How would you Retcon Shadowlands in a smooth way?

Even if their body is thrown as as well. It is still evidence that they are not sent to the shadowlands. You are claiming that ALL souls go to the shadowlands regardless of ifs or buts. Yet here you are actually aiding in an example where that is not the case. And as evidenced by Aarggos, his demonic soul was drawn into the nearby soul engine instead of returning to the Nether. So it is reasonable to conclude that a mortal soul would still be sucked into a soul engine regardless if they are killed by it or near it.

You played yourself. Deal with it.

I never claimed all night elf souls were wisps. I said only those who are strongly attuned to nature. And provided sources backing that up. You are the one who is putting words into my mouth saying that I claimed that ALL night elf souls are wisps.

All wisps are night elf souls, but not all night elf souls are wisps. Get that through your thick head.

Just because something is rare does not invalidate it when it comes to a for all statement. If it can and will happen, it is a counter example regardless of your feelings.

“However, the Mother Moon is not a goddess who advocates peace at all costs. Indeed, one of Elune’s aspects since ancient times has been the Night Warrior, who is said to take the valiant dead from the battlefield and set them riding across the evening sky as stars.”

thats the “Afterlife” of the elune-religion…

Because no soul remains to be transported, souls can be destroyed by Felmagic…ergo…if no soul remains, Kyrians can’t transport a soul either, so…of course they won’t get to the shadowlands. But annihilation is not an example of the functionality of the shadowlands.

It’s not even a night elf thing, it’s an elune thing alone. elune, a deity, can…yes, gods can do many things.

Elune can turn anything into a whisp presumably, not just night elves, and we also have a whisp wild god, possibly …really a mortal follower of elune, as for a very long time there has been a theory that Aessina was in fact once a mortal.

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Doesn’t matter according to you. If all souls go to the shadowlands it doesn’t matter if their soul is imprisoned and then used by a soul engine to fuel the Legions war machine. They should go to the shadowlands regardless since you claim that ALL SOULS go there. However since that is not the case, therefore not all souls go to the shadowlands period.

Wait, are you now agreeing with me? O.o

Make up your mind.

when souls no longer exists anymore…non-existence excludes the word “all” as only those who remain and exist are enclosed by “all”, those who do not exist are no longer enclosed by all/everything.

AND THIS is simply logic…and this matters a lot…so you are still…100% wrong.

Moving the goal posts I see.

Surely a Kyrian should be able to pick out a soul that is just sitting in the soul engine that hasn’t been used as fuel.

But they can’t. O.o Therefore not all souls go to the shadowlands. Just give it up dude. You are 100% wrong.

If a soul can be stopped from going to the shadowlands then not all souls go there.

No, I don’t.

The word “all” encloses only that which exists, if something no longer exists, it can no longer be described by the word “all”, because non-existence is something which is not everything, but nothing at all.

The process of “Destroying a soul”…is was happened in the soulengine…and so the kyrian can no longer take the soul…if nothing remain, a fate worse then death, then the soul is no longer existence…andtherefore “All” no longer apply to this form…because its nothingness what remaines of this certain soul.

its a simply logic…maybe you are to stubborn to accept this simple process…its not difficulty to understand.

Again, a soul isn’t consumed the moment it goes into the soul engine. We know this from the 7.2 version of the broken shore where souls within the soul engine we destroy during the 7.2 intro scenario are still there on the broken shore.

Therefore a kyrian should be able to pluck out the soul from a soul engine before they are used as fuel.

Also I wouldn’t be lecturing someone about logic when you continue to refuse that one counter example negates a for all statement. And Night elf souls that become wisps are evidence of that. Or souls of people who were slain that remain in the mortal plane for revenge against the living.

No, why, there are only shadowy fragments left after the soulengine. And yet, this destroys instantly, as one has seen very well with Varian and Gul’dans contact with felmagic…

nothing else happened in the soulengine…the body and soul will be desintegrated to create even more fel, and only shards and schemes of the soul remain.

Only if your logic would be correct, which is not true. You explain the mechanics with a sighting, the mechanics is untouched. And I already said, souls can be held by Soulbearers, necromantic magic or the intervention of a Force on the world.

Many night elf spirits that stay, really as spirits, are from the war of the ancestors, here the WOE exploded and the demon story tied them to the place, or else Aszuna, the void magic that cursed the night elves there and tied them to the place, there was a big force involved each time, and they couldn’t just stay because tree.

Whisps are a decision of Elune, it is not a guarantee but a possibility, the night elves CAN become whisps, but it is not a fundamental of their religion, much more an attention of their goddess which, by the way, according to later lore, they themselves did not know until recently, because the encyclopedia says that the night elves only suspect it, but do not know.

No those are not shadowly fragments. In the anduin chain for 7.2 they are stated to be actual souls.

I can’t wait for you to try and brush off souls that return to the mortal plane seeking revenge. There are some who do so without the interference of a necromancer or something else.

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But even according to your own quote, that is not the afterlife of the night elves.

Read that line a few times until it clicks in.

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That is only a theory. As I stated way before. Va’lora theorizes that Elune has a hand in it but we don’t know for sure. It could simply be they had a very strong connection to nature which is what is implied via that quest in Legion that I linked earlier.

And therefore they avoid the shadowlands.

i told you, elune religion, not only night elves believe in that, but they ALSO belief in it, but it’s the thing they believe in, that what happens to their souls when they die…they will wander across the starry sky, that’s their “Afterlife”(in their religios concept)

Are you referring to the book that was pulled before it even went on sale?

Once again, your own quote tells a different story.

Do you actually read the things you put out here or just hope for the best that they back up your claims?

Because this one doesn’t do that.

The Grimoire of the Shadowlands was released

the quote say that this once died on the battlefield, the valiant ones, were lifted up in the sky, yes, but this is their valhalla…their concept of an afterlife…to compare to the beliefesystem of the scandanavian tribes of the first milenia bc until 12-13th century…

so…whats wrong with the statement, not every religion have a concept like heaven and hell.

the souls you find there are unrest because of the demonic corruption arround them, so…a force entered the process, fel, in this case, and the soldiers traveled as ghost on this place.

its even explained in the area…

Valhalla is literally the Vikings idea of heaven. And likely the inspiration early Christian’s used for their concept of Heaven.

Every real world religion has some concept of a heaven or place of rest.