How's your slime cat journey?

I don’t really do raids anymore, haven’t seriously since WoD. Have never done mythic+ dungeon content before. I saw this mount and said, why not. Easy peasy. Did quit playing the game 6 months ago or so. Came back with a pretty low item level.

First step, gearing up! I got the junk to make a 291 legendary, cost me like 20k. NP. DiD all that new zones junk to get the 265 belt. A ton of 233 stuff along the way. I can run heroic dungeons! Ran 4 or 5 of those for 249 ilvl stuff. Jumped into Mythic0.

Took several declines along the way, but managed to get into group after group after group. If I knew mythic0 was this level of stupidly easy gear I woulda done them years ago. Ok, into some LFR. Easy again. Few drops yay. Rocking a 263 ilvl, missed week 1 of FATED. Onto week 2!

Clean raid start to finish no wipes, done.
Wait around for week 3! Ran a few more mythic0 to flush out missing set slots. Even gave mythic+ 2 a go. Finished in time, 0 issues. ilvl 270. Week 3 pops up, going pretty well till Anduin. Wipe Wipe WIpe WIpE wIpE… lol disband.

So I was going write that off as a loss. Screw it though, I’ve lead guilds, i’ve lead raids, sure it has been 10 years. I pop my raid up on the custom finder and fill it up to max. I did only grab people who were 265+ and that was my choice. The last raid I was in grabbed everyone who was 230+ and I saw how that ended. Either way, raid ran flawlessly. Another week done.

Recycled weeks yay! Week 1 FATED is back around for a second time. I picked up my token thing for a free trinket of my choice and went with the spiffy one that adds a crazy ton of versatility. Join a random raid, completed!

Lime Flavored Jell-O Kitty is mine!

Honestly props to blizzard for making this normal+ reward. It got me into content I would have never bothered with otherwise. Mythic+ dungeons and normal raiding included. I only bother with LFR if the set looks cool in the recolor it gets (wtf blizz stop with the greens).

As a 100% solo player for the past 5 years, I can say, stop being lazy this thing is easy to get, if you want it, go get it! Stop using anxiety as an excuse to already. I’m on meds and in therapy for it. Get help if you have that many issues. Read a guide or watch a video on how to do each boss, no one will even notice you exist in the raid unless you choose to be stupid and go into them blindly and screw it up. Even then unless it is a complete wipe barely anyone will care!

Now, to get the jailer mount in heroic… and not pay gold xD

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Exactly what I said.

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Hmmm, I think I passed “Don’t give a damn” about a week ago. I believe I am coming up to “Oh yeah! Forgot about that already.”

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Much cooler.

I barely use any other mount than this one now, lol.

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I haven’t really raided this season, I’ve just been occasionally tagging along on our reclears. I think I need 4 random sepulcher bosses?

I have and I just don’t use it like 99.9% of all the mounts I have.

If I really wanted I would have figured it out. I really don’t like it at all so I haven’t bothered.

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nope! we just communicated in raid chat and listened to the leaders. Fights were explained, and we had time to look at the dungeon journal.

we only had a wipe once or twice in all three raids, and they were all super nice…nobody left after dying or anything, which helped a lot too :100:

I’d say the best thing to do is join a guild group looking for additional players if you can - it’ll be a pleasant run.

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I dont really raid as I am more of an M+.

I did it. It was so easy. 10 Boss kills in under 2 hours.

Got it on 3rd week. No swet.

I like the mount for its low profile which is kinda perfect on dungeons. I could use it on PvP but i dont play PvP anymore.

I found KSM Deathwalker mounts too big; although good for show off on Oribos.

I just did my first ever normal raid for Shadowlands and it was actually pretty good. I got in a group that knew what they were doing and was able to get through it without really knowing what was going on, hehe. :smiley:


It ended up ugly, so didn’t go for it. Got the crab mount instead.

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I just don’t have the luxury of guaranteed uninterrupted raid time… And even if I was pugging, I’d feel guilty about having to run off mid battle.

I mean, I could have 2 beers and therefore cut myself off from calls, but I don’t think that would make me a great team member for the raid or be an actual good idea.

Don’t care for the mount, it’s more of a non-canon lore thing you never use in RPs. I skipped it.

What’s a Slime Cat?

Can I eat it?

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zero progress most of my guild gone to classic or ff and i am not keen to pug a raid

if you don’t like eating boogers, you won’t like the taste of slime kitten :100:

I just can’t raid anymore. The time it takes is such a slog I just can’t take it anymore. All the trash mobs etc is asking too much and is no longer designed to be fun but irritating instead.

I was hoping they’d taste like Gummy bears :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I dont ever use it to be honest. Thing looks pretty ehh, would rather use the ksm mounts.
Willl say was super easy to get but just not that great of a mount.