How would your character insult the character above?

Most people want to be able to smell something other than their own sweat and slightly crispy flesh, which I suppose you wouldn’t understand. Do you even have a nose?

If not, he could always borrow yours, given its so high in the air I doubt you use it.

So you’re a hunter, right? I presume you walk up to your prey - I can’t imagine you running on those stubby little legs

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You Ren’dorei know all about running, don’t you?

Oh, yes, blood elves.

Hold a grudge against Garithos for decades, but Prophet Velen can’t even get a Winter Veil card for saving your entire species from extinction.


Keep hearing mainlanders are smart.

Guess that was just a myth, like Stormwind being a good geopolitical ally.

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I thought Kul Tiras was known for its cheese…

Didn’t know they were known for their whine(wine) as well.

You are awesome, for a human! :heart:

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Yes, just go back to using the Sunwell. The same Sunwell that, when previously destroyed, nearly doomed our entire species. The same Sunwell that nearly got itself corrupted again when Alleria Windrunner simply went on a WALK nearby. But that’s fine, just keep using it. I’m sure it’s not fragile.

… I give you three months before you’ll be BEGGING the Ren’dorei to come back and save you from your foolish weakness, Blood Elf.

How’s that human boot taste?

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How’s that Orc boot taste?


How’s the tentacles taste?

Which murderous tyrant are you fighting for today? The Thunder King, Zul or Sylvanas? Sorry I keep losing track.

Probably Umbric in a couple years because looks at script no wait, probably Turalyon or Alleria.

If you’re going to fight where’s your armor, I thought you were a paladin, not a street urchin.

It looks like you chose that armor set because you think limes are scary.

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big stinky

Don’t overexert your mental faculties. Wouldn’t want to burst a blood vessel, now would we?

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Really, I understand. I do. You joined the Alliance. Wouldn’t do it personally, you know, they did forsake BOTH our people after the Scourge… but you do you. It’s fine.

Though, just so you know for next time… I know their colour is blue and all but you don’t need to turn YOURSELF blue to fit in.

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Yeah, i’ll get right to apologizing for that after you apologize for the death camps, the slave labor and the human experimentation you did on your fellow living countrymen in hillsbrad.

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