How's MW feel so far?

LOL Don’t.

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I’m enjoying the new type of fistweaving with teachings.

EF on CD, roll renewing on CD, punch and kick.


I’ve been reading all of the input so far!
Thank you to everyone for contributing to the thread and assisting me in making an informed decision.

I find it quite saddening that MW hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves.

Our main MW healer is doing pretty well so far.

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He must be getting 4 innervates and a mana totem to go longer than 10 seconds.

LOL funny enough I’ve been trying to convince my friend to swap to Boomy from feral so he can innervate me

I mained Monk this xpack, MW feels abit weak, I’d like it if they brought back channeled soothing mist while running, and Cacoon while stunned for pvp (possibly make it absorb another 5k or a shorter cooldown) Maybe just do some talent adjustments.

I oom really quick but bosses in mythic+ usually die by the time I am oom.

Wind walker is tons of fun and feels really good to play.


I finally got a solid amount of rbgs, 3’s, and 2’s in this week. All with a positive win rating (if it’s worth noting). I would be satisfied if - at the minimum - we could pop Fortifying Brew while stunned. Now that you mention this, it’s kinda crazy we can’t.

If a rogue pops on me in 3v3, I am immediately trinketing and either stunning, Transcending, or rolling out of there. Fortifying Brew is pushed back to the next time they hop on me, otherwise this would be my first maneuver if I could use it while stunned.

That would be amazing if Cacoon had a reduced CD. Due to the CD, I’m only getting off one of these in a 3v3, with 2v2’s being slower if the enemy team also has a healer. I’m honestly pretty hesitant to pop Cacoon at the wrong time so sometimes I get bursted so quick I don’t even get one off.

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I don’t understand how people are having mana issues I really am not having any problems with mana or keeping up with my other healer’s mana and HPS. I think most people are playing MW wrong truthfully.


Are you talking about raids, PvP, or both?

I noticed a few times in our RBG’s that my restro druid healer called out OOM immediately when I went OOM as well, haha. I also did Sun King’s Salvation and Council of Blood in Castle Nathria and - while I wasn’t even at 175 ilvl - I was on-par with everyone else going OOM. I was smack in the middle for healing output as well.

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OP Is looking for PvE info

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Ah, guess I just saw PVP pop out in the original post when I glanced over it.

Guess comparing the two can be constructive too though. No one responded to my PvP post so I’ve been digging into other threads.

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Fostweaving is complete trash in SL imo. If it prioritized the most injured part member then maaaaybe. As it is now it will hit a party member for a 15k heal that is missing like 50 health while your tank at 50% hp flounders. It’s almost entirely useless.

Looking at your logs you only parsed well on a few fights for normal AND heroic, So saying you’ve kept up with your healers and your mana is fine etc, is fine to say but you seem to only do well on two fights overall. MW does have mana issues, people aren’t “playing wrong” because they may go oom.


Hmmmm… only has data for 4 fights on my logs, and the sample size is two clears, but you have the confidence to say that I only do well on two fights… mkay.

Yknow, the second week where people are still making mistakes that end up with people dying uneccesarily…

I’m just saying, shriekwing and huntsman are your only fights with a parse of 89/96. One is a grey parse the other a blue parse, usually I wouldn’t care but you are the one that said that people “are probably just playing MW wrong” I just don’t like that kind of attitude. And yea I do have confidence cause that’s what’s reflected in your logs :blush:

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Theyre literally almost the only fights I have any logged data for too… zzzzz

I am one of those people that like to do all my solo content as MW also (wq, torghast, etc) however compared to all my other healing classes, MW damage output is ABYSMAL. Not to mention they are squishy af, its a real shame coming from the days of legion when they were fantastic imo.


I think MW is super strong atm. The mana part sucks a little bit, but there looks to be ways around it. I’m pretty happy with fistweaving atm as well. Mythic+ isn’t looking too bad as well.

Mistweaver is so much better then BFA. I’m very happy with it. Ancient Teachings is my fav legendary by a mile as well. I tend to keep up with our resto shaman / Hpriest pretty well.

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Ancient teachings of monastery has got be changed to smart heal. The fact fistweaving is gated by casting EF which is a channel is downright that point you might as well have ancient teachings heal everyone with essence font and reduce the healing so it’s not just straight up OP.

I run out of mana less fistweaving but without investing in haste more you end up going in panic mode once someone or god forbid everyone starts dipping below 40%. I switched back to the old play style I did and run up to dps and proc AtotM when everyone is taking very little damage is showing me it’s a bit of a niche in dungeons. Maybe I’m playing wrong or something but for PvE it just seems like something is missing for it to be good.