Hr'ing gear


Make an HR run? Sure. I dabbled in it to help a homie get DST.

Join a run? Unless I’m getting paid to be there, no thank you. Hr runs need to pay the grey parse tax. Hr items = got to invite not people who will do well lmao

Adding rdf will stop raid gear being HR’d?

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Adding it won’t make it seem as such a big deal.

In Vanilla, there were groups reserving specific items from BrD and UBRS. HR has been a thing for 18 years, and isn’t going anywhere. It was in fact one of the arguments for introducing personal loot and removing Group Loot options. To be fair, the raid lead can HR whatever they want and as long as people are aware of it before the boss dies it’s 100% on them. A classic example is DST which was almost always HR’d, and thusly for those groups you’d almost get entirely non-melee signing up.

If you don’t want to deal with HR’d loot, then look at other options. These include, but are not limited to:

  • SR sign-ups
  • MS>OS runs with /rand
  • Joining a guild
  • GDKP
  • Starting your own group and HR-ing the item you want

i dont see how finding a heroic 5man 30 seconds faster will make illustration of dragon soul (for example) not seem like a big deal. but w/e

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so you’re not even mad about HRs, you just want LFR? lmao wow. i can’t wait for dragonflight to launch if it saves us from this kinda nonsense lol

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well, his group his rules…

i don’t like it but players still join so let’s not pretend we’re innocent here.

Yup I wouldn’t try to tell him or anyone how to play, I just wouldn’t join it.

You have a very loose definition of greed if hard reserving an item is greedy to you.

It’s far more greedy to expect people to not be allowed any benefit from doing all the legwork to build a group.


it should be allowed for sure. If you make a group you make your rules. But I like to keep myself away from HR runs. All these EoE 10 mans with SNR on reserve for example. I mean, the boss drops 2 pieces of loot for 10 people already…In some situations HRing is just a greedy move, but its my job to keep myself away from those.

I usually run legacy stuff solo just so i can HR anything I want for myself :stuck_out_tongue:

This is funny and sad

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It wasn’t all of wrath though, RDF came out in the final patch with ICC lol

Then overwhelming majority of RDF posters are at the stage where they randomly claim that RDF will fix whatever issue a thread is talking about. Ninja looters? RDF will fix it. Hate speech in trade chat? Also fixed by RDF. Long server queues? Also fixed by RDF.

I am undecided if it’s some sort of troll posting at this point, or if they have gone absolutely insane.


They have been told NO by Blizzard so many times at this point that throwing a temper tantrum is how they think they’ll get their way.

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Can confirm that RDF also fixed my marriage, got my dad back with his pack of cigarettes 20 years later, cured my incurable illness, and opened my pickle jar for me.

You take a single line from a very long post where I did, in fact, give the person a lot of
information on figuring out why they were getting kicked from groups.

Repeating things incomplete and out of context in an attempt to make someone look bad- tisk tisk. Be better.

And the fact remains that RDF has nothing to do with things being hard reserved in raids so stop trying to hijack other people’s threads.

Well it is their group. Nothing says you or anyone else has to join them. While we do not HR items much, we will HR them as our guild provides feast and sometimes flasks to pugs that join us(if we need them).

So it would be greedy for a progression guild that wants all their raiders rdy for Ulduar to say HR the gun off kel’Thuzad to ensure their hunter gets it. The guild has 18 of the 25 players going, providing feasts, repair bots, and sometimes flasks to non guildies. But it is sleezy for that guild to make sure their guild is rdy?

Dear god Karen why are you upset about someone doing something that you don’t have to participate in?

Someone else running a group and HR’ing an item, please explain how exactly that impacted you so much you had to come whine on the forums about it.

How thin skinned are you that your brain just couldn’t process this concept and you had to come to the forums and seek out people to echo back your opinion.

When I see someone HR’ing a ridiculous amount guess what I do. I give a little chuckle and within 30 seconds have forgotten about it as I move on with my life.

you need to speak to the manager of wow maybe?