How would you Retcon Shadowlands in a smooth way?

i agree with the second part, but valhalla isn´t quite the concept of heaven, and …christianity is older then the viking-culture, and we don´t know for sure if the concept of valhalla exist allready during the germanic tribes/celtic tribes …2000+ years ago.

Good, so now that you’ve finally read the quote, you can stop attributing a specific afterlife for very specific souls to the entire night elven people.

That afterlife, by the by, has not been disproven as you earlier claimed. Just reminding you of that.

And none of that disproves the canonical fact that night elves, by and large, and only when Elune makes an exception, become wisps.

Because their afterlife is still canonically correct.

And you are still utterly, completely, totally wrong. Still.

The Vikings predate Christianity by a few hundred years :eyes:

I do like how you keep moving the goal posts.

First they are not actual souls, just shadowly fragments.

Then upon being corrected you try and say that they are souls that only returned due to fel magic. Even though they are stated to be left over souls from the soul engine that was there.

Prophet Velen says: When the Legion vessel fell, it released what remained of the souls used in its creation. These souls wail in agony, lost in ceaseless pain. Please, free them from this torment!

Then you have the anduin chain that basically says the same thing.

I also do like it how you were constantly saying that wisps were not night elf souls but now you are flip flopping between saying they are and they aren’t.

Wisps are the spirits of our night elven brethren who have become one with the forest -

Grimoire would later support this and that was released during Shadowlands.

what are you talking about?

The viking culture was a successor of the germanic tribes and used the same system of beliefes…The first traces of Viking culture date back to 500 AD, a time when Rome was already Christianized and the first Franconian tribes accept it as their religion. Probably descended from Gothic tribes, the Viking Age reached its zenit between 790 – 1080 AD.

Christianity is at least 400 - 500 years older – from what we know so far – than the culture of the Northmen (Vikings).


i didn´t move a bit. We first spoke about the soulengine, then you brought up entire different souls, i even wrote about the soulengine, those souls you posted were never put into the soulengine, they fought against the legion, but was not brought into the soulengine and the broken shore were the most corrupted place in legion on azeroth.

i thought you speak about the soulengine victims, and to this was the “Fragment” answer.

it released what remained!! Remained!! of the souls used in its creation!

again REMAINED! means…its not the whole soul anymore…

And soulengines are - atleast most of the time, the nightborne questline atleast - used to create more fel…maybe in ships they work differently? But our first part of discussion was about the soulengines in suramar…and how they work, the only time we got a description how this machines work

Mate, I provided an example of someone who’s soul was sucked into a soul engine and they died outside of it. And that person was someone who was an expert in the soul engine as he was also sending the souls of the Nightborne he killed into the nearby soul engine.

People don’t need to die inside the soul engine for their souls to be sent to it. And as clearly shown, souls do not instantly get destroyed once they are inside one.

So surely a Kyrian could’ve picked them out if they wanted to.

It could also mean whole souls that were not used. And it will still fit. As they were what remained. I mean if I brought X amount of bricks for a building and I had a few left over. I can still claim that those remaining bricks were what remained of the construction project I was doing.

I also liked how you once again ignored the quest that I linked that directly stated that wisps are night elf souls.

I always do like arguing with wannabe knowitalls who intentionally cry out for sources then ignore them when it directly contradicts their views on something.


the eredardemon …was a demon, right, not a mortal…this is different, the process of the shadowlands apply only to mortal beings, according to the lore, and this is our subject we talk about.

kyrians don´t bring demons back into their realm as far as i know, have you other informations to this subject?

And what about the nightborne he was killing OUTSIDE of the soul engine and sending their souls to it?

I guess they don’t count as they go against your narrative.

And make that another time you ignored a direct quote from the game that said that wisps are night elven souls.

Because I have said – I think three times now – and have shown that the new Lore no longer supports this statement 100%. We have several DEV statements that said that all souls are coming to the Shadowlands, then we have the MAW fiasco par excellence, where there are many Night Elves in it, we have Night Elves that have demonstrably died before and have come to the Shadowlands.

