“All that armor and you still can’t fight your way out of a paper box. You probably couldn’t kill a murloc if you tried your hardest!”
“That’s rich comin’ from the Blood Knight!”
So who’s bones did you have to take to replace your old ones?
Yo mama’s, boyeee!
If that was meant to be an insult it was pathetic
“Family, friends, DEATH TO THE LIVING!!! These are what matter most.”
I’d have you for lunch, but I only eat brains.
You’re no different than the Scourge.
You’re no different from the elves.
(Yes, for trolls this IS an insult)
I was unaware that being clean and wart-free was an insult.
Not really clean, given you be covered in somethin’ much worse, it be called void.
How’s the weather up there?
Look, I know orcs aren’t the brightest, but you need to understand… ovens and armour are two different things.
“I don’t need to insult you. Your void-addled presence is enough mockery as is.”
So what’s it like being a walking can opener? Can I wind you up and make you play music?
You used a word with three-whole syllables! Impressive. Do sit down and take a break. You’ve earned it.
Let me guess:
Your favorite color is blue, you like long walks at night, you oil your beard and hair, and you’re really soft and caring?
TF outta here with your well-dressed shenanigans.
If you don’t oil your beard, you should consider it. Potential partners might actually find you attractive if it wasn’t somehow prickly and greasy at the same time!