How would you make Lightforged Warlocks make sense?

I’m sure that anyone who has knowledge of the quest knows that it did a huge disservice to the Lightforged lore. The Lightforged in it comes off as a regular Draenei who never would have survived the Lightforging Trials.

With that said… They’re happening regardless.

So, how would you make this make sense so that it respects the Lightforged lore and being playable?

And please. If you don’t want them at all, there are already other topics for that.

I just want to see what ideas come about to make this work, and without butchering what it means to be Lightforged.

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After the way Blizzard flushed their leader - the naaru Xe’ra - down the toilet, are you really surprised that the lore for the Lightforged is being screwed over?

I’d have it work by making Lothraxion loyal for Denathrius all along, and now that Xe’ra is out of the picture thanks to Illidork, Lothraxion decides to subvert the Army of the Light by encouraging use of fel magic to indirectly corrupt them and spread dissent.

(Side note; Lightforged Draenei being able to use Fel after being Lightforged means Illidan got upset with Xe’ra for nothing and is even more of an edgelord. Blizzard just removed Illidan’s justification for killing Xe’ra, hah!)

Those paying attention may ask “How come Xe’ra didn’t know Lothraxion wasn’t loyal?” in this scenario. I’d say “glad you noticed that” and say it’s because he did the supernatural equivalent of what happened to Arnold’s character in the 1991 movie “Total Recall” (if you haven’t seen that movie, watch it. It’s awesome) so his memories were hidden and she couldn’t see them even with mind-reading.

I see no other way for it to work that doesn’t violate the current lore.


There are so many ways. Chiefly, one simply wants to. There does not need to be any more than that.

What provokes that desire could be interesting- but that is also unique and to the individual. People against this lament homogenization- but they need homogenization of a societal causation to shake them loose from their head canon. That diminishes individuality. The desire to relegate people of a certain race to a certain class is detrimental to the lore and the game.

If a Lightforged Draenei commanded demons to do their bidding, and cast spells of fel and shadow, while maintaining their light - good on them. I think that speaks to a level of control.


Alternate time line mumbo jumbo

Given the cinematic with Xera and Illidan showcases the fact that Fel and Light cannot inhabit the same body, I would say that the only way to make the Warlock class work would be…to not be Warlocks.

Rework the Destruction branch to make it about Holy Fire, the Affliction one to also be thematically about Light-“mind screwing” shenanigans, and have the Demonology one by about subduing and Lightforging demons like it happened with Lothraxion.

In short, if they want to be Warlocks, let them be such only as the Games label for their class.
But in reality/lore, have them be something entirely different.


Few remaining Sargerai warlocks who have been wandering aimlessly since the fall of the Legion finally decide to rejoin Draenei society.

There. Done.


But we both know Blizzard is too lazy to do all of that.

That would cover regular Draenei.

For Lightforged I don’t think it’s that simple given things like this cinematic

Shortcut/lazy way, would be to add a TON of thematic glyphs.

Proper way would be to almost create a new class from scratch

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More like it was this.

Lothraxion:"This is the way.’ obvious lie
Xe’ra:“Like omg this demon even agrees verbally that the light is like totally the way, no need to fact check I just know it’s true because like why is it not I mean he totally agreed.”

Something something shadowlands tomb, the light likes to be right even if you lying don’t quote me.

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Voila mad easy


And it looks like Blizzard is retconning that lore a bit. And this upcoming lore completely debunks the “Lightforging = brainwashing/mind control” headcanon some fans have.

This upcoming lore completely debunks the “Lightforging = brainwashing/mind control” headcanon some fans have.

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Good thing I’ve never been a supporter of that idea because I want Turalyon to be held accountable by his wife for letting her be jailed for God knows how long when he should’ve left with her immediately once the chandelier mommy said she deserves death


What’s wrong with the imprisonment? The Void is clearly dangerous as we’ve seen since at least Wrath. Don’t you think it’s fair and reasonable for “chandelier mommy” to be allowed to make and enforce a “no using the Void” rule on a ship she built and owns for an organization she created and leads?


Personally if I was in love with my spouse and a floating chandelier said she should die I would simply leave the glow in the dark crystal mommy with my wife.


Thadeus we aren’t doing this again, either respond to my hypothetical lore set-up or stop lmao

I think parts your scenario for Lightforged warlocks is plausible if this lore direction pans out - the “feeling weak” part sounds like what was inferred in the leaked quest text. And it still proves my point about Lightforging.

Also, I was talking about the rule itself rather than the punishment. Now that I’ve responded to your hypothetical lore scenario, are you going to either answer my question or keeping hiding from it like a coward?

So you choose cowardice?

They were demons, chose to repent, and became Lightforged. Easy. We already know lightforging works on demons, see Lothraxion.

While you’re right about that, note how they no longer have any fel powers.

then be Afflic or Destro and you don’t have to interact with demons at all if you pick the right talents