How's Horde RP here?

And the butchering begins.


It got wholesome in here for a good…few moments before the throat slashing began again it seems.

Ooo make a dead one >:)

If anything its a good reason to steel ourselves and do better for the future. If we follow the advice of the good posters and work together to make a stronger community, we can be better than this going forward. I won’t let the mudslinging in this thread convince me that it isn’t worth the work - because the plans for things going on outside of it convince me that it is.


Its a shame there is so much mudslinging. I am mostly active on Alliance side, and in Alliance side projects.

I don’t always see eye to eye with some horde folks. But what I will say, when I do partake in horde side things. The community is healthy and active.

What I do worry about is threads like this putting people off either side of the fence.

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You’re very right. I cannot argue with this at all. I think one of the most important steps to growing and strengthening this community is to excise this bad blood running around so that when new people do find their way to us, they aren’t alarmed and scared away. When the title of the thread is “How’s Horde RP Here?” and a chunk of it is people calling each other pedophiles, well, there’s your answer honestly. And we have got to change that answer.


Couldn’t agree more dude!

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Unfortunately I think this digs at the RP Community as a whole. People will attack one another over anything. Sling words and rumors and attacks at one another, whether baseless or with proof.

It’s sad, but I think a lot of us on Moon Guard are getting used to it now, which is bad. It’s been this way for way too long. It divides one another and then also makes a massive divide between the factions when we’re all just one big Roleplay Community on a slowly dying game.


I hit refresh and things exploded what

Go elsewhere. WRA is better for Horde RP than MG is in all honesty. On a good day Orgrimmar has maybe a handful of people in it while Stormwind is absolutely packed to the gills. “Oh but quality over quantity” hard to say really when the people that do RP on MG prefer to stick to their own little bubble so I’d still say the quality is dubious at best.

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Likewise to them questioning me, thanks though.

Kinda what MG horde is known for at this point.


I’ve been looking to switch to Horde for TWW to finally be able to do outdoor content with my BF (not on MG). I always resisted because Org is, well…Org. :neutral_face:

But this thread has inspired me to commit to the faction hop and re-imagine some Forsaken characters I played in vanilla. Just gotta decide which clothie I wanna roll. :thinking:

If you see a zombie wandering Org (or UC, or SMC) with a fancy parasol, come say hi. :smile: :man_zombie::open_umbrella:


Welcome to the Dead Zone! I’ll make sure I float around Org today on Sae’themar. If you see a spoopy vampy guy in green then that might be me lol also with an umbrella.


I’m going to do as Sanari suggested and attempt to put past issues behind me.

I’ve rerolled my warrior on Mg-H


I will probably be rolling a new timerunner on MG-H, maybe even make one on MG-A if I am feeling really crazy. :crazy_face:


Hi, I’m the OP checking back after a few days and I haven’t fully caught up on the 279 messages (WOW!), but I really do appreciate every perspective given here, even if there were some arguments.

I’m encouraged by the statement that there’s a tight-knit community and I’m not afraid of smaller numbers when it comes to RP (I come from a very small private RP group in general), so I’m used to working with maybe 10-15 people on a ‘busy’ day.

I’m a little surprised that this thread blew up as it did, as I didn’t expect the level of Discourse™, but I also am encouraged that there’s healthy enough debate and people encouraged to roll new characters!

I’ve been on WrA Horde for almost a decade and it’s gotten to the point where most people RP casual conversations in one tiny corner of the city, while maybe 80% of the people online are OOC-- which is fine if it makes people happy! But I’m really, really, REALLY sick of casual walk-ups and conversations in taverns that end after maybe 20 minutes.

I hate joining external Discords, but if it’s a necessary evil to try and find people, I’m willing to do so!


Looking around The Discourse, I think there is genuinely an interest in seeing H-Side thrive, so I think the thread’s served a good purpose! I’m excited to see what comes of it and last night I did see people RPing up in the Valley of Spirits.

That’s great for you! I love that for you… However…Like I said I’m only pscific time in the summer. I work in retail with more of a set schedule now but most guilds run events when I’m about to get for bed. Other times it’s been when I had to close.

Winter I shift into Mountain time which presents the same issue. If people ran events a bit earlier then it’s fine. But thats what happens when you have to be up at 4am and work 6am to 2:30pm…

It’s great that things work out for you. But understand that other people live and work differently. And the important thing is to remember that it’s fine. Nothing i said takes away from your experience. So please do not act like my experience takes away from your experience.

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Welcome back! I’m glad the discourse didn’t discourage you, too.

Horde side does have a sparring night coming up, and I know a pride parade is in the works, as well. If you’d like to join either of these events, definitely come see everyone! We have portal slaves ahem warlocks that will be able to summon, even if your character is low level.


A lot of the worse here are toxic positivity. Ill believe it when I see it that horde tries to be more open and receptive to new comers. Until then, stick on your “recovering” mode.

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