Hr'ing gear

Its called growth. After many years of people benefitting from your kindness in this game and getting nothing in return youve grown a backbone and look out for yourself now. There is nothing wrong with that.

I have zero issue with groups HRing items as long as they explicitly call it out multiple times and before the run starts.

The absolute worst is after a boss is killed “oh btw blah blah is HR’d sorry” Uhhhh what?

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You have no idea what running a successful pug in 2022 takes without spending 4 hours in naxx

The one gear I hr is payment for the fact we haven’t been raiding for 8 hours because I diligently checked every raider and put you in an environment which success is guaranteed.

You too can hr items all you have to do is

  1. Read about 100-150 whispers
  2. Review a bunch of logs
  3. Make sure there aren’t too many of one class
  4. Make sure there’s only one disc priest
  5. Keep the raid organized and professional on discord
  6. Hold everyone in the raid to the same fair standards of play
  7. Distribute loot correctly
    8 . Play the loot police (general pug community often tries to get one over on the raid lead/get special loot privileges after drops etc.
  8. Deal with any mid raid drama/ crazy people/
  9. Replace people randomly going offline
  10. Also play your class at a high level
  11. Be prepared to accept any and all responsibility any kind of wipe

That’s all :slight_smile:


All that doesnt matter because remember that carrying them is more important than anything. People that put the extra effort in, come prepared and perform to their potential should have the same amount of chance at the items as they do even though they refuse to flask, pre pot, etc because you know, hurr durr cOnTenT sO EasY yOu DoNt NeeD tOo

what’s the alternative? ban it and the group leader will ask every invitee if he wants x gear or not before invite. its the same thing.

I explained exactly how HRing and no RDF, LFR are related.

If I see ignorance being displayed, I’m going to call it as I see it.

It’s very simple. HRing exists simply because RDF and LFR don’t exist. I kept it all within topic whether you like or not.

It’s also pretty interesting that you think I’m constantly posting about RDF all day and in every topic I can sneak it into. None of it is true of course, you’re just making things up.

Sounds more like what I have to say about RDF stands outs so well that it has forced you to take notice and you can’t stand the sight about me being absolutely right and you absolutely wrong.

Classic Andies have this weird obsession with trying to dictate or punish players for not playing the way they think they should be playing it

Doing the bare minimum as a raid member is a joke compared to leading and organizing a successful pug.

I hope I never play with entitled people like you

If people wanna hard reserve like a KT piece that’s fine, but if you are doing a 1 boss raid and reserving 25% of the loot table you are an idiot imo, but yet people still join the raids so who’s the real idiot?

Yeah… it’s really not that hard to lead a pug.

Anyone can pug clear naxx it’s a joke.

If you’re in there for more than 2 hours it’s not a successful pug in my world.

Loot gets handed out at kt with 30 mins on the timer

So, why are you claiming leading a pug is a hard job?

Success = killing the bosses, regardless of time.

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Everyone has the same 24 hours

Spending 4 of them in naxx means you picked the wrong raid group.

Enjoy spending almost a quarter of your waking hours in naxxaramas I guess


That’s not how it works…

Firstly, that’s quite the assumption, but secondly, who cares how long someone is in Naxx for?

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I mean, youre trying to prop yourself up to justify hard reserving gear like raid leading is this difficult task. If you check logs at the door then the raid is running itself bruh, you arent teaching anyone anything

The problem is, Without RDF, I risk running into people like you in PvE. You are exactly what I am trying to avoid.

8 hours of sleep

16 hours

4 is 25% of 16

Yea you are spending 25% of your day staring at naxx on a computer


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You do realize that not everyone sleeps 8 hours… right?

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I feel like usually I disagree with you, but this is pretty spot on. Pugging is annoying to set up. Its your payment for doing so.

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So now you are flexing that you……don’t get enough sleep?

The tough guys are out today

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