HUGE Imbalance in the 8.2 crafted items

True that the prices are set by the players, but of course the price will go up when the drop rate from the red and green gems is so low. Since the patch was launch I got 11 red gems, 25 leviathan eyes and 46 dark opals, which means that the drop rate for red gems is way lower than the other gems. This is a problem specially since JC need this gems to create their 410, 420 and 440 rings.


The cost to craft a JC ring is absurd.
The fact that Blizzard cannot fathom why is telling.


Iā€™m sitting on mats praying blizzard changes this before people start crafting their 440 rings. They need to make it so scrapping the ring gives back at least some of the green/red gems, and increase the acquisition rate from prospecting, otherwise people will be easily dropping 2-3M+ on rerolling rings if you get bad RNG. People shouldnā€™t have to gamble THAT much gold for a profession item especially when you compare how painless it is for every other profession. Absolutely absurd.

Some players on low pop servers literally cannot make the ring because there are not enough gems/ore in circulation for everyone, and farming that much ore on your own is madness. If that isnā€™t a sign of how broken the ring crafting is i donā€™t know what is


I absolutely could NOT believe the mats required for the JC ring. Itā€™s beyond any kind of bizarre - even knowing that Blizzard devs donā€™t actually play their game - to think anyone couldā€™ve green lit the mat requirements for the JC ring. 35 each of epic mats plus 3 of the raw BiS epic gems? Who couldā€™ve possibly looked at those mat requirements and not realized they were at least 10-15x too high!~


If youā€™re talking about main stat gems then no worries lmao. I have like 50 of those so I gave like 42 to the guild bank. Iā€™ve prospected so much ore and still canā€™t craft the ring because of the red and green drop rate. I have like 35 and 30 and thatā€™s only because a guildie gave up and gave me what he had lmao.


Iā€™m glad this post has generated such good discussion. I wanted to update this post with current prices since the time of the original post on 6/28/19. These are the updated prices and various statistics as of 7/11/19:

Alchemy trinket: 60,514.30 g (A reduction of 29,237.90 g)
Blacksmith belt + pants: 73,070.70 g (A reduction of 40,436.25 g)
Engineering helm: 46,429.50 g (A reduction of 28,969.50 g)
Jewelcrafting ring: 493,893 g (A reduction of 497,774.64 g)
Tailor gloves + pants: 20,871.90 g (A reduction of 841.70 g)

Overall there was a reduction in price of:

32.58% for Alchemy
35.62% for Blacksmith
38.42% for Engineering
50.20% for Jewelcrafting
3.88% for Tailoring

What we can immediately glean from this is that crafted items tied to a gathering profession for their raw materials saw roughly the same percentage in price reduction (in the mid 30% range) while those tied to rng drops, such as tailoring, remained roughly the same as expected (i.e. on average, as many people are killing mobs today as of a few weeks ago). Alchemy would have had a higher percentage reduction, however the new raid is out and so Anchor Weed prices are roughly 54% higher than they previously were.

Jewelcrafting is a major outlier in its price reduction mainly due to the huge reduction in the average price of Leviathanā€™s eye. On my server (Proudmoore) it was 2094.62 g per on 6/28/19 compared to 279.50 g now on 7/11/19 (the US mean price was 7961.78 g and is now 1704.21 g). This accounts for around 86.66% reduction to the overall Leviathanā€™s eye price. Both Sage Agate and Azsharine have a price reduction similar to all of the other new materials. As others have pointed out in their own personal experiences, the stat gems and Leviathanā€™s eyes drop like candy compared to the red/green gems needed for crafting. The AH prices seem to reflect these general, personal, experiences.

These reductions over a two week span may continue for another cycle or two, but certainly cannot continue indefinitely. I honestly donā€™t think it will continue on like this for more than 1 more two week cycle because eventually it will become inefficient for gatherers to make a profit by farming these various resources compared with other in-game activities. Thus the market will bottom out and prices may remain stable or even rise a little. This is dismaying for jewelcrafters because we would need roughly 6 more weeks, thatā€™s right 6 more weeks, for the price of the JC ring to become roughly 60,000 g and that is ONLY if these trends continue unabated. If the markets bottom out in the next 2-4 weeks, weā€™ll be looking at hundreds of thousands of gold to get our first 440 ring, and possibly more just trying to get ā€œidealā€ stats.

As others have pointed out, JC is really in a sorry state right now. Already the market has become flooded with gems that others need for socketing gear. Prices are through the floor and there is virtually no money to be made. We cannot craft our rings because prices for those materials are too high. You basically just lose/lose if you have this profession right now and that is so very unfortunate.

I have seen a lot of great discussion here in this thread as well as other threads on the Blizzard forums, and even elsewhere like Reddit, social media, in-game, etcā€¦ I cannot even fathom that one or more devs have not picked up on this and so I truly hope that something is in the works to address this because if not, then that simply indicates to me that those designing this feature simply do not care about what is happening, at least not enough to take the time to attempt to solve the issue.


Iā€™ve prospected about 800 ore. Iā€™ve gotten a grand total of 5 Azsharine and Sage Agate combine. In comparison, Iā€™m up to about 22 Leviathan Eyeā€™s.


Yeah, itā€™s nuts just for a 410 ring.


Oh come on. Apparently they hotfixed what you get for scrapping the ring. Still nothing about the fact that it takes 4k ore to get it though.

same issue here. farmed over 1000 ore and not even close to crafting. I will have better from heroic raid in a week. What a waste of time.


was there a blue post about this at all or is this anecdotal?

edit: It is listed in the july 11th hotfixes. at least blizzard did something :slight_smile:

its basically nothing. I dont think scrapping a ring refunds materials other than expulsom

Scrapping a ring should give you a guaranteed gem. Only scrapping a non-crafted trinket will guarantee expulsom from my experience.

This did nothing about the problem. Itā€™s a bug fix that almost no one encounters because almost no one has actually crafted the ring.

Requesting BLUE POST on Jewelcrafting imbalance.
What is the reason for the low drop rate of the gems required for 8.2 recipe?
Why is Jewelcrafting the only one that canā€™t use previously gathered mats for 8.2 recipes? BS and Eng can crafted a brand mount using pre 8.2 mats.
Has anyone on any servers crafted the JC 370 staff that requires the same red and green gems used by the ring?
Is the red and green gems targeted drop rate below 10%?


Blues do not reply on these forums. They are intended to allow players to assist each other.

As for the low drop rate of the gems, has anyone actually prospected enough gems to identify a statistically relevant low drop rate compared to the other gems? Links to the results?

That depends on the amount you consider worthy. I am at 1700 ore right now and am half way to making the useless ring

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Yes, everyone thatā€™s posted on the issue has.

I havenā€™t tracked every prospect, but of the 800 osmenite ore Iā€™ve tracked exactly:

22 leviathanā€™s eye
3 azsharine
6 sage agate
35 lava lazuli
31 sand spinel
34 dark opal
46 sea currant

sage agate drop rate is lower than the four main colors with p<0.005
azsharine drop rate is lower than the four main colors with p<0.001
any result less than p<0.050 is statistically significant.


Some people just like to post to feel important,I think.

The devs created this problem by purposefully leaving out green and red gems from useful recipes up until 8.2 when they left all the rest out except red and green. Itā€™s slightly different in that thereā€™s cuts for the other color epics, but the staves are the only thing that used the red and green rares.

I wish I would have read this thread twenty minutes ago before I dropped 75 pearls on 15 abyssal shards so I could craft the rings that I wonā€™t be able to craft until they are crap.