How would you guys feel about a “peaceful” expansion?

I don’t Kiro has ever been established as a shaman. He’s just a very resourceful caravan leader.

Though I think it be cool for Thrall to slowly regain his powers as as shaman… and maybe take Kiro under his wing as an shaman apprentice?

It’s one of the first option that came off the top of my had, but also I could probably imagine a raid storyline for any dungeon that wasn’t already paired to a raid (Dire Maul/Eldre’thalas for example, or Shadowfang Keep).

Well any dungeon other than Stockades or RFC

Are the raids and dungeons good?

This would be an amazing premise, with your edit of course. I wish they would focus on the world that we love and originally drew us in! An expansion that rebuilds, introduces new characters and sets up a realistic expectation of what’s to come instead of, ‘oh, yeah I was just doing this because an even bigger bad is coming… Fun fact, dies’.

Dungeons and raids could be introduced with regular content. (Yes, it would be weird going from fighting the eternal one to defias Lord but we can get past that; we have swallowed bigger plot holes)

I’ll take World of Peacecraft. Or more like World of Azeroth-finally-gets-a-chance-to-catch-its breath-craft.

There just feels like so much we’ve neglected. Azeroth is a dangerous world. Who knows what’s grown in power and threat, unchecked while the Horde and the Alliance have been constantly distracted.

Raids based on local problems. Civic disputes. Something like fighting noble houses.

Onyxia and Nelfarion were pretty much that premise.


I just want more stuff based around our classes. Like the Legion order halls, class quests and lore. Heritage stuff is a good start, more of that please!

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That sounds pretty neat to me. I don’t raid or mythic + anymore, so I just run around and collect stuff anyway.

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I’m agreeing (without true understanding) that excessive dev time is a misnomer. I do not know the true scope of the project, but I’m sure that can be said for anyone who does not work directly on the game.

To the part I quoted, I have and will state again, this is why I would be wary of the execution of the housing. There would be no need to lock ‘fourth table leg’ behind a boss…and suck the fun out of it. It’s housing, not gear. It supposed to be fun, not a grind for household items. :confused:

I’m still for housing, but would be vehemently against farming mats in this manner. Ultimately there would be at least one cool object with the drop rate of the ‘Love rocket’ I ain’t playing another decade to fix my table. :joy:

Would love to have a house with the trappings of some things in Bastion though. And a walrus in a tub like New Dalaran would be funny to have.

…literally anything?
you dont have to have a main story to have a raid centered around it.
Look back at BC, and Classic, almost all of those raids were centered around zone based stories that were not connected to an overall story, or they were the conclution of those zone stories.

You could have the first raid take place in one of the zones and tie it back to the quests in that zone, its not hard to do at all. It takes the most basic level of creativity to think of it.

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I play wow to kill stuff. The story is just an excuse to do that.

Something has to die. There will always be a conflict.

In destiny the pvp was explained by skirmishing forces for example to get better in combat. As a guardian the light always revives you so killing each other for combat knowledge made sense in the crucible.

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While the heros were im the maw and the shadowlands, a band of kobold put their hands on remnants of Azerite, Organs of old gods and with the help of the twilight hammer they recruited all the villain clans to take over azeroth.

I couldn’t care less.

Just make the systems good so 40-60% of people don’t quit in the first few weeks.

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I like peaceful stuff, but I don’t see wiping the slate clear as a miracle cure for everyone’s gripes.

i didnt say that. They planned for player housing in vanilla days. It never came to fruition this whole time, bub.

Yeah well vanilla is a totally different story, back then it was uncharted territory now there are several player housing models that work brotato. Everquest has it for crying out loud.

And yet they havent done it. I argue its not easy as you would think and would pull resources. Brotish parliment

Gotta agree with you, its reaching the point that its almost embarrassing that wow does not have it yet.

Its one of the most popular features in a lot of other MMO’s and has been asked for by the wow community for literally expantions now.

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Its got more do with the devs philosophy of “you think you do but you don’t” than anything else at this point Broseidon king of the seas.

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imo, this would be boring af.
id pass.