How would you Retcon Shadowlands in a smooth way?

All religions are wrong in sl, no one is right

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Followers of Bwonsamdi came out pretty well.

It states that spiritwalkers don’t actually communicate with spirits and are delusional.


The In character author actually says something along the lines that he doesn’t think the Tauren are being deceptive on purpose, but might suffer from mass delusions.

i.e he can’t fathom mortals having the ability to talk to their ancestors. Which we know Tauren Spiritwalkers are capable of.

Night elves aren’t. And no other WoW religion has a solid foundational belief on the afterlife except the ancestor worshippers who, it turns out, are canonically absolutely wrong.

We wake up in our Order Halls, and hear the shower running. Going to investigate, we discover the entire population of Teldrassil, Darkshore, and Ashenvale in there all still alive. It was all just a dream.


they thought they would join elune traveling beyond the star, follow her in the nightsky…they were wrong about their belief too

The beliefer of the ligth were also wrong too, they thought they would be one with the light…every religion had a concept of an afterlive, and all were wrong about it, expect the trolls and the other side.

No, they knew they would turn into wisps. They do turn into wisps.

And as far as we know, some or most do. We know the four realms we see are not the full extent of the Shadowlands, we know not all dead people/things even go to the Shadowlands, and we know Crusader Bridenbrad did go into the Light.

They did not.


Strongly associated with healing, peace, and tolerance, Elune has been revered by the night elves and other races since ancient times. However, the Mother Moon is not a goddess who advocates peace at all costs. Indeed, one of Elune’s aspects since ancient times has been the Night Warrior, who is said to take the valiant dead from the battlefield and set them riding across the evening sky as stars.

Then also the shamans still have a chance…that their belief is correct.

they have.

Ok, but that literally does not contradict anything I said. It talks about a very specific subset of valiant souls, whom we have no evidence are not, in fact, carried into the stars by Elune. Night elves still become wisps by and large, just as they always believed.

It is canonically not correct. We have a canonical source debunking ancestor worship.

Get caught up, please.

Provide evidence of your claim then.

They never believed that, and we don’t know if whisps are pure night elf souls, because as we know, all souls go to the shadowlands, are carried by kyrians, the question is…what are whisps now?

“I have it so much worse although we know that even a faithful servant of the light like Uther or Alexandros ended up in the shadowlands although they believe to become one with the light as soon as they die.”

Gosh, girl, we know that the BROKER think they are wrong…but we know for sure, that the tauren SPEAKS to the dead…they do indeed it, so…maybe the broker do not know everything?

the elune example
The lightreligion thought that the people will be one with the light if they die and lifed a faithful life.
the other side for trolls(Loa)

They’re literally night elf souls. :eyes:

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They literally knew it to be true.

Literally nobody said that. You can apologize for your ad hoc attempt to cast me as playing a victim, when I’m simply informing you of canonical facts. Again.

We also have devs explaining what’s actually happening when ancestor worshippers are communing with their not-ancestors.

You really do need to get caught up.

Both addressed.

There are more than four religions on Azeroth. Please address the other religions that you claim have a canonically described afterlife.

Say, you and Alynsa must have been sleeping for the past two years, we know that all mortal souls are brought to the shadowlands all means all, so…what are whisps now?

post the source pls.

We don’t have that many religions in Warcraft that are elaborated, but I have a few examples on top of it.

the Vyrkul have faith in Helheim…which was very real, and the Halls of Valor. (Also an afterlife)

The various wild tribes, like Quilbar, who come from wild gods think that when they die they strengthen their ancestor so that he can rise again (Also a form of Afterlife).

See my quote.

You’re using some sort of headcannon to convince yourself that somehow night elf wisps are somehow not night elf wisps.

How can they be, souls, when they are taken to the shadow lands, like all mortal souls? That answer makes no sense, because you haven´t any answer…of this topic, right?

Ok, so I’ve been civil with you thus far. You have already tried to be insulting, and now you want to talk down to me. Cool.

The attitude that follows is provoked by your own actions, so keep that in mind later when you complain about it.

The source of nobody here complaining that “you don’t have it worse than us”? Scroll up, buddy. This thread is the source.

Or do you need me to find the developer tweet that explained how tauren ancestor worship really works? Because plenty of people here have already discussed it, and you’re only playing ignorant to it because you have some deep seated repugnance to admitting your own mistakes, even when you know you’re mistaken.

Which source?

They don’t have a religion; they are Helya’s servants, going back to her realm.

An afterlife yes, but not a religion. Odyn has servants. He does not have a religion.

You literally made this up.

Because they are. We are canonically told they are. We have nothing contradicting it except your intentional misunderstanding of lore to try and find some desperate way to become right.


But here’s the thing, Whisp lore is now in a big question mark OBJECTIVELY because ALL MORTAL SOULS go to the Shadowlands, so what are Whisps?

this is not an insult, but simply an objective observation. And that you think you can explain away with a simple “NO”, but Lore say otherwise.

No, because no developer has ever explained how to do that, and I follow on twitter, have all the books, and know what is written, and so either you have information I am still missing…which is very unlikely, or simple…you are lying.

The nearest thing we got was from danuser…and he litteraly said “The broker did not know everything”, so…he implied…the broker pov is simply wrong.

Find the source please, or refrain from such statements, and that you feel provoked by simple truths and your own ignorance of the past history is not my fault.

This is not true, the Vyrkul believe in him and Helyja like a god, there is a cult around the Valkyrs and him as “Godking”, it is more a relationship like the Viking gods from rl had, but it is clearly religious.

“All Mortal Souls Go to the Shadowlands”

“Nightelf souls are whisps”(N11 are mortals…yes?)

But we don’t have contradictory statements, yes?

…thats the story around the quilbar and trying to reez their ancestor god.

Except no, it isn’t. You’re trying to force it to be, but nothing in Shadowlands has changed what wisps are.

All we are told is that all souls who pass into the Shadowlands go through the Arbiter. We’re not told ALL SOULS ALWAYS GO TO THE SHADOWLANDS AT ALL TIMES ALWAYS. You’re making that up to “win” an argument.

But it is.

If N11 is supposed to be night elf, then… No. Canonically, night elves are not mortal. Because they are immortal.

Chalga was using “dark and violent rituals” to ress Agamaggan, according to RFD’s dungeon journal. Nothing is mentioned of quilboars dying to strengthen Agamaggan so he can self-ress.

You are making it up.

Wrong, again

So answer pls this simple question…yes? If the whisps are night elf souls…how should this be possible if every mortal souls end in the shadowlands…

they were immortal because of a blessing or the woe before, but they were still mortal souls…

I don’t have to come up with things to get artificially upset, as I said Danuser statement about the broker was that they don’t know everything, this implies that the broker pov is simply wrong.