How would you make Lightforged Warlocks make sense?

They absolutely can. They could go through the dark training and become proficient in warlockery until they managed to become strong enough to banish a demon and send it back to the Twisting Nether where it belongs. But it will immediately be able to be summoned again as banishment doesn’t kill a demon in lore, it just sends it back to the Nether.

Or they can just kill the demon and force it back into the Twisting Nether anyway where it can’t bother anyone until its reconstituted and summoned again.

The latter seems to be their preferred way of dealing with demons, especially now that their respawn macguffin is destroyed meaning their reconstitution in the twisting nether will take a lot longer to accomplish.

Also I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, the Lightforged leadership would absolutely track down and murder any Lightforged who tried to go down this path. Especially Grand Lector Enaara. She’s a ‘purify first, ask questions later’ type of Draenei.


Lightforged Warlocks can be completely solved by giving LF draenei either a glyph or let them customize their demons at the barbershop to turn their demons into Lightforged versions, by giving the demons a light glow

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That would be good because it would give them the option to either play their Lightforged as a classic warlock or play as some sort of Lightbinder of Demons.


Except even if they did that, and you summoned lightforged versions of demons (which I seriously doubt Blizzard would ever add) that still doesn’t get around the fact that they use warlock magic, which we have multiple pieces of documented evidence stating that it corrupts, and that’s all warlock magic, not just fel, including the summoning of demons.

Rise of the Horde covers this well, as Gerwin covered in a different thread.

I would sooner see Blizzard create a tinker class and give ‘that’ to the Lightforged, allowing them to make use of Lightforged tech in battle with their enemies. That gives them a pet class aside from the hunter that fits them thematically and doesn’t take a sledgehammer to their racial lore.


Willingly or not, he cannot fight against a Naaru. As he’s fully Lightforged and his eyes being golden is an indicator that he cannot just say no. Illidan was in the process of being forcibly Lightforged at record speeds and not undergoing the Trial to do it the correct way.

My personal headcanon is that Lightforging purifies the heart/spirit/soul protecting it from corruption but doesn’t mean that a Lightforged individual can’t wield Void/Shadow/Fel as a result. My Shadow Priest is (currently) a Lightforged Draenei, and although I don’t roleplay with other people I still like to formulate backstories for my characters to help with personal immersion and solo RP which is how I enjoy the game. Long story short, She has opted to become forged in the Light to protect her from Void corruption while choosing to wield and research it after discovering the state of the Void-lost while looking for her traces of her family on Eredath during the Argus campaign.

That being said, Some ideas I’ve been thinking about for LF’d Warlocks:

  • I can see certain Lightforged being particularly sadistic in enslaving demons as vengeance for Argus. Perhaps they are seeking to understand more about their home world and are summoning demons to garner that knowledge.

  • With the imprisonment of Sargeras and the fall of the Legion, maybe some Lightforged are opting to walk the path of the Warlock seeking to understand their long-time enemy in an attempt to prevent something like the Legion from ever forming again.

  • Perhaps after seeing their allies in the Alliance wielding Fel and Shadow without falling to corruption, they have grown a different view from the absolute path of the light and are interested in a once taboo path in service to their people (or not).

  • Or, perhaps they regret undergoing their forging and have become a pariah in their society.

TBH the possibilities are many and I’ve seen some interesting ones such as purified Man’ari or even sleeper agents of the Legion trying to gain another foothold. I will be leveling a standard Draebae Warlock, but haven’t quite decided where I want her story to take her.

Overall, I think the ‘REEE’ over the purity of the lore is a bit of an overreaction but I’m trying to stay clear of the conversation because people are entitled to how they feel either way. While I understand some are feeling like it’s out of left field, I like to see the silver lining in that it allows players to create new stories for their beloved races to see them in a new way and gives opportunities for further world building in a story that is constantly in flux. At the end of the day, Blizzard are the arbiters of their story and we are simply here to experience it. If Lightforged Draenei can be Warlocks, that’s the lore now. We don’t have to like it but we’re gonna have to live with it.


And those who do like it, regardless of how flimsy the lore around will or won’t be, those of us who are going to make one, will make it work with the lore we have.

I’m excited to roll a DraBae lock. It’s gonna be fun and from what I’ve seen of the Imp and Felhunter customizations, the pets are going to be cool looking. Lots of RP potential there :blush:

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I still want the red versions. They’re peak Warlock.


