How's your slime cat journey?

Ok so, the problem with the season is that it changed things up for instanced content, but not outer world content.

I don’t think ZM rewards got upgraded in item level or really anything change about them. So anyone that mainly does that content didn’t really gain anything.

Yes they do, because casuals are literally the reason you are able to play right now. Who do you think is buying wow tokens so that you can pay for your sub with gold? Who do you think buys everything in the shop? Who do you think pays $ for subs cause they can’t make gold for it otherwise?

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Again has nothing to do with what’s being talked about. No one cares who you blame for playing what type of content.

This isn’t even what strawman means and literally no one said this. :rofl:


I’ll wait.

So you’re just a disrespectful elitist acting ignorant. Got it.


I’ll wait.


My thread got derailed a bit from slime cat. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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Casuals run keys. Casuals PvP. Casuals raid.

Don’t misuse casual.

Everything to do with what’s being talked about.

Not every season needs a new zone. There’s massive precedent for new seasons starting without any new zones being introduced.

There’s nothing elitist in thinking that people artificially limiting themselves and refusing to do content aren’t 100% causing their own issue.


Week 5, still trying to gear up for normal fated.

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Hello! I have not played Shadowlands because I am a pacifist. The only kill besmirching my record is a critter I accidentally touched when I meant to dismount. I made it to 120 before the squish, and because I have that feat of strength, my player opted not to delete me (whew!).

My xp comes from herbing, mining, holiday quests (that don’t require killing), darkmoon faire profession quests, and fishing/cooking dailies. It is entirely possible to level to max without playing Shadowlands AND without killing anything. You have a great day now!


None of which are “outside” activities.

This isn’t rocket science, dude.

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There’s no mechanic in game that limits you to outside activities.

My point exactly.


Started to progress it week 1 and made it as far as a lfg boss. Sitting in queue for 15 minutes waiting to be accepted was enough for me to write it off. Not for the 15 minutes, but knowing I would have to sit in queue multiple times a week to get into groups and wasting time that I could be doing other things.
They made it more annoying to get, and for no real reason, so people without guilds or the time to be in queue for hours won’t get it. I can accept that I don’t have the time, therefore I wont get it. What I will never accept is the way the achieve was changed and handled after the change. Their silence said more than their words could have.

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Literally got it week 3 (first Sepulcher week).

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Well since I don’t raid I’m not getting it.


Been happy to be done with it since week 3.

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Only in your head. Literally nothing to do with what was said anywhere in the initial point made.

Literally every season has a new zone/upgraded content. Every. Single. One.

Up until now.

Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant.

Yep, disrespectful elitist thinking people with disabilities are “artificially limiting themselves” and are “too stubborn.” You’re done. Goodbye. Ignored.


Better gear up your wallet my boy :laughing:

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Only because you don’t seem to understand my side of the argument.

Legion introduced new zones twice.

It had 7 seasons.

Wanna try again ?

Dude, like 99% of GD “Solo only” players aren’t disabled at all.


How do you know that?

closes blinds, turns off lights


teamed up with a forum buddy for an adventure through all of the raids! it was so fun, and we got our jelly kitten

my favorite fight was the guy that makes weapons and throws spike balls at you



Please take this elsewhere. You two derailed my thread having a pointless argument. I don’t care what legion did, I don’t care what casual means to you. This is about slime cat.

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Well, I appreciate that you think my limitations are artificial… I think. I mean, I am a really poor player. It’s completely not fun to do pugs and get criticized when I’m doing my best. So, I do the things in game that I like, and avoid doing things that make people get mad at me.

Now, you might be wanting to tell me that I just need to work harder and get better. Here’s the thing. I know all about practice. (40 hours a day!) I am, in fact, a musician. I am also getting old.

Given the choice, I would rather spend my time practicing my instruments than spend time trying to improve in a video game, especially given my deteriorating eyesight and reflexes. Since I do have that exact choice, I practice music.

Though I already play clarinet and sax, I am learning piano. My teacher has started me on a Chopin piece that I might be able to master in a year or so. Maybe sooner, maybe not. Thing is, Chopin is like mythic raiding. Believe me when I say I’ll be much prouder of being able to play Chopin than to get any WoW mount.

I wish everyone who’s working on getting the slime cat the best of luck, and I hope they enjoy the journey. But I don’t fault anyone who thinks it’s not worth the effort.


Yes, which casuals can easily do in S4, I agree. Just join a group and zone in.

There’s no such thing as a “poor player”. You can just get better, and that starts with doing the content you’re “poor at”. Repetition is how you get better.

AKA : artificially limiting yourself. It’s fine so long as you don’t complain whenever a patch doesn’t give you 3 metric tons of content for your self imposed playstyle.

It’s an ugly mount, dunno why anyone is even upset about it.

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