How would you Retcon Shadowlands in a smooth way?

So good, we’re finally on the same page. Night elves are immortal.

Now if I can only get you to accept the actual canon that actual wisps are actual night elf actual souls and you are actually wrong and have not sourced a single actual counter example to that actual fact, we’ll be good.

They were immortal, neither the well of eternity, nor they have Nordrassil’s blessing anymore. This was also confirmed in the Karazhak Wilderness, where the Night Elf Questline was about finding a solution to the no longer immortal problem, which was in MOP.

Teldrassil was the first try to rebuild their immortality…but without nozdormus blessing…no immortality

If night elf souls became whisp by default, no night elf souls would have ended up in the maw…because they would have become whisps, that’s not a hard to understand…

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They regained it tho. Get caught up on the lore.

they didn´t regained it, they got the blessing of alextrasza und ysera, but not nozdormu…night elves are no longer immortal since wc3.

Night elf lore states they were once immortal, granted to them by the Well of Eternity. The early night elves gathered around the Well and its energies infused them as they built their civilization.[2][3][4] They sacrificed the source of their immortality and power during their conflict with the demons of the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients.[5]

After the night elves lost their immortality due to the destruction of the Well of Eternity, Nozdormu, the Timeless Dragon Aspect of the bronze dragonflight, blessed the first World Tree, Nordrassil, with the gift of immortality. As long as the tree stands, the night elves would forever have the chance to learn.[6]

Nordrassil contained within it the truest, purest essence of life energy on Azeroth.[7] The trees of life were enchanted saplings of Nordrassil from which the night elves drew their life energies. These mysterious ancients were the key to the night elves’ immortality and harmonious coexistence with nature.

When Nordrassil was severely damaged during the Third War, the night elves again lost their immortality. Some wayward druids sought to reestablish the link between their spirits and the eternal world by planting a special tree.[8] This second world tree, Teldrassil, did not allow the elves to regain their immortality. The promise of immortality associated with Teldrassil came primarily from Fandral Staghelm and not from any divine beings.[9] Nozdormu, perhaps tellingly, withheld his blessing due to Fandral’s actions during the war against the qiraji.[10] Fandral’s promise has yet to come true.

Lorekeeper Vaeldrin found scrolls predating Queen Azshara and sought to find a power that would restore their immortality. This led his expedition to Pandaria and the Pools of Youth, which was used during the mogu empire to extend the lives of the mogu. However, Vaeldrin discovered that the waters only transfer life between people.[11],immortality%20during%20the%20Third%20War.&text=There%20are%20also%20quite%20a,Legion%20were%20once%20mortal%20creatures.

here…the entire topic of night elf immortality

Except per Elune, we know why they ended up there. Because she sent them. Not because the nelves just go to the Shadowlands; because Elune sent them.

You should get caught up on the lore. A lot has changed since Vanilla. Just grabbing excerpts isn’t giving you a full story at all.

They did tho. Should read Wolfheart. It’s also lore from the post-vanilla era that reading excerpts won’t tell you.

Elune has something definitely to do with being Whisp, yes, I would go along with that as far as it goes, it has rather little to do with the night elves per se but with Elune, right.

But…if night elves would turn by default, into whisps, they would do that and always stay on Azeroth, but we saw both night elf spirits, we saw night elves that died in the shadowlands…way before the fourth war…(Revendreth, Bastion), and there were…that were not sent by elune specially…

karazhanwildnis is post vanilla…-.- tell me, what are you trying to do, intentionally trigger me with your false statements?

in wolfheart they regained the blessings of alextrasza (red) and ysera (green); NOT NOZDORMU! (Bronze)

Alextrasza - immunity against illness
Ysera - easy connection to the emerald dream
nozdormu - timelessness/immortality

nozdormu refused to bless teldrassil because of the night elf arrogance to demand the blessing in the first place.

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Which they do, until Elune decides otherwise.

So you are still canonically wrong.

they just don’t, if that were the case we would never have a night elf in the shadowlands, and we definitely had them before the fourth war, we even read about a night elf sentinel in revendreth who was there…or vash’jir who was sent there…or the bastion night elf…who is there…

no, alynsa, you are wrong…and don´t even get it…its really…hurtfull to argue with you, because you mean it really seriosly in your statements.

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But they do.

yes, elune…ELUNE, not the night elves, the transformation into a whisp can be made possible by ELUNE, but elune can probably transform any being into a whisp, and it is not a characteristic/speciality of the night elven race per se…but a blessing of elune that she gives to the chosen ones, and only those.

For example a dryad can transform into a whisp after death too, or a dragon…if elune wanted so.

Its not a default thing


You actually, finally agree that yes, the night elves’ religion is actually, canonically correct.


I am grad you admit you are wrong.


No, they don’t, because in the night elves’ belief they think they are lifted to the stars by the night warrior and follow elune across the night sky (hence children of the stars), the whisp thing is not a belief part in the elune religion…and this part is clearly wrong.

AND I EVEN POSTED THIS PART! GOSH!..sometimes your people are so annyoing in your wrong statements…even if you have the source …a few pages before…i even delivered the source…and you still claim the wrong thing…this is clearly ignorance.

Where is it stated that the whole body is also thrown in? I am just wondering because according to Aaggros his soul is to be used as fuel and he died outside of a soul engine.

Because Elune directly interfered and allowed those souls to go to the shadowlands hoping to help her sister with the anima drought.

Why is it hard for you accept that wisps are night elf souls. We have provided actual evidence that they are.

All wisps are night elf souls but not all night elf souls are wisps. Why is that too hard for you to understand?

Aagros was, as far as i remember , a eredar-demon, right? Demons are no normal mortal…but the nightborne prisoner wer put inside the engine as a whole.

I would like a source on that please. I did ask for it in the post you just responded to

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because it’s not a night elf thing, it’s an Elune thing. If it were a night elf thing, every night elf would become a whisp by default, but that’s not possible, it’s Elune’s blessing, and thus her decision. We have night elves that clearly came to the shadowlands before the fourth war, definitely! And these night elves came there…although according to your logic they should have become whisps, because they are night elf souls and this is clearly not the case, night elf souls CAN be made whisps by Elune, but it is Elune’s decision, as I said and i think elune can transform anything into whisps…dryads, dragons, wild gods…i mean, we even have a wild god whispmother…most likely transformed by elune (is even stated as one of her follower, sooo…your turn)

And you can even watch in the nightborne questline how nightbornes are captured by demons and brought to the soulengines in chains

Not having a mortal soul wouldn’t matter.

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They do not. Your quote made it clear. You should read your own quotes.