How you become OVERPOWERED in EVERY Raid!

Do you remember the first boss, Tarragrue, from Sanctum of Domination raid in World of Warcraft? The boss fight was notable for players being able to empower themselves with 4 Anima orbs.

It was one of the easiest but most enjoyable boss fights due to the feeling of being overpowered. I suggest applying this system to other areas of the game to make them more entertaining, particularly in PvE where there is no competition (such as NHC/Heroic Raids).

Here are my suggestions:

  1. In LFR, after each wipe, the group does not gain a 5% strength buff. Instead, each player can empower themselves with an additional Anima power after each wipe, up to a maximum of 10. This would allow the raid to be carried after 10 wipes if the group is struggling.
  2. In NHC, at the beginning of the raid, three Anima orbs could be placed that would provide a bonus against the first boss. Additionally, after each boss is defeated, all players would receive an additional Anima power. This would make NHC less progressive and more casual-friendly. Optionally, players who did not participate in a boss fight would not be able to collect boss Anima, giving guild groups or other premade groups an advantage.
  3. In Heroic mode, players would receive 1 Anima power per defeated boss, but there would be no Anima orbs at the beginning of the raid instance.

I would not recommend using this feature in Mythic content as it is competitive and should remain balanced. For the same reason, I would not recommend this feature for PvP.

Thank you, and I look forward to your comments!

Hey, you! Take a look into some of my big suggestions for WoW and let your comment there! :slight_smile:
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nothing like being at the bottom of the dps meters because the slot machine decided you wanted 10% increased health!

When you have to choose from three options and end up with the worst one multiple times, you have really bad luck. However, it is important to note that everything you receive is a bonus to your normal stats and will not weaken you.

Tarragrue was a meme boss because it had the most awful design of any bosses.

Let’s not repeat that mistake again.

I get no enjoyment out of being overpowered.

No thank you.

We should not encourage intentional wiping for a few more buffs.

(X) Doubt.

In short, you want raiding to be even more confusing for casual players.

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It was notable for how brain dead it was to the point warcraft logs didn’t even give points for it.

You’re ideas are pretty terrible. LFR is braindead as it is and should be made even more complicated than it needs to be.

Fixed for you.

Your idea is okay… to use Anima powers. But the Bosses should be made more tough when you add Anima Power to us… Bosses should not not be a faceroll.

But to me, I dont want Anima Powers becoz of imbalances that it would create. I dont want to hear… “I was outdps’d by a player 10 ilevels lower than me becoz of lucky Anima Power.”

Like what you’ve heard on Hunter whinings on Raz Bow. Those who has Raz bow are currently outdps’ing 10 ilevels above them who doesnt have the bow. That’s why it would be nerfed.