I’m also hoping that blizz does release a red skin option for Drae locks. It would certainly be fitting :blush:

It already makes sense to me. I plan to make one and will theme is as an inquisitor who enslaves demons to interrogate. Those that comply and renounce their sins to the light get lightbound, those that refuse get turned into a soul shard imprisoning them forever.
On the side she rips souls out of dead and dying lightforged to transfer into Auchindoun mech suits.
Primarily uses shadow spells and sees fallen Naaru as holy martyrs forced to live in repentance as a being of shadow until they can return to grace.
Also helps maintain the teleportation network and quick reaction strike teams vua summoning.

Any fel corruption concerns are entirely head canon as 90% of warlocks do not seem to suffer from any.
And they already make use of half the warlocks toolkit


A lightforged Draenei in soot black skin.
Golden markings and jewels.
And white gold demons doing their bidding.
Weilding shadow and fire

Come on… thats pretty cool.


Me too! I have my name reserved and everything! I’m thinking to make her an Eredar historian seeking to reclaim the legacy of her people outside of the Legion and Sargeras’ control since they were the first Warlocks. Still trying to flesh it out but Warlock is one of the few classes I haven’t played much or delved into the lore too deeply so I’m excited!

Yes! I REALLY hope if/when they expand the Draenei customizations we get some sort of deep navy/blackish skin tone similar to what some of the Doommaidens have.

This concept is cool as heck!


OMG! That sounds amazing and a lot of fun to RP. I love your idea so much :blush:

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I like your position. And Enaara is definitely the type to get hostile with any Lightforged who do that.

And if they added a “man’ari” customization for regular Draenei, I’d be all for that.

How can you say that after what I explained in my previous comment? Besides, even if the Lightforging process was interrupted before it could be completed with Illidan, it’s still the same process. Being interrupted doesn’t change that.

Xe’ra even said the same words to Turalyon that she said to Illidan.

There’s some interesting ideas here. What would this Light-hardliner Inquisitor think of Illidan killing Xe’ra?

I know if Yrel’s group make a comeback and I still played, I would RP a Lightforged Draenei from Yrel’s group whose holy war began as vengeance (“Not vengeance, justice”) for the Iron Horde.

I think any Man’ari customizations would need to be restricted to the Demon Hunter class if the Draenei ever got access to it, because Draenei only get those appearances if they go demon, which doesn’t happen when they’re corrupted by warlock magic.

It really doesn’t though. It’s literally just a pigment that people can pick if they want. I’m still trying to grasp why people want the game to be more restrictive when it comes to customizations and not less restrictive.

It being less restrictive only benefits everyone in the end

As I’ve always said.

I am pro-customization, pro-class/race expansion when it doesn’t conflict with the lore.

That’s my stance and I’ll always be consistent on that point. I’m not going to fence sit or flip flop on it whenever it’s convenient for me to do so. Man’ari customizations would only work for the Demon Hunter class, because Demon Hunters are part demon thanks to the rituals they go through.

Warlocks don’t go through that same process. They’re just mortals. As such, Draenei Warlocks, if they ever exist (it’s likely that they will but until the patch goes live I will continue to voice feedback that they shouldn’t), would go the other way, devolving into Broken.

Man’ari warlocks were a thing within the legions ranks though. I guess that’s my point. It doesn’t conflict with the lore as much as people think it does.

Red skin + a little lore saying they’re former legion commanders who decided to make amends with their draenic kin would go a long way to smoothing this all over I think.

I just think this is the typical Making a mountain out of a ant hill sort of deal.

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This is what I was thinking of, just that I wanted to make my LFD Destro Warlock origins being that she started off experimenting with ‘purifying’ demons but eventually found it to be futile and forced her will on to them to force them to submit to her. I’ve also experimented with the idea of it being like she has to contend with demonic whispers while she has a demon actively summoned and it could make for some fun interactions.

I really like the anti-hero Light aesthetic more than typical lawful good light archetype so I’m very excited provided that my sub is still running when it’s released.

The only thing I wish for is like a class skin where I can get a more light-based fire design. Especially for fel-blast. E.g. something like this but maybe a bit more golden.

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And that’s great and all, but as I said, they’re demons.

We don’t play a demon race when we pick the warlock class.

And seeing as the Draenei hate demons, and even Velen, the most forgiving of all the Draenei had no remorse for the Man’ari he encountered on Argus, I don’t imagine any Man’ari Eredar would be able to simply show up and try to make amends.

But we’re not going to see eye to eye on this, so I don’t see the point in arguing about it. You’re against any and all restrictions, I prefer Blizzard remain consistent with their lore and storytelling rather than chop it to pieces for the sake of player convenience. That’s not going to change.