How's Horde RP here?

Hello! I’m just curious and taking a pulse check, given that WrA Horde seems a lot emptier than I’m used to, and I’ve seen a lot more Horde on MG than I expected. Is Horde on Moon Guard recovering, population wise?


I think it will be. I’ve noticed there’s a lot of Horde doing the Pandaria timerunning thing so I imagine there’ll be some alt armies up and running once War Within starts.

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I did two horde Character. I wanted to try join a blood elf guild that is supposed to exist but saw nobody in over a week. There’s a discord but it felt dead so I left it. I think Horde is kind of dead here to be here. Maybe if you play it with a friend or two it might be better but coming from solo and trying to be part of a group… I can’t say it did the same impression.

Not trying to prevent the horde growth here, but it’s just my honest two cents.

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Horde RP on Moon Guard is definitely not what it is on Alliance; the community is considerably smaller (though that’s not to say nonexistent) and it is much more difficult to find the kind of walk-up RP that you would in Stormwind in its counterpart of Orgrimmar. Much of the RP is relegated to guilds, public events, and making individual connections with those that you manage to network with, and perhaps the Discords that do exist can help facilitate that.

Take the following with a bit of a grain of salt, since it is only my personal experience, but I will also say, simply as a matter of flavor: The general tone of many Horde groups on Moon Guard seems to trend towards embracing more of the aggressive Garrosh / Sylvanas aspects of the banner rather than the ideals and values of Thrall’s era.

In my own experience, it is difficult to find much common ground with a character perspective that doesn’t particularly mesh with that tone unless you do a lot of networking to find people or otherwise build something yourself; but it would be wonderful if there were to be a revitalization of Horde RP on the whole to make things more approachable, and I really hope that War Within brings at least some interest to that side of the community as well.


There is a good portion of horde stil on MG and every day as we careen towards TWW more people come back. I would say that HMG pop is recovering. As well as we are still very active here, just less standing around in org for city rp and more event based stuff.


I would like to disagree, depending on what interactions with people you have come across. While the rppvp guilds do lean towards the Garrosh/ Slyvannas horde. There are at least 4 guilds I can think of who do not.

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Yeah, I’ve been kind of trying to slam on that same drum, Koha. We are here! We are doing things! We just don’t stand around in Orgrimmar. (Honestly, I hate Orgrimmar for RP… and because Undercity is still messed up I can’t even hang out there too much.) Lately, War Wolves have been on a little break after like… what… 2 or 3 months of straight rp campaigning? We definitely need to do a little more publicizing so that people can stop pushing the ‘Horde is dead’ line.

War Wolves and Stormtalon have been doing a lot of heavy lifting and slowly growing. We also have smaller guilds trying to build up… there’s room to grow for sure, but that’s part of the fun is in the growing.

If you’re looking for something that’s quick, instant and practically on demand, Alliance may be more your style. But as said already, we emphasize longer term stories and event based roleplay as our meat and potatoes.


Horde rp in general has been lacking kinda everywhere sadly. I swapped after the whole sylvanas fiasco in BFA.

Horde used to be a kind of wide berth for anyone to roleplay as anything. Now it’s more of a bad guy faction and that lost its appeal to me.

That being said, moonguard is probably as good as anywhere to go!

This is really encouraging, I’ve been seeing more Horde timerunners and I hope this means there’ll be an explosion of Horde on Moon Guard at the end of Remix! I’ll roll an alt and see what happens :slight_smile:


Undercity Nexus is still unalive and rotting out here! We are as active as a mold on a corpse and thriving. Come join us in the dead zone.


It’s been “recovering” for over half a decade.


And Horde Roleplay on Moonguard will contnue to recover until its no longer doing so. In the last five years MG-H has flowered into great community events, campaigns, and a presence that has gotten us noticed at larger rp community wide events such as TOA and Conquest. I appreciate you have noticed our progress over the last 5 years.


You want some steak with all that salt?


Pretty dead, most the horde here are strange PvPers/griefers with OOC profiles.


That’s a very shallow sight on the community.

Is it small? Absolutely.

Is there a ton of walk up and talk about your military and sexual escapades? Nope.

But are we dead? No, we aren’t. There’s several large guilds filled with good people that want to tell good stories. And more than anytbing we want people to come over with a genuine interest in Horde roleplay. There’s a ton of Alliance alts that have been dumped e erywhere Horde side that don’t care about the lore.

Now, to address a previous post - yes, there is a militaristic mindset here. But that is because that is what guilds are still alive here. There isn’t a bunch of troupes and duchys and what have you. Characters here, ICly, have been forged in war and battle because of the lore. Take War Wolves for example - we aren’t just running around burning trees and enslaving non-orcs. But we also don’t cow down to Alliance ICly.

People that should be speaking to the health of MG Horde, should be people playing on MG Horde and didn’t just make an Alt, log in, and then abandon that character somewhere in the muck.


If your only RP is guild RP, that’s like saying a server isn’t dead as far as RP goes because there’s discord RP. It’s like saying Earthen Ring, and other RP servers where you basically do not get any RP - because there really isn’t any to behold, are not ‘dead’. Technically speaking, there’s non-zero RP because of some guild or events between friends. But that is not what people mean when they say the RP scene is dead. They mean walkup RP, and seeing RP in the wild just running around. Which does NOT happen on Horde MG.


Never argue with someone who is determined to misunderstand you.


So the health of a faction is entirely dependent on how much shallow, one shot walk-up there is?

Let me paint you a picture of my time on Alliance. I walk up, and RP with someone for hours in SW. It’s good RP and has plenty of open hook for follow up. And then that never happens and things just fall off the face od the planet because it’s just some random you met in SW. And by the way, thars the only place people want to RP, is Lions Rest or Mage quarter.

Now let’s shift to Horde side in an active guild. I have multiple great stories going outside of the guilds storyline. My character has met and bonded with people he never otherwise would have met or interacted with. If I want RP, I know that if I log in, someone will be on and 9/10 times to do so.

That’s not even touching the inter-guild stories and relationships as well.

Walk up is shallow and short sighted and not a good judge of the health of a community.


People look for not just RP events, but things to do inbetween if you were unaware. Instead of just doing RP every great once in a while, they do it daily. I know that’s a hard concept from someone used to only getting RP at events.

Duskwood, among many other walkup locations.

You get that, way more frequently on Alliance, because there’s MORE events to go to not less, on TOP of all the walkup RP.

There being walk up RP is a good judge of the health of an RP server, actually.

Why are you, an alliance player, attesting to the health of our community? Who even are you?

If you’re happy where you are, stay happy. Don’t bring your negative attitude here. You’re only perpetuating the perception you have with it. I don’t know what experience you’ve had on Horde and I’m sorry for it, but I’m thrilled with the engagement I get. I’d love nothing more than to extend an invitation to everyone to come and hang out with us and try a new vibe.