How's your slime cat journey?

When did I expect it? Please show me :slight_smile:
Or do you like crapping on people for no reason just to feel better about yourself.

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Wow, elitist clowns showed up here.


Wow some people who pug normals showed up. Top tier elitists showing the LFR clowns like you who’s boss!


:smiley: working

spat out my drink


And another one.


Never knew pugging normals = elitist.

I guess I can put that on my resume now.


Elitism is about your attitude, not the content you actually do.

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So what are you then? Self-defeatist to counter the elitists?

Because when I think elitist as an “attitude” I think it’d be I’m better/more “elite” than you. I don’t think that.


Get at least 270 and look for normal pugs. You’re bound to get into one. You doing mechanics will be more important than anything else.

I’m a casual.

If you look down on LFR players, then yes, you do.


Got it on week 3. It was not that amazing of a mount, the KSM mount is cool for Spriests, but after that, well, I’m learning other classes and doing mount runs of past expansions.

I don’t like cats and the mount is so ugly. there is no journey

I raided for like 10 hours straight today. Finished all of Nathria and Sepulcher and got my slime cat. I’m done with SL content for now :laughing:


Got the mount a while ago… not sure if the occasion to actually mount it will ever arise

First time clearing any of the Shadowlands’ raids on Normal difficulty and got Jiglesworth, Sr.* the second week Castle Nathria was fated (I missed the first week). Helped my brother and his fiance, both who never raided, get the mount two weeks later.

*Can’t use the real name because the word “jig” with two g’s is not allowed on the forums…

I do not care about this mount or any new ones at all.

I have so many now, I cannot possibly use them all. I have 4 or 5 that are standard for all my characters.

Ground mount
Flying Mount
Water Walking Mount
Repair / Transmog Mount
Optional (sometimes)