How would you rewoke bm hunter?

What makes you think hunter is bad in damp exactly

Experience in damp matches when i cant secure a kill. AWC matches where the game goes past 50% damp, like I said we’ll see it this weekend in AWC if anyone picks BM. What I see happening is teams just living into damp with a very tanky comp like Feral/Fmage and just killing the Hunter in damp.

Frost Mage ironically is probably one of the strongest things to counter a BM damage until damp right now with infinite slow (which they aren’t fixing till 11.0.7) and AoE roots.

There’s a non zero chance that Beast Mastery sees a bit of play in awc, yeah.

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Yea it def will, I just don’t think it’ll be that successful if teams just lock down the zoo with coordinated rooting and slows until Damp.

Feral and Outlaw will absolutely eat a BM alive in AWC.

Idk you, but you’re learning the most important part of the video game here and I appreciate you mentioning it!

You must play 2s

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Make BM have one of the three options here.

  1. Some form of downtime in dmg, whether it be casting or some form of mobility nerf.
  2. DMG numbers just flat decreased. <–best option.
  3. Defensives lowered. <-This would fk over other specs.

i used to be a 2s enjoyer until deflation ruined that bracket and also pikaboo smerfing at 15hundo and no it wasnt a good “learning experience”

Love 2s! Favorite bracket lol

Hit top 50 last night!


did you ever face Pika?

Not this xpac

Number 1 would just be a rework and honestly has been needed on BM for a long time. Number 2 seems like the best short term solution.

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Reduce overall damage by 15%.

Then tweak the number and amount of pets during burst.

Let’s say on burst 7 pets are spawned that hit for 50k damage each (random numbers here). That amounts to 350k damage. Instead you could make the hunter spawn 2 additional pets that hit for 175k each, again amounting to 350k damage.

Most the damage profile is on the Hunter, not on the pets. Just pets have to be in range to activate. Pet passive damage is a very small portion (stomp and melee)

Why does this make a difference

You can kite/cc pets you can’t outplay barbed shot

Similar thing with Unholy whose pets do like 2% of its dmg and that doesn’t stop anybody from wailing about it being an npc spec when it isn’t D tier as it is now

Replace it with the old ranged survival, make hunters have 4 specs like druid and grey out BM to queue anything pvp.

Barbed shot is terrible too.

BM should have support for pets, not be reliant on pets and 2 button rotation.

It’s an APM spec. Everything that you do is designed to reduce cooldowns so that you can cast kill command in order to cast black arrow more. It’s the damage that happens passively alongside you casting kill command and black arrow that needs to be nerfed.

On a single target, 30-40% of your damage is coming from basic pet melee. Of that pet melee, about 75% is dire beasts, fenryr, hati, and dark hounds. These things are spawning passively via you casting kill command, mostly. One comes from the actual DB button press once every 20 seconds.

When you move to cleave situations, black arrow starts taking over as the single highest damage source because you’re getting to cleave up to 5 things at full value with each black arrow proc. You could just delete the entire cleave mechanic. BM doesn’t need that passive cleave. It’s supposed to be a single target spec in pvp.

Cut proc rate of DB from kill command in pvp. Cut DB, hati, fenryr, and dark hound damage in pvp. Cut black arrow cleaving from hunter’s prey in pvp. IMO, this is the correct place to trim in order to have a possibility of a minimally viable BM spec that a few people decide to play if they want to. But if they’re going to succeed, it’s going to have to be because they did all of the other hunter stuff right, and not because of high BM damage.

No it’s this one