How's MW feel so far?

I think without tear of the morning mana issues are just out of control for classic healing turret style.


My two pennies:

MW Healing in SL is a bit rough but exciting if that makes sense. Granted I’ve mostly done Mythics with friends and one was being a complete idiot standing in the bad, our tank was a Warrior with so so gear, but he and I have duo’d since WoD as Tank/Healer so we coordinate our CD’s.

Fistweaving, man oh man was I excited to hear this was making a come back (I left during BFA right after I got DI Dwarves). I came into the xpac super excited to try a few things out and was sorely disappointed with the experience; I wanted to do it to get mana back and help the run.

TLDR: If you’re pugging M+ on a MW, it might be rough unless you end up with exceptional players. If you can have at least 2 people you know with you that move and interrupt, you might find it enjoyable. Depending on the instance, you can use your mobility to shoot ahead and get a solid drink in. As you’ve read, we’re pretty solid ST healing, if all’s going well and that big pull is all dead but one you can roll ahead and keep the tank up…then sneak in a drink.

p.s. I’m leaning more toward my RDruid atm, because while that’s also a bit edge of your seat healing the utility helps and mana isn’t really an issue.

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The ancient monastery legendary is awesome. That said, I do find it tied to EF annoying. I find I’m using EF in inappropriate situations just to keep the fist weaving buff going to keep up with the moderate damage going out.

I would have preferred it were tied to Thunder Focus Tea, and had a cool down that slightly exceeds TFT CD.

And yes we have mana issues. Bliz put ZERO effort in fixing that coming out of BFA. I find it absurd the mana required to keep up with other raid healers. Yeah Shammies got nerfed, but not in their mana pools. Not that their mana should be nerfed, ours needs to be fixed. IMMEDIATELY.


AtotM would be much better tied to something like TFT like you said, or anything that is not channelled. Or…crazy thought, have it be active 100% of the time and balance it around that. Smart heal, targets healed with renewing mist are also healed when not targeted by smart heal. Have every target with EF active be healed.

It just takes one change to make fistweaving viable for SL. How it is now might be viable instead of a niche for other xpacs, but not this one.


I’m not having the oom issue a bunch of others are having. The only exception being the Generals in Castle when it was just me and a Disc Priest healing. Other than that I sit for a drink every 3-4 trash pulls (and my tank partner doesn’t do small pulls if he doesn’t have too). Maybe it’ll be different once I get to m+10s.

Other than needing to reduce the Mana costs some, and maybe lower cool down on Yulon/Chi-ji the only thing I’d really say needs improvement is our damage output.

I chose Kyrian for my covenant and paired with Chi-ji and the Tear of Morning legendary group healing really isn’t that bad.

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Here is the main MW thread and all of the flaws are drawn out in here. I know it’s posted in the PvP forum, but it still exploits a lot of the problems. If any of you want something changed about MW, I’d suggest posting up in this thread - State of Mistweaver PVP - Shadowlands (Week 1)


Also played during Legion, and while I agree in parts, I still feel like we’re able to keep up a 5 man quite well.

You should still be using soothing to make your Env/Viv instant cast
Use REM (extend dur with TfT) to spread onto the group.
Vivify to cleave heal.

It’s pretty straightforward, and with envmist on the tank with a REM behind it, you can vivify to ST heal the tank for huge amounts. We have huge throughput.

Fistweaving is… Sort of viable from what i’ve observed? Of course this is 100% dependent on a certain legendary.

The problem is our mana – we go oom quicker than any other healer.

I don’t think a mechanical overhaul is good right now, but I would really like them to tweak our mana costs. Going oom early in a fight doesn’t feel good when I see the other healers doing fine.


Definitely starting to get discouraged, people are already not inviting MW monks to m+ runs. Can’t even get into +8’s that I’ve already done now.


-There is nothing good about MW. It does not offer more throughput than other healers. It does not offer a worthwhile raid cool down impactful enough to bring it over other healers. It does not out-mana other healers except maybe disc priest. It does not do enough damage to justify it’s low HPS, and the damage it can do it has to be under far crappier and less consistent circumstances than a holy paladin.

-Yu’lon, the other 3 minute CD we are offered, comes at the expense of 5% of an already tapped mana pool… Yu’lon also does next to nothing. Why was this your choice to give us??? There was a litany of good mistweaver things that you could have historically given us… and this is the sh*t we get? This is another out of season april fools joke.

-We got Touch of death back in the great unpruning which is an actual joke considering we have to be max range and never take damage in pvp.

-Our legendary pieces are extraordinarily inconsequential, our covenant abilities equally so, our conduit choices the same.

There is ABSOLUTELY ZERO reason to bring a Mistweaver over any other healer for any content at all. As a mistweaver main I highly encourage anyone offered the choice of healer, all other things being equal, to avoid taking the mistweaver to whatever content you’re partaking in. They are trash.


Yu’lon might be the biggest heal throughput CD in the game. I don’t think any other healer has a healing CD which can do 300k+ healing. I could almost even see a nerf to it. I Hope not!

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You are delusional.

which part? LoL

I’m all for the part of getting my spec buffed better. I think our mana is hard BUT DANG!!! Yu’lon be really good yo

I PROMISE!!! Yu’lon is really good. Play with it more and you will understand.

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Warcraft Log 1

Warcraft log 2

These are two logs of the best two MW parses and two of the best fights for MW healing. Neither of these examples come close to 300k healing. You are absolutely wrong in every single way. Go away. 260 2s games, 160 3s games, 34 RBGs, and over 20x M+ dungeons done. Yulon is trash. Yulon IS TRASH. I don’t need your promise. Your promise, like your claim of 300k healing, are wrong and bad. Go away.

300k right here btw.
Don’t tell any1. We keep this btw you and me.

edit: We hide our secret together!

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Use it in any pvp environment and I guarantee you it won’t break 20k healing. Ever.

no1 cares about PVP. Have you seen PVP lately? Even Blizzard don’t care lol. Obviously, PVE is what i’m talking about.

Its okay!!! MW monks are in a really good spot currently. This is AMAZING compared to BFA.

EDIT! You all should enjoy this moment. Its only downhill from here if history is anything to go by.

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This is primarily for a collective opinion.
Please be civil, and tell me more.

It feels terrible.

Try reading your passive spells. Yu’lon changed massively when you hit level 59 and became god-tier for throughput.

I think Yu’lon could be the biggest throughput CD out of all the healers right now. I’m pretty sure in a 30man heroic raid I would see 500k+ healing out of Yu’lon currently.

Edit: I’ll try it if i can get a big enough raid and report back with results!