How would you rewoke bm hunter?

Bake Kill Command into Steady Shot, meaning you have to cast/be in line to Kill Command/generate focus like MM does

This isnā€™t completely being LOS, tons of classes do this currently. How is this any different from MM Hunter playstyle or Ele Shaman just waiting for insane Lava procs? This really also only effects casters considering a Hunter doing this against melee should just be rotated on and run down if theyā€™re pillar humping.

The real problem right now isnā€™t Hunter damage while LOS, itā€™s Hunter damage and instants like you said (Black Arrow damage procs). Barbed shot could also use some DoT damage tuning as well.

Just make Black Arrow needing as Cast as a BM Hunterā€¦or get rid of Barbed shot DoT stacking all together. Kill Command needing a cast when it does 240k damage is dumb and Iā€™d rather they would just get rid of the ability all together instead of making it a cast time.

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Yeah this is the better solution.

I donā€™t think anything in this game needs to be more woke.

:face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_peeking_eye:

Iā€™m just telling you what I see good bm hunters do

if what youā€™re doing is working, keep doing it

Yea pillar humping all game wonā€™t land you a single trap either. Good Hunters always land traps. Thatā€™s the one good thing about traps, it requires the Hunter ā€œmostā€ of the time to take themselves out of a safe position and either into the face of the enemy melee or deep into the enemyā€™s zone if they are playing triangle wizard setup. But at higher ratings in 3s Iā€™m assuming landing atleast one or two traps the entire game is going to be necessary.

Yea I can throw my trap from downtown max range but the travel time of the trap is insanely long so you need to time it perfectly or the healer will just get out of the stun of Fear etc.

Depending on context this isā€¦fine?

Eh, no. When possible/efficient, yes, but you donā€™t have to to win. Sometimes, but not always.

That all depends on who your teammates classes are. If im playing with a Frost Mage or a Feral or Lock for example, Iā€™m not throwing traps or putting myself in bad position since they can handle most of the longer CC chains. But if im playing with a Ret, Warrior or DK yea Iā€™m def gonna be trapping on CD otherwise the healer will just sit stuns and not much else all game.

But then again I always play with a Ret in normal 3s so I always need to make traps.

if ur taking way less damage than the enemy, and doing way more damage

why do you need to trap



Unless Iā€™m just run down behind the pillar while my healer is stuck in a CC away from me. Itā€™s pretty easy to win against pillar humping considering they are already LoSing their own healer 90% of the game. And if the healer is stacking on top of the Hunter? Easy leg sweep, easy FDK double disorient and you can punish that pretty hard. Sitting behind a pillar has never done anything good for me in regular 3s since most games I fight atleast one Melee who just runs me down

Youā€™re putting the enemy healer in a situation where they need to make a play on you, forcing them in, since they donā€™t win through dampening. Meaning they literally will just walk at you and try and do damage if you just keep doing what youā€™re doing, making trapping incredibly easy.

Stop outplaying urself

Arena is just a numbers game if ur a bm


Why would the enemy healer need to leg sweep? I was more talking about the WW Monk on your team or the Warrior shockwave stun or whatever else you can double AoE CC with.

I just never liked pillar humping because itā€™s just never worked for me at any rating since Iā€™m used to every dps in every shuffle W keying at the Hunter. Happened all of Shadowlands, all of DF. Itā€™s just something Iā€™m used too and Iā€™d rather be on the move to land traps.

They donā€™t win dampening

they have to kill you through doing outplays and being really aggressive


BM doesnā€™t survive in Damp either, half of our defensives are heals.

See, this is the issue with BM ever being reasonably tuned at least in 2s

You just poke head around pillars and outtrade most stuff walking backwards

Your biggest defensive is being a 40 yard ranged melee


Oh yea I donā€™t mess with healer dps 2s, itā€™s way too boring. I just queue double dps 2s for quicker matches

Iā€™m still talking about damp in a 3s match. 2s is whatever honestly and yea BM has always been OP in 2s with a disc priest or whatever healer is FoTM. In 3s Hunter in damp is just dead, the longer a game goes the more chance Iā€™ll just be out of walls/Turtle/exhil and running for my life.

Thatā€™s one of the reasons why itā€™s so insane right now, it does so much unhealable damage that games donā€™t last till damp lmao