How would you make Lightforged Warlocks make sense?

IRL demonic grimoires quite literally say that only holy people who have recently confessed and have gone through a month of prayer can safely summon a demon through the evocation of the holy names of God

These grimoires exist and were used by “holy people” across the centuries between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism

Holy people using holy magic to summon demons is quite literally the actual real life majority of all demon summoning rituals and practices.


Well holy people using holy magic to bind demons isnt how the Lightforged warlocks work. Its holy people using fel magic.

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And we could make new lore, the same way in Legion Kira Iresoul used Bloodstones to enslave demons when that hadn’t been seen previously

Imagine being creative, just try


Yeah, we could. But they didnt. I did the questline (up to where it bugs out and wont continue).

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Then write a suggestion saying you’d think it would be cool to do so among the varied possible options

Instead you’re here complaining engaging with someone who wants the whole damn thing removed and undone when that’s not happening


I would have them essentially be Exorcists, along similar lines as Baal pointed to. Essentially they’ll be experts in dark magics primarily to ensure the Lightforged can safely deal with any further corruption they might find. Moreso akin to specialized priests in the lore to true Warlocks in how we traditionally think of them. They would still summon demons, but they would do so in holy chains. Stuff like that.


Stuff like that would require Blizz to give us racial class skins, which would be really cool, but I doubt they’ll ever do.


The Lightbound incidentally have been working with Void Elves in going through Void Portals in Shadows Rising so it’s not hard to imagine they would eventually be influenced by the Void to seek out Dark Magics if they keep doing that.

They still have the Light etched into their being so they continue to utilize the Light’s Judgement AoE(that requires a target in order to cast unlike other AoEs I know of) and still unleash an explosion of Light as they die while leaving behind an intact corpse almost as if the Body was holding it in yet lost control over the power on death releasing it all at once.

Such loss of control can also happen if entering a Void Portal according to Alleria and Turalyon’s Short Story. The Lightforged Draenei who walked out of the Void Portal in Shadows Rising of course were in the Void Realm longer than Turalyon so we did not get to see or hear the explosion of excess Light released upon their arrival into the Void.

It doesn’t require it per say, but it does open the possibility to some spell appearance variants.

What it does require is lore follow through and commitment.

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After sylvanas yas queen lectured the wisp of arthas the lore is cooked. Dont need to explain anything. Its owari da

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Pfft, if that’s all it took people would’ve given up on the lore in TBC.


I mean its simple really. LF Warlocks fight fire with fire, sort of Demon Hunter logic.

Your sidenote is wrong: lightforging would grant her a measure of control over Illidan.

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Pretty much the explanation of Vanilla Warlocks.

His eyes were just reflecting the glow emitting from Xe’ra; reflection in the purely physical sense.

In “A Thousand Years of War” Turalyon challenged Xe’ra and disagreed with when she was alive; one time when she was right in front of him.

Also, why did Turalyon try to avenge Xe’ra after Illidan killed her? Why didn’t the other Lightforged try to avenge her too? Because there was no compulsion.

Plus, if Lightforging compelled them to serve Naaru, they’d just look for another Naaru to serve. But they don’t despite still being connecting to the Light and having a spaceship.

(Addendum: Sorry for undue aggression to you. Force of habit from arguing with people being unreasonable about it, at times to the point of stooping to harsh personal attacks)

Words are cheap. Have you ever joined a protest or challenged a police officer to their face? Don’t need to be a paladin for that.


Oh being a French unwashed anarchist believe me when I say that I join protests on a healthy regular basis however joining a protest isn’t a “how fast can I die/go to jail” competition

If I was the strongest Paladin in existence tho!!!


I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.

No it wouldn’t. Turalyon went through the same process she tried to put Illidan through but still disagreed with her repeatedly when she was alive and tried to avenge her after she was killed (if she could control him, how could she control him when she was dead?)

If I had a dollar for everytime I refuted this “Lightforging = mind control” headcanon…

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That is your assumption and it is not borne out by facts.

It is absolutely clear they did not go through the same process - Turalyon underwent it willingly and completed it, while Xera forced herself on Illidan and he stopped her before she could reach completion on him.

How can you say they went through the same process when one was willing and complete, and the other was unwilling and incomplete?

That’s like saying you are baking two loaves of bread, but taking one out of the oven after just a minute, and saying it went through the same process as the other loaf that is baked to completion.

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This is spot on, they would not.

The Lightforged have been fighting the Burning Legion, and demons, for 13,000 years. The idea that any of the ones who fought on Argus, or any of the new recruits, would say “Oh hey, you know what sounds like a great idea? Using fel magic and demonology as a tool.” is stupid.

You’re spot on. We’ve never seen this in lore. It’s just headcanon pulled out of real world religious mythos.


Well Warlocks can banish demons.

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