Hr'ing gear

You make it sound like there isnt an option to join any other raid with any other loot system.

I find it hard to believe you dont have options in your server, all you need to do is get involved.

Around the same time pugging raids started, so a little over 15 years.

Those types of people are best avoided. Put them on ignore and move on. Think they are special and deserve something for putting a group together lol. Waste of your time.

Those are definitely pug issues, but lets not get it twisted. You aren’t pugging out of the kindness of your heart – you’re pugging because you can’t field a raid without the pugs or you wouldn’t bother with the aggravation associated with pugging in the first place. They should refuse to come unless you agree to HR for them in return for them filling a hole in your roster lol.

Concerning the classic releases
people been doing HR since BRD

Personally idc if people do runs like that since ive done them myself.
As long loot rules are announced prior to the run starts then I think its totally fine

you don’t need us to play the game right now either. :smiley:

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Why not? If they’re building the group they can do what they want and you can still need on the piece that you want even if they said they HR it can’t you?

Usually raid leaders have it set to Master Looter so no, you cannot.

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Ah, then yeah, just run your own and don’t go to those raids. Simple.


I would be willing to bet most if not all the people here against HR runs have never made a raid group before. I make raid groups for my alts regularly and the only real incentive is that I can HR an item I want. There is a limit you obviously shouldn’t go overboard but making a group takes time and effort especially if you want a good group. Without the incentive to create a group there will be way less pugs happening and then you will all cry about being gatekept because the few groups forming don’t want blue parsers in pre-bis lol

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Hard Res upfront is better than a random SR (Surprise Reserve)

At least you know prior to start the conditions of the raid.

Imagine joining a pug raid and then something drops off KT and it just gets assigned out. What are you going to do? Leave the raid? They just finished it.

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You can report groups that do that. Assuming you asked what loot rules were at the start of the run, in an ingame fashion.

“What are loot rules guys?”
“MS> OS rolls”

Only grey area at that point, is what is considered MS/OS, but if they just assign the item without a roll, you can report and at least get the item deleted from them.

His group, his rules. Make your own group, make your own rules.

My guild always has a hard reserve on the neck from saph because it makes sense to keep that in the guild but I can understand people being like ‘well it’s my upgrade…’. Our group our rules.

Make your own group and you’ll discover it’s not that difficult to make fair rules.

Why does everything need to be outlawed? God man if you don’t like it just don’t join the raid. If you’re jealous or something form your own raid. A lot of people here seem to think that anything they disagree with should be outlawed, it’s scary to think these people exist in actual society.

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Wild idea here I’ll give you for free - simply don’t join that group.

You can tell this thread was made by a rogue… they always get mad about loot

If I were to paraphrase that supposed useful information…

“it’s your fault you’re getting kicked from dungeons, and not as a result of the system in place”

Oh now we’re going to play the “lets keep things in context” game. Ok.

All roads lead back to no RDF, LFR. That’s the reason things like HRing exist. HRing has always existed, but it feels like it’s more rampant these days thanx to no RDF. Sorry that you don’t like me tying this thread to that, but that’s how I feel, whether you like it or not.

I didn’t feel like I was doing this before; but now, I will try harder to live up to your expectations.

OP thinks people won’t get kicked in RDF dungeons. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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As many have pointed out, if people don’t join the raids, this won’t happen.

If people are willing to put up with it then it should be allowed. People do this with dungeons all the time. You don’t even have to HR stuff just limit the classes to ones that don’t compete with you. Should that be illegal too?

If I run a GDK where I get my items for free, I get a 50% cut and min bid is 30k… and it actually works… Go me.

well well…where should i start? I have few points on your comment.
1st a guild that doesn’t have full roster is not even close to be considerd ready for p2.
2nd providing feasts/flask to everyone is nothing really…any player should be expected to have his own consumables and if not? then those people are worse than being called casuals.
3rd repair bot, what the hell is that? do you expect to wipe or let people die to the point where they need repairs? and if someone joined the raid without 100%dur this proves that the leader ship of that guild lack addons and experience in leading.
4th being progression guild has nothing to do with HR items, you can still progress in next tier raid with whatever gear you have, because being ready for the raid is all about knowing the encounter and knowing how to play your class
5th in the past during cata where certain top 5world guilds where they needed to stack certain class for specific fights as Spine of DW, they filled their raid with that class from outside the guild and they allowed those people to roll on the item drops, nothing was h.r

last point, your whole example proves that only trash guilds does hard reserve items and they are not even trying to be ready, they are only using others and stealing loots because they are selfish and noobs, sorry if i sound mean but nothing allow you to steal the chances for randoms to get loot except that you’re selfish,noob,anti social and tbh such people should get lost and get out of this game. but what can i say, this is classic a re-release of 15years old game played by many abusers and real money traders and elites wanna be so i’m not surprised to see people playing classic and thinking that they are good and it’s ok for them to do what they want to do without caring for anyone’s else, in the end classic keep losing players because of such selfish actions and eventually the game will be empty and cold.

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