How's your slime cat journey?

Sorry to say, but yes. If the majority don’t want to step up, they don’t deserve high end rewards. We’re not even talking high end here, it’s a slimecat in normal raiding.


I’m not tied to normal. Blizzard is better equipped to see where the data falls.

But wherever there’s a majority before the fall, that needs to be where the gear stops and it becomes a leaderboard.

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but majority quit as soon as they’ve completed their chores of attaining max ilvl (on a temporary basis) so it has to be unattainable for most.

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Maybe so. Maybe they wouldn’t if they weren’t put off knowing there’s content they’ll never get to.

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people cry that they’ve run out of content when it stops rewarding gear that improves their character lol.

Better off of having permanent realms with all gear unlocked, then people can push keys on a competitive level without the need to gear up or level characters.

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The majority of the raiding population does normal and above. LFR has higher participation, but not higher exclusive participation. Meaning people who just do LFR and never go above it are a minority of raiders.

I don’t agree with that. I’ve made my point though. I’m not going to argue all night in another thread.

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Please… yall clogged up my thread arguing with 1 person with irrelevant stuff. Yall can go derail a talon thread instead.

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Did you die tho?

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You got tons of stuffs this expansion without having to do challenging content. There was covenant specific transmogs and mounts for all four covenants that didn’t require anything more than completing simple quests. And if you don’t like “dealing with the community” then maybe you should stick to single player games.

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But not everything right? And I pay too. And we agree that at some point in the difficulty scale there’s a huge drop from the majority right? Like at some point there’s a clearly defined spot where it’s just not fun for most of the people playing the game.

To me, it makes sense that that spot has all the content in the game available.

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Non-existent, they didn’t include the cat in LFR so I’m not getting it.


What’s wrong with having “exclusive” content?

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Nothing. It has always existed, will probably always exist, and if anything they should do more of it because it’s cool to have an incentive to play when the content is current.


I’m fine with exclusive content. If the content to get it is fun to play. Like I said. The balance is way off. It’s not even a little fun for what I admittedly am assuming is a majority of the players.

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There is a reward structure for every part of the game. That’s how MMORPGs work. All the content IS available we just choose which parts of it to play. I don’t like mythic plus therefore I won’t get the mount. But the players that do that content deserve it because they put the time in to achieve it. If you choose not to do anything above LFR then that is on you. You don’t deserve a slime cat mount anymore than I deserve a mythic plus mount .


I don’t mind dying over a hundred times on a boss. That’s what I call fun.

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Not really though. Right? Like if you were being honest about it. There was no Mythic Raiding when MMORPGs were still fun to a lot of people. It still worked.

So to say it’s because that’s how MMORPGs work, that’s not entirely true.

More percentage of the population were doing raids in BC/Wrath than today’s higher tier content I’d wager.

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Normal raids and low-mid keys aren’t fun? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Well, yeah, raiding was basically LFR tier difficulty back then. More of a social thing before social media was out rather than people interested in killing stuff that fought back.

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Yea, exactly. Back when the balance was better. So to pretend like having a difficulty Mythic tier is somehow necessary for the game to be an MMORPG seems disingenous.

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