How's your slime cat journey?

Boy are you in for an awakening when you get old. :rofl:


I’m older than you think.

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Video games aren’t jobs. They’re supposed to be fun. Any game that requires more then 30 minutes of “practice” while having to deal with the community is no longer fun.

My goal in playing Warcraft is not to get good at pressing keys on my keyboard or memorizing a overly tedious boss fight. It’s to have fun.

There’s a balance. Questing/Leveling is on one extreme of being unbalanced and a lot of desirable raiding content is on the other extreme of being unbalanced.

And no, they don’t balance each other out. They are just both not as fun as they should be.

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casuals are probably still doing existing open world content. The season was cut short.

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Pugging lower kara +20 was a lot of fun. Tried maybe 15 times for one success. Your definition of fun might not be the same as everyone else’s.

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Yea, thanks for doing the subjective argument. Constructive.

Sorry I didn’t put “My opinion” on everything I type.

But, if we were to see what population does the content, versus not… while it’s relevant and not being carried through… I’d bet I’m in the majority.

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Video games are hobbies. And yes they are fun, especially when they aren’t trivial that anyone can master them in 30 minutes. Like every hobby that’s about manual dexterity or knowledge : practicing and researching will be required to master it.

Then you’re playing the entirely wrong genre. Like game Journalists complaining about Dark Souls III.


There’s a balance and they haven’t hit it for a while.

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But, if we were to see what population does the content, versus not… while it’s relevant and not being carried through… I’d bet I’m in the majority.

So… just do content that’s “at your” difficulty?

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idk, wow has tons of difficulty modes. How can they miss?

M+ has a very wide range.

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And I’m fine with that. But then they have the subject of this topic… Or did you not read? I mean I’ll LFR it up happily and not complain one bit about higher content.

But I want mah stuffs too. While having fun.

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yea people who don’t raid, and won’t raid for the slime cat, whatevers. It’s pretty much irrelevant.

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Unfortunately for you, reward structures need to exist. Higher end play needs to be rewarded. You want the reward, step up.

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Mmm… nah. They don’t.

Not at the expense of fun for the majority.

And I’m not going to “Step Up” and use my leisure time in a way that isn’t even fun.

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I started Shadowlands last month. I think I have a good chance though at my current pace, assuming we have about 1.5 months left to go.

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how would you define fun for the majority?

Were hypothetical full-time realms with all gear unlocked, I wonder how popular they would be.

There’s always demand to make stuff easier regardless of how easy it is.

That said, leveling sucks, just let me create max level characters without buying a boost.

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I’d say up to Normal raid should have every piece of content in the game. Higher than that is just a leaderboard. Not even recolors.

Why not LFR? or just 5 mans or even solo?



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it’s an odd point for normal raid to be the cap. If for the sake of balance, don’t think many would want that.

That said, open permanent realms with everything unlocked so I can just play there.

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