How would your character insult the character above?

I don’t know if I’d be insulting anyone’s hair when yours is making a full retreat up your forehead


Were you hurt by lordaeron’s fall so much you encased yourself in armor, or do you have a face only your mother can love?

“Thokk”, huh? If ya parents were gonna be that basic they may as well have gone with “Bob”.

((Excuse you, it’s Vegeta-hair))

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Is the green in your hair dye or do you get grass stuck in there when you do your rituals?

There’s so many phenomenal marvels of power in the world. There’s magic and technology in great variety and volume. But you, my Orcish Warrior dearest, have somehow left us all in awe – with your hammer, and how you’ve figured out to hit things with it. Bravo. :relieved:

“And what advancements have your kind made? Ya know, besides getting your smoking asses handed to you by everyone you’ve ever picked a fight with.”

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“You probably don’t even have a vault in the bank.”

“I’ve seen Ghosts that are darker then you. Go outside and get some sun, you tall pale one.”

“Tell me mon, if you hadn’t lost the bet, which one of ya guildmates would be the one with pink hair?”

“Being one with the elements doesn’t excuse you from bathing, you oversized fungus-covered kobold.”

Was the haircut intentional or a result of how poor you are with an axe?


For an orc designed to look like a walking furnace full of fire, your insults are surprisingly cold and lifeless.


You do a fine job of being a living mockery of what the Pandaren stand for!

Oof. Lady Liadrin’s standards for who qualifies as a blood knight have certainly dropped in recent years.


I see why Alliance knights are so few in number, you’ve been eating them all.


Do you blood elves even know anything eating? You all look like sticks! Or is your species to busy having it’s head up it’s collective pompous rear to do that?

A hammer and shield? What kind of orc are you, pathetic. Where’s the axe? Unless you plan to drop them and accept my fel gift, you no room to talk.

Those are big words for a glorified Hallow’s End decoration.

What’s the point of having a gap in your helmet like that? Mid-combat gluttony?