No, I’m not ignoring your statements, you’re ignoring mine.

Except that we have something that was released AFTER your “sources” that say the exact opposite. And that source, while questionable, supports the lore from WC3 onwards.

Not really. As I keep referring to Grimoire and you keep ignoring that.

And it is stated in 9.1 that Elune intentionally allowed those souls to go the shadowlands to help her sister. Which might be why Ta’lora theorizes that Elune has something to do with certain night elven souls becoming wisps.

Wisps are Night elven souls. That is the lore. Deal with it.

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Zahir reminds me of Zerde who keeps insisting on debating me when it comes to Worgen lore. This whole exchange is amusing, watching zahir flail about.

(Admittedly I was wrong about the Viking stuff. :smiley:)

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If mortals outside the machine get sent to the Shadowlands then why wouldn’t demons outside the machine get sent to the Twisting Nether?

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I bet he will say

“cause reasons” or comes up with some convoluted headcanon. Or just flat out ignores it. I really wish these EU trolls would just stay on the EU forums.

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the process of dead is:

  1. Spirithealer arrives
  2. Spirithealer “weight” the soul and decide if its time or not
  3. Spirithealer call a kyrian.

so…if you kill someone with FEL, then you can see here…what happened with the body of this person. The gameengine don´t allow it to match, but we have a cinema who proves it to us.

This happened to a body if its in contact with fel…if someone tried to kill you…there is no remaining body…or soul, so…i don´t know how to answer your question right now…because i allready explained this now the third time…

i allready posted something from 9.1…after grimoire release…so what is now right, hrmm?! What is now right? The danuser statement about the functionality of the shadowlands was from before sylvanas encounter…after grimmoire release…so…what is now the real lore?
Tell me? or maybe…maybe…the story is again not straight…

i answered it…multiple times…by “we have statements from AFTER RELEASE GRIMOIRE THAT SAY OTHERWISE”…

the dead one from the fourth war, i agree, there are most likeley send from elune…but…what is with all those night elfs before…send to the shadowlands, to entire different realms? That had nothing to do with elunes sister…explain this …pls :wink:

and the night elf whisp thing…its a elune thing…night elf whisp can be made…if elune wanted it, but elune is the real argument there.

the demon outside of the machine is send to the twisting nether…100%, because he didn´t die in the nether, i never argued that he died here for real…that was not my argument, so why do you ask me this?

The amount of mental gymnastics Zahirwrite is doing because he refuses to accept that wisps are night elf souls is extremely funny. He even accepted it and now has gone back to refusing it.

He claims that his soul would be used as fuel. And he was sending souls to the soul engine that were killed outside of it. I would take his word over yours any day.


i said before…since almost 1 hour…that elune is the reason…not the night elf race…ELUNE, a goddess is the reason…are you simple to dump to understand this simply logic? Are you trying to insult me by twisting my words.

elune - the goddess - can decide, if you change into a whisp or not…its only HER desiccion, not a night elf race thing that happened to all night elf by default. because if it would happen to all night elfs by default, they would be no night elves before the fourth war inside the shadowlands, but we know…we know for an fact, there were night elves before the fourth war.

Actually I said it first when I first referenced what Grimoire said. And since you claim that Grimoire is no longer canon because “reasons”… And even then, it is rumored, not a sure thing.

and i said…that grimoire is not a dev objective statement but from a perspective of an broker, so…a biased book, danuser is the lead narrative designer…if he brings a statement about the funktionality of the shadowlands…and compare this message to the grimoire…then i will follow the ooc explanation of an real human who write this stuff…he even admitted that the broker have a flawed pov on the functionality and not everything they said its right.

SO…Danuser have more credibility then a book with a clearly biased perception of the reality in the world…compare to the explanation to the lead dev from this world.

Every mortal soul ends in the shadowlands, thats their “Realm”, he compared it to the demons…and the nether, its our “homeplane”, after the death …we get send there…and the entire process of death thing/Afterlife god thing starts.