How would you make Lightforged Warlocks make sense?

To me it seemed that Lightforging gets rid of fel powers. Lothraxion no longer used fel magic after being Lightforged. That seemed to be why Illidan made such a stink when Xe’ra tried to Lightforge him. The way this new lore is heading makes it look like Illidan got all worked up over nothing if he’d still be able to use his fel magic after that.


It’s irrelevant because the object of my criticism is Turalyon’s choices

Since you see Xe’ra’s enforcement of that rule as a strike against her and Turalyon allowing it as a strike against him, it is relevant.

Demon Hunters have Fel and Shadow Magic last I recall. Illidan would just have Fel Magic and the addition of Light as far as he knew as he probably heard of Alleria being imprisoned for using the Shadow.

He thinks that he is his scars so giving up Shadow(which he used a lot more than he did the Fel or Fire during the Raid on Black Temple unlike his Illidari Demon Hunters) would be seen as slavery to him so object he would.

He picked a crystal over his wife. There’s really no way around that.

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My visual of this wording as subtitles, but with the chime-y sounds for her voice, entertains me to no end.

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Except Illidan never mentioned shadow, and neither met nor spoke with Alleria or anyone else from the Army of the Light until after Xe’ra’s death.

Thinking he is his scars was so stupid. It’s like something an angsty teenager would say after cutting themselves with self-harm. Mistakes are part of you but you don’t let them define you. I’m reminded of this exchange in Kung Fu Panda 2:

Shen; “I don’t care what scars do”
Po; “You should, Shen. You’ve got to let go of the past because that stuff doesn’t matter. What matters is what you choose to be now.”

Po let his scars fade, found inner peace as a result. Shen kept holding onto his scars, got crushed to death as a result.

So if you had a wife and she was found guilty of a crime, you’d assault the court and police officers to help her escape the sentence?

While I’ll admit she’s poorly written, she had potential, why is this Naaru so hated? They’re so desperate to demonize her, they treat headcanon as actual canon as long it makes her look as bad as possible. I don’t think Gul’dan or Gallywix got this level of scorn :crazy_face: Referring to Naaru as “chandeliers”, “wind chimes” and “crystals” sounds like slurs in the context I’ve seen it.

But I don’t want to derail this topic, so I’ll say that I’ve already said what it’d take for me to accept Lightforged warlocks as not being a retcon and/or plot hole.

What happens if a lightforged were to lose faith, anyway?

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They would lose their Lightforged gifts and powers.

Or they’re dead.

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I’ve wondered if Lightforged could stop being Lightforged, but I’m not sure.

I suspect this is setup for another Blizzard cliche. In their games you usually have at least one good-aligned group of people with powers giving them up.

  • In Starcraft we had the Protoss sever their nerve chords - giving up their psychic powers and renouncing their Khala religion.
  • We also had the two benevolent Xel’naga give up their powers to Kerrigan.
  • In Warcraft 3 we had the Night Elves give up their immortality to stop Archimonde.
  • In Diablo we had Tyrael give up his angel powers and become human after one too many arguments with Imperius.
  • In World of Warcraft: Legion the Nightborne gave up the Nightwell and their related powers.

I suspect Blizzard’s going for a big “major character or person who worships the Light gives it up and becomes anti-Light” as their continuation of this cliche :roll_eyes:

The Lightforged Death Knights show that Lightforging, to a degree persists after death. While that is somewhat lore-breaking in and of itself, it’s already been implemented in the game. This hasn’t yet. So if Lightforged can choose to become warlocks, that really undermines the “fanatical” angle that some writers and fans want to push.

Hey of course I would if I was the strongest Paladin in existence


He couldn’t stop it.

Lightforged are compelled to serve the Naaru. Notice that his eyes were golden before Illidan killed the Naaru. They returned to normal afterward.

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Far as I know, only Void and Light don’t mix. Fel can mix with anything and supercharge it for the low cost of a little corruption of the body and possible addiction. So Fel and Light can be mixed just fine, the Lightforge that does this may be a bit more on the crazy side as a result.

So what I’d do is that they summon demons and such just fine, it’s just that they all have some Light markings on the demons and the Shadow / Void magic is cosmetically changed to being Light themed.

To be fair that’s a Goldenism

Twilight is Light + Shadow together, it’s even a formal school of magic within the game system that is both Holy and Shadow formally

A sublte fact everyone and their mother, devs and writers included, has forgotten

But hey here we are,

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Isn’t Shadow a more diluted form of Void? That was my understanding of it.

After Shadowlands, well… Who knows how Magic works anymore or the rules behind it.

True. I didn’t play Shadowlands but I did keep up with the lore. It muddied the waters on a lot of stuff.

The writers play hard and fast and refuse to commit to any metaphysics so here we are

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I’d go for a free will angle paired with the literal dominance of The Light over fel as the Lightforged Draenei both commands demons and masters fel magic without succumbing to their corruptive influences.

Kind of like a Librarian space marine in an imperium that generally hates and persecutes Psykers. Imagine a Lightforged warlock having to sit down and be periodically tested like the “in cells/inter-linked” scene in Blade Runner 2049.

It doesn’t seem that hard. Warlocks aren’t actually demons, they don’t have fel magic pumping through their veins. A Lightforged channeling a fel spell isn’t going to spontaneously combust.

If simply encoutering fel magic cause Lightforged to explode they’d make pretty poor combatants against The Legion.


I dont think it’d make them explode, I simply have an extremely hard time believing someone so zealously devoted to the Light that they became lightforged would start using fel magic. I know they can, but I dont think they would.