How would you Retcon Shadowlands in a smooth way?

Not true. Whoever gets to the soul first claims it. Whether it be a Val’kyr (odyn, Helya or scourge / Sylvanas), Kyrian or whatever allows NE souls to be wisps.

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Val’kyrs are special cases…we know that, but otherwise it’s a very rare event that the other powers intervene in death and that’s why what Uther got is so special, as blizzard pointed out, because it’s very rare.

So you agree that not EVERY soul goes to the shadowlands then?

Hell, the Legion were capturing souls and using them as fuel for their crusade. Consuming them in the process.

That is how logic works. To disprove a “for all statement” you just need to provide ONE counter example. Regardless if it is a rare counter example or not.


Yes, you are.

Because wisps aren’t resting. They’re right there, on Azeroth.

Do you even play WoW?

Already did.

They have been immortal well before the Blessing of Nordrassil. They were immortal before the War of the Ancients. They have been immortal the entire time they were night elves.

So you neither play WoW nor bother to learn the lore. Good to know, expected as much.

that was because of the woe…the well of eternity…thats the reason they were immortal before…naturally their lifespan is around several thousand years, but still limited, and not unlimited like an immortal being.

the existenz of whisps is no proof of night elf souls being whisp according to the new lore…

woe = well of eternity…so…pls, don´t be silly…and you are only upset because i can proof my statements…and you can´t.

before shadowlands, i thought aswell that whisps are night elf souls, but right now…with all the information we got…is this no longer possible

Mate your argument is mute as it has been proven that not all mortal souls go to the shadowlands due to external factors. Whether it be Val’kyr, or the Legions soul engines that collect nearby souls and consume them as fuel.

Wisps are the spirits of our night elven brethren who have become one with the forest -

Basically wisps are night elf spirits that were so close to nature itself that they became spirits of the forest. I.e. the cosmetic force of life turns them into wisps. Most likely by Elune herself.

Even in the Gilmore of the Shadowlands (yeah I know), it is theorized by Ta’lora that wisps are NE souls that became one with nature (he considers wisps to be a soulshape). Although he does not know what exactly causes them to become wisps.

Prove what exactly? I disproved yours with basic logic.

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And I’ve already responded to that, but again, in detail, just for you:

the Val’kyren are a special case, as has been explained, A) they are recognized by the Kyrians as “siblings”, and B) Kyrians are soulbearers just like Val’kyrs, that’s their real job, they carry souls, so if they come before, of course they can carry the soul away somewhere else.

Whisps however - by this definition - are not natural in this mass, why? Well, because they don’t involve Val’kyrs to be created, but later more.

Soul machines of the Legion use the energy of the soul, which is either still in the body and one sacrifices the trapped ones, thus using the soul energy completely and destroying the body, or to sacrifice with soul crystals trapped souls for it. So this has more to do with soul destruction.

And then the thing with the other powers: According to Blizzard, it is very rare that the other powers(Forces) intervene to change the course of events from the powers of death, they can do it, but as I said, a great rarity.

If elune had been creating nightelf whisps all these years, would it still be a rarity? I think not.

The nightborne and the highborne, all immortal after the Well blew up, all cast out before Nordrassil’s blessing and still immortal.

Canon says you’re wrong still.

The new lore does not contradict the fact wisps are night elf souls. That is purely your head-canon.

You’ve thus far proven nothing at all. I’m waiting for proof. With you, I always wait for actual proof.

And you should have stuck with it, because it’s still canon.

This simple statement…from blizz, from the source…disproove any of your argument…anything.

That does not matter. It is a counter example to your argument that “all souls go to the shadowlands regardless”.

And what part of a counter example is a counter example regardless of it is “rare” to occur do you not understand?

I’m using stuff that is actually in the game and from external material that was released DURING shadowlands and has remained consistent. You are taking something too literal.

the nightborne used the nightwell, empowerd by the eye of Aman’Thul, , the highborne of shen’dralar used an powerfull demon, thats not an argument for your position…

Since you been proving wrong by Alysna numerous times now. Just bite the bullet, swallow your ego for ONCE and admit you’re wrong.

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i have brought the sources…and still miss her source…if she can provide a real source now…i will buy it, i can prove it with official canonsources…

I have brought up sources and you have continued to dismiss or flat out ignore them. Such as a quest from Legion and the Grimoire of the Shadowlands book. Plus the WQ limbo which states that the Kyrians have to respect the rules of “finders keepers”. I even referenced a mathematical law when it comes to logic. To disprove a “for all statement” you just need to provide ONE counter example. Which I have done several times now. You try to dismiss those counter examples of being “rare” but that doesn’t change the fact that they

  1. Do happen
  2. thus are counter examples.

So who is to say that you won’t do the same to Alysna if they do it?


You haven’t bought anything but your own headcannon and half the religions you cited you flat out made up

Shadowlands dismissed anything before, with four interviews, the statement on the page and the description of what the Shadowlands are in the first place, as far as Whisp is concerned.

The Whisplore is therefore on shaky ground. We know since 2 years…every souls go litteraly in the shadowlands, expect if they are stolen…like val’kyrs or necromancer do, or rarely another force interrupt the process.

examples, not sources.

Val’kyr as soulbeares fullfill the same function als Kyrians, so they can of course interrupt in the usual process, but normaly…val’kyrs are not in the areas of the night elves, so not possible (expect in 8.1…explaining later)

the other examples, the soulmashines of the legion, i even EXPLAINED how they work. The soul will be annihilated and fel generated during this process…so, not a point for you…again, because thereafter is no soul anymore left.

Whisps…are - previously assumed - from night elf souls…but night elf souls are brought into the shadowlands, by the kyrians, sooo…how do this work. I mean, the night elf don´t change naturally into whisps…even 8.1 proofed that, val’kyr tried to reez night elfs on darkshore…only a few were succesfull, the other time, the soul return as whisp…so this process is possible under special condition…but something must bring the soul first back…before the change can beginn…its not a naturally process by default.

And then the Gilmore of the shadowlands book goes against what the devs said. As Va’lora believes that wisps are NE souls that are so attached to nature that they remain in the mortal plane. This is aided by the quest from Legion that I linked earlier.

And this disproves me how? You are basically saying that the soul engine gets the soul BEFORE the Kyrians. Therefore supporting my arguments. In your efforts to sound smart and trying to do “gotcha moments” you are actually aiding my arguments. Good job. You played yourself.

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They don’t get them before, because not pure souls are brought into the soulengine, but the whole body which still holds the soul and both are destroyed to generate Fel. In this process no Kyrian can enter.

i explained this before…the whole body is sacrifised…are you a little bit…slowly??

And is again refuted by 8.1 and later by Shadowlands itself, because many night elves - especially druids - are very close to nature, and also they did not become whisps but ended up in the Maw and had to be saved. Named example: The friend of Dealyn (A druid)

So this process “Transforming into a whisp” is no default thing.

It is actually. Night elves have the unique tendency to gain immortality from pretty much any big power source. It’s not from a specific blessing; it’s basically a genetic predisposition.

That powerfull arcane sources make immortal is a lore that has been known for a long time, arcane power made them immortal before Nordrassil. The Shen’Dralar used the Demon as their source of arcane power later on after the imploding of the well of eternity and the Nightborne used the Nightwell, fed by the Eye of aman’Thul as their source of arcane power. But that arcane power makes life extremely prolonged/immortal is not limited to elves. Aegwynn was also immortal thanks to the Guardian power, which extended her life to several hundred years.

Later it was Nordrassil and the blessing of Nozdormu (After the war of the ancients)