This is In character ONLY. If your character saw them on the battefield or a neutral zone or something. If your character wanted to insult the character above what would he or she say. Hold nothing back.
For example:
You are truly are a hideous Orc. I’ve heard tales of your grotesque acts throughout Azeroth.
Zandalari. First you built a failed empire, then you tried to suck up to the Thunder King because you were afraid a few little quakes meant your island was sinking, and now you come crawling to the Horde. Imagine failing your empire so hard that you join two other failed empires, and cause their ultimate chaotic collapse as well.
(Crazy thing is, Fal doesn’t even hate the Horde. Just the Zandalari. Fought on the Isle of Thunder and trusts them as far as he can kick them )
You orcs are primitive beast who has slain many of my people. Reading books will do you no good. You should be off swinging a axe at an alliance. Filthy orc.