my original post and a reduction of 20,362.50 g in the last two weeks)
Jewelcrafting ring: 491,708.40 g (An overall reduction of 499,962.24 g since my original post and a reduction of 2187.6 g in the last two weeks)
Tailor gloves + pants: 14,455.70 g (An overall reduction of 7,257.90 g since my original post and a reduction of 6,416.20 g in the last two weeks)

Overall there was a reduction in price of:

31.37% (overall) and +1.79% (uptick last two weeks) for Alchemy
65.71% (overall) and 46.74% (last two weeks) for Blacksmith
65.43% (overall) and 43.86 (last two weeks) for Engineering
50.42% (overall) and 0.44% (last two weeks) for Jewelcrafting
33.43% (overall) and 30.74% (last two weeks) for Tailoring

A few things we can note. The first is that the alchemy trinket saw an uptick in the last two weeks and that is due to the increased price of Anchor Weed as it is used for the new flasks. With mythic EP being released since my last post, the demand for such consumables has increased.

Next, the mining based crafting materials continued to see the same trend in overall price reduction as my post indicated two weeks ago. This could mean a couple of things. It could be that the supply of ore has remained relatively unchanged and that demand has decreased, or it could mean that the supply has continued to increase at roughly the same rate while demand has remained constant/slightly decreased (or some combination of the two).

Tailoring saw a sizable decrease over the last two weeks and considering the invariance of the cloth material in the previous two weeks to that, this leads me to believe that demand is down while supply has remained the same.

Dismayingly, Jewelcrafting only saw a 0.44% decrease over the last two week. Supply is low but is at least increasing but as more and more people push into the harder heroic and mythic bosses, they’re likely looking for more sources of “easy” to gain gear for dps or throughput gains and dumping gold here which serves to increase demand.

Many of these crafting materials seem to have reached a minimum in their market price trends with supply steadily increasing. If this continues over the next two weeks, then it may just be that these will be the final prices that the Jewelcrafting materials settle into. For many, this will mean never crafting the ring and to that I say, what a waste of a feature.


Just moving my list of links to other threads on this problem here, as this thread has the most in depth discussion of the issue.

There were also numerous other, older threads.

I also have some possible interesting new information which I will put in a separate post.

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Possible small increase in red/green gem drop rate

I prospect for gems to sell every few days. Today, prospecting a stack of gems, I got 4 azsharine and 2 sage agate, which seemed higher than before. The increase in Azsharine was barely statistically significant; the sage agate was not. Because Blizzard uses a linear congruential pseudorandom number generator that has certain issues with streakiness, I wanted further confirmation.

I prospected two more stacks of osmenite, and ended up with 8 azsharine and 8 sage agate total out of 600 osmenite. 16 gems useful for the ring would, with truly random number generators, be statistically significantly different from previous drop rates at the 99.9999% level. If correct, the drop rate of red and green gems was approximately doubled, leaving it still at only one quarter of that of the other colored gems.

This would still not be enough to make a significant difference. Making a 440 ring would still require about 7000 osmenite, about a 350,000 gold investment on my server - and it would take a month for my entire server to mine that osmenite. Getting the best secondaries, which is really the only point of crafted gear, would still be about 1,000,000 gold, out of reach of almost anyone. This might reduce the cost of the ring marginally, and put it in range of a few more gold buyers, but it doesn’t change the fact that the jewelcrafting rings are still basically useless compared to items other professions get.

We still need the drop rate of red and green gems to be increased all the way up to that of the other colored gems, about 8x what they originally were and 4x what I now think they currently are.

That said, if there was a change, it’s a sign that Blizzard is paying attention, which is good. Maybe they’ll continue to pay attention and eventually make a working fix here - again, by increasing the red/green drop rate to match the drop rates of the other colors.

Finally, there’s also a chance that my observations were due to the streaky nature of Blizzard’s LC RNG. I’d be interested in whether anyone else who prospects full stacks of osmenite has noticed any change.

If we as a collective community will not renew our subs until this injustice has been corrected. Blizzard would more likely make a change if it cost them a couple million dollars a month. Been playing for 14 years and i am considering it for reasons like this. Why even has the patterns in game if 10 people per server can even craft.


Patiently waiting to see if this gets corrected before i get my focus leveled up to max rank. I already have more gems cut than my guild will use for the rest of the expansion, just from prospecting for my 425 ring.


Can we get a reply on this issue?

Either tell us that you think JC paying 10x more gold and/or grinding mats for that much longer is acceptable and intended… or that you’re looking into it…

Or just tell us you don’t know what you’re doing, as if that wasn’t obvious, but tell us something…


Ultimately, I feel like this is a business decision.

Yes, they know they messed up.
Yes, they think it’s too expensive.

No, they don’t think it’s important enough to pay (resources cost $/h) to fix.
No, they don’t want to deal with reimbursing everyone that already made theirs… what? some mats? they won’t be worth as much… likely GM will be solicited for this, and end up costing more $/h.

I don’t think a lot of people who already made theirs will be complaining. I doubt anyone has gotten the highest ilvl and remade it enough times to get optimal stats yet, so people who are still working on that will still benefit. The people who already have the optimal ring, if there are any such people, are likely not even to notice.

Just started JC on my rogue and I have never been so shocked. I just did a full run and got the following drops:
145 each of orange, yellow, purple, and blue.
42 red. 35 green.
Why aren’t these numbers more similar? It’s already absurdly expensive to prospect without reducing the odds on the ONLY reason to be doing jewelcrafting by, what looks to be, 75%. The other gems on AH? They are LITERALLY pocket change because no one can sell them fast enough.

This post has been up for a month and no changes have happened. I am appalled at you, Blizzard. Listen up!

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Except the rings are BOP, so how many people use them is meaningless, the rings themselves have no value, and the mats used for the Blacksmithing items are the same as those used for the rings, Osmenite.


The quantity of ore required for crafting the belts in blacksmithing is negligible by comparison. I literally went through thousands of ore to craft a single 410 ring.


That’s what i’m saying. He said everyone uses rings so that increases their value, but these are the BOP rings we’re talking about. They have NO market value.

If this was a 440 socketed ring i could sell the price would make sense.


Oh btw guys, dont forget - We need to reroll the rings if we dont get stats useful to us. I’m down 1million gold and still havent gotten the combination of stats I need. ONCE


On my JC I gave up after prospecting everything I could get my hands on and said some bad words and have not logged on my JC since.


why would you buy j/c rings when you can make rings at 420 with rng trash at rustbolt?

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Still a problem:

I’m finally getting to the point of having my 200 raid items next week. The fact that this still isn’t fixed is beyond ridiculous.


I haven’t JC’d in a few years, but it was JUST THE SAME back in WoD, and in MoP, and before that.

The idea that all colors “should” drop equally often is YOUR idea. It has never been part of this game. It won’t become part of the game, just because you (and some other players) like it.