How's your slime cat journey?

And yet I tried because I knew you wanted the slime cat. Sorry, I guess?

Well, I can lead a donkey to water, but I cannot force him to drink. Best of luck to you.


he wants the reward, just doesn’t want to put in the effort to get it.


Yup, seems like I showed that I wanted it and was asking for advice, help etc…

Yeah, cya.

Yeah, I gathered.

You wanted the slime cat and didn’t have it. So silly me for thinking I could help you get what you want. My bad!

I pity you a bit. I hope you have a bit more ambition in real life :confused:


As is often the case. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


You came off condescending, so get off your high horse please. If you want to genuinely help people you’d go say, ‘‘If you want the mount, I can help you’’.

Instead of wording your reply like a ‘‘omgerd, a few tiddly hours is too much for you, pfft’’

I only came off as condescending because I didn’t give you the exact answer you wanted. I was genuinely trying to help, but never mind, you do you. I’m done reading and replying. Have the last word! Cheers.


I was trying to be forward and tell you I was fine by not having it. Sorry you have to make things up :person_shrugging:

Trying to force “help” on someone who you know doesn’t want your “help” is condescending. He’s not asking you to fix him.

Your attitude shows you never meant to help.


I still play the game. Why would you guess that an alt is an example that someone stopped playing the game? Just called it quits in S4 after attaining all portals.


Ugly mount, cant fly. I dont raid normally and even if it was doable in LFR i wouldnt waste my time on it. I would rather unsub than run LFR through 3 times, the most boring content in this game.

My GF did LFR back in bfa she was so bored she quit, she plays Final fantasy now. LFR is the worst way to experience a raid they need to detach story from it.


It ended months ago when I found out they wanted me to to sanctum again :laughing:

It really is such a hollow and unfulfilling way of experiencing the content, yeah. :sob:

I resubbed to get it, but my guild fell apart and I find myself playing mostly on my own. I worry I won’t get invited to pugs to get it.

At least someone gets it.

I’m not demanding it to be mailed in for logging in [like some are saying I want it]. And I’m not asking for help, but words matter so try to make it clear you want to help someone instead of moving goal posts to fit your reply.

Nah, that person tried to help. People are just lazy and cry whenever someone says “well you still gotta put in the work to get the reward!”

Of course, someone who 1:1 your own thoughts “gets it”

Grow up…


Not my fault you don’t get it :slight_smile:

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Meh, haven’t done it. Friends who said they’d return for S4 haven’t and I couldn’t be bothered to find a new group :woman_shrugging:. Tbh, I wasn’t really a fan of the model as I liked the original better.

Mine is finished but I was super annoyed the entire time.

Raiding sucks these days. Every pug I joined was like sticking a hot branding iron down my throat.

I do get it. You’re a lazy entitled brat that expects to get a reward just from doing LFR and anything beyond that is too much for you. You literally outlined it… :slight_smile:

(“When did I expect it”)
You are literally having a hissy fit because people are trying to help you get the mount, but are telling you to TRY pugging a NORMAL.

To be so angry, and childish highly implies you EXPECT to just walk into LFR and just get it.