How would you Retcon Shadowlands in a smooth way?

BfA is permanent, I don’t think there’s a clean way to just cleanly wipe away the problems there.

But what are some points that you would remove from Shadowlands that you think completely mess up the narrative of the story? Or how would you rewrite some of the newly established lore that just leaves a bad taste in your mouth personally?


N’zoth: I have dreamed your destiny mortal.
N’zoth: The hour is close at hand.
N’zoth: That which was sunken shall rise. All that were sleeping… shall be awakened.

Wrathion: In case you haven’t noticed, Uncle. We’ve already lost.

Nozdormu: Time and time again. I will not give you the Vials of Eternity.

Anduin: Nozdormu please, there must be a way, something we can do…

Anduin: …champion! You’re awake. Thank the light, we thought you were gone to N’zoth’s corruption. You were unconscious… for … for awhile.

Wrathion: Oh, it’s alive, how convenient. On your feet Champion, there’s much to do.

Wrahtion: Where are we? Why my home of course… well my rightful home.

World of Warcraft: Dragon Isles

Nazjatar: The Black Empire has risen from the depths.

The dragon isles, mystical floating Dragon Isles are our last safe haven, floating away from the ground and N’zoth’s corruption.

10.0 - Uniting the Isles

  • We work to unite the Dragon Flights once again, restoring their power with the use of the Vials of Eternity, defeating Chromatus once and for all.

10.1 - The Fall of Night

  • Queen Azshara leads N’zoth’s army, we will have to defeat her if we wish to secure a stronghold within Ny’lotha… Tyrande’s Night Warrior story arc, bent on revenge for Teldrasil, has an even older foe to confront first…

10.2 - Thousand Truths

  • In the Final showdown with N’zoth… he tells us our dreams are but one of many truths, but truths none the less. The cracks widen, the fractals give way… the void will find its way through…

Sylvanas: Icecrown. A monument to our suffering. The veil between life and death…

** Dori’thur flies over head**

Sylvanas: Tyrande…

N’zoth Whispers: She will bring only ruin…

11.0 - World of Warcraft: Wrath of Elune


So with 9.2 revealing there are


prototype Eternal Ones but noticeably no Zovaal prototype until the end, I’d further the plot by having Zovaal be the flawed prototype Jailer and a front man like Denathrius for the actual Jailer’s plans.

Have him be lying about setting up everything and have Sylvanas reveal that while she only had half her soul everything she did was a ruse and a lie, she didn’t believe she’d be creating a better system and purposefully served The Jailer until 9.1 when it no longer benefitted her. Have this revealed from Sylvanas herself either stated or through an inner dialogue.

Introducing the true Jailer could be as simple as a small short 9.2.5 epilogue cinematic of evil laughter echoing out of Zereth Mortis.

It’d make sense and be in character for both Sylvanas and Zovaal to have been lying this entire time, deception is one of their major character traits.

Honestly? I’d make a lore point where closing the rift to Shadowlands in Icecrown makes everyone forget all their memories about SL in canon. Probably the easiest “solution”.


Nothing is permanent! It can all be retconned if you only believe hard enough!!


At the very least the closing of the rift should permanently close off the Shadowlands lore wise.

Would make sense yeah. So knowing Blizz we’ll get SL allied races somehow. :clown_face:

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Can you image all the owl based names from a Steward allied race?

Nozdormu flies down and takes you upon his back to the Seat of the Pantheon. Sargeras has escaped because Illidan got a little too cheeky about torturing him. Reality itself is about to be undone by Sargeras.

Aman’thul is weaving a massive ritual with the other Titans. All timelines are about to converge, forcing a universal reset. Thanks to the actions of the players, Nozdormu didn’t fall and become Murozond, and so he shall become the focal point for this ritual. A select few Bronze Dragons will remember this timeline, and will seek out the hero in this new timeline in whatever form they’ve been reborn as.

World of Warcraft 2: Reincarnation

Game starts out in Vanilla era, timeline wise. Players can approach an Altar of Kings/Storms in their capital to meet with a Bronze Dragon NPC (probably Chromie) that mentions, “An ancestor of yours left these in my care. It is time they were returned to you.” Bring over a bunch of stuff from the player’s collections. Mounts, Titles, Battle Pets, Toys, Transmogs, Hunter Pets, etc…


That would probably be the best solution yes. It would also solve an issue that nobody talks about : the fact that having Azeroth champions returning from the SL wil likely mean that… the living world will now have knowledge of what death actually looks like LMAO


Shadowlands is remade as we leave it.
Literally everything we saw is destroyed and remade and we have no idea into what.

We are not supposed to know how the afterlife works. Lets keep it that way.


Shadowlands is the sort of stuff that is hard to cleanly wipe, as well. It would be hard to Retcon some of the major plot points with any credibility, and the playerbase will be bitter, as well as scornful. I can’t imagine many Retcons being hailed and cheered. Even the most positive reception among fans will still have those detractors that would ridicule Blizzard for “caving” or “pandering” - and they would have an argument.

There are so many. Almost all of it is pretty awful, and the few good parts are heavily intertwined in this convoluted mess.


It literally doesn’t have to be.

We are literally about to enter a patch with, simultaneously:

  • a reality-rewriting magic engine
  • magic fate-altering runes
  • an elf empowered by Life Pantheon Queen
  • a mary sue mage that holds a staff with the power of the Time Titan

This is a false premise.

We can literally undo the canon and fast forward into a new reality


We’re doomed then, because SL’s shortcomings all trace back to the utter disaster of BfA.


I would release an official statement apologizing for such an inadequate product. State that the stories of SL and BFA will be retconned and that new quality controls were being implemented. I would make a promise the new, canon story will be patched in to replace the old story, and will make full refunds available for everyone who purchased Shadowlands and BFA.


You’re joking, right? Full refunds because the story sucks? Yeah, I know many would say the content sucked too, but if we didn’t get a refund for WoD, then BfA and SL won’t get it either.


No yeah refund ain’t happening but again, OP’s premise is false even from an in-universe perspective.

I mean, I know it’s not going to happen. This is just what I think should happen.

And getting a refund for a product would also mean you no longer have access to that product. Basically make full refund returns available to those who are going to hang up their WoW hat and never pick it back up.

My point is this… Just admit you screwed up? Instead of ignoring it, fix it. Take some accountability. I don’t know why so many companies refuse to do something so simple that would make them look so much better.

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I’d say the fact that we’ve been in a completely different supernatural realm for the last expansion presents a pretty good opportunity. If the jailer has the power to remake reality, other beings do too. No reason we couldn’t come back to a very different Azeroth.


Seems like too many problems flow from BfA to not include the retconning of Bfa.