Hr'ing gear

Should I have read the entire thread before replying, probably.

But it’s clear that the OP doesn’t understand that this is reality in every aspect of the word. I.e. deed restrictions on property where the seller “hard reserves” things you can’t do on the property you purchase.

Lawl, these people.

Then make your own group . It’s an easier way to form and find people that don’t need that item

Join my group. All kt weapons, eye, tier and anything on your BIS list reserved. Pst

I don’t remember it from ye olden days, but even from the early days of vanilla classic tanks were HR on Righteous Orbs pretty frequently.

It just kind of became normalized and exploded from there to where you now have mages HR right and left on a BOE physical damage ring bc gold.

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Put another way, to answer OPs question about where it came from, it’s been a classic thing pretty much all along.

Is it completely out of hand now? Imo, yes.

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Do you want to speak to my manager about it?

Try elaborating by using more than a single sentence.

This has been a thing forever. When I needed Colosal Skull Clad Cleaver from HoL Hc on my Warrior I was forming groups, using my off spec to tank it and made it clear that other 2H users need not apply.
Why take a 10% (??) drop chance and turn it into a 2% by bringing a 2 rets, dps warrior, pally healer and a dk tank that all want the same item?
Now if you want to do the same with 10 or 25 sure, just know its limiting the number of potential applicants to people who either have the item (probably good for DPS of your group) or dont care/just need any opportunity to improve their greens/blues/badges. But its your raid.
You could just say you are full on plate melee DPS and accomplish the same level of funneling gear to yourself until you hit items like the Saphrion quest neck or some leather item…so then you Hard Res.

It happened, you’d just tell the applicant you were full on melee/caster/rogues…whatever your competitors were! Now its an upfront “long haired freaky people needing this item need not apply”
It becomes border line funny when MgT comes with Shard and every tank and mdps in the game wants it and casters/heals dont have any reason to run the dungeon so theres 20 groups of 1 mdps/tank LF heals and caster with Shard HRed. Will see the same with the ToC dungeon trinket here in wotlk when that arrives.

Forming 25m WT group now with my prot pal enchanter.


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Actually, I’m positive it is.
HR happened on alot of servers…

So do Retail Randy’s. They just want the opposite thing on most design choices. IE, lobby-based gameplay that is more like a single-player game.

Yeah. Its a waste of time to login and stand in dalaran. We should just have a lobby and just queue for heroics and raids from there :wink:

As opposed to what we have now where you have a list of dungeons you can choose from and a list of groups you can apply for… Kind of like a lobby game. You don’t even have to say a word to get invited!

I do not like HR but I can only raid when I can raid. If thats my only option its better than nothing. However, I dont join many HR groups unless the piece is of no concern for me, or Ive been running my own pugs on my main.

End of the day though, if you dont like dkp guilds dont join, if loot counsel is too much drama dont join said guild. If gdkp is to sketchy, dont join, if class runs are too exclusive find another, if group loot leads to ninjas find abother way, if your piece is HR, next pug. Loot rules are loot rules and the players should be able to decide.

GDKP runs should be against tos for obvious reason though lol.

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