How would you guys feel about a “peaceful” expansion?

We will never know, brotasaurus rex

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No way, I need every expansion to be stakes that are higher than ever before. A cosmos divided cannot surviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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Thats probably true broteradon.

Throw in old expansion assets like glyphs and I’m in…


Im no longer interested in the topic but cant stop broing out, brorange you glad i didnt say bronana


Don’t care what they do as long as it is entertaining instead of tedious

This game currently feels like a soulless hamster wheel designed entirely from metrics with no other insight or desire to entertain or provide value

The game approaches the players as if the players aren’t desirable unless they are satisfying shareholder friendly metrics


They dont call it World of Peacecraft…its World of Hatfields and McCoys craft.
We don know why we’s still afighting, but some lily livered hatfield gave me the crook eye so he’s gotta die.


Whatever they plan next, I hope they give it time to develop. Zovaal could’ve been a decent story if he wasn’t an out-of-nowhere guy behind the curtains.

Starting with some downtime to world build is huge. But I don’t want the whole expansion to be there. I would like to slowly build up to something. Key word being slowly.

Ironically behind a curtain like the “Wizard” from Wizard of Oz would have been where they’d have been best leaving him, Zovaal was supposed to be smart, not uber powerful and domineering or at least that’s what the narrative keeps trying to inform us.

For him to therefore: literally premiere with an army “that rivals the Legion!!” in plain sight was just plain dumb, it made both him and Sylvanas (and anybody like Devos/Uther who also allied with them) look like idiots… and their involvement with the plot just devolved from there.

Smart and strategic or nigh unstoppable god of destruction with an endless army… or even both points at Darkseid if you can pull it off just…PICK A LANE?!

For another example of a good villain who’s not only smart and charismatic but also a total hulk in-universe:

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I’m picturing an opening cinematic in the vein of ‘I’d Like to Buy Azeroth a Coke’ with all races singing in harmony.

I do like the thought of smaller more regional threats though. The long waits between patches for the big dude at the end of the xpac often seems to disappoint. Pacing is so important in story telling and the current model with snipits spread out over two years to me is not working.

I have said many times that I’d legitimately love a “Restoration”-themed expansion, reconnecting to the Old World, with factional tensions dialed back to cold war type tensions & occasional skirmishes. I liked the “slice of life” paced stuff in Pandaria, and while I don’t feel the whole expansion need be that, I think a healthy amount would be a refreshing change from over the top existential threats & immersion-melting power-creep.

World of Warcraft: Respite


World of Minecraft meets Second Life.

Everyone gets a 5 acre plot of land to work on for 3 months.

Guilds can combine up to 1,000 acres. You can use any world assets, doodads and Blizz will finalize the world and add missions and quests!

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I don’t believe that it is too big to handle. It just doesn’t interest me. I also think if it does ever get implemented it will be touted as a major expansion feature. I’d rather see that space used for other new content like a new type of dungeon or raid similar to m+, or the next torghast type material. Something new and different rather than old and done before.

I’d love it.

Not with these writers though. They’ve failed WoW and I really doubt they can help themselves but further destroy and retcon the old good lore and replace it with uninspired awfulness. Not that I want more cosmic super omega quantum level threat nonsense. I dearly, dearly want warcraft to get away from that.

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I’d be ok with it, but I want some crazy awesome armor models.
Especially for class and race themes.

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That’s another thing. Maybe they could release more oldschool style armor tiers and weapons high res (think exiles reach) just with extra oomph in the raids but maybe not so insane. Along with that since there’s really just the old world theme, they could use this time to get all the races their heritage armor and weapons / mounts.

This sounds more like Vanilla 2.0, given the lack of an overarching plot and main bad guy (which is a good thing, holy cow those twilight dweebs got old in Cata).

Sounds good to me. Smaller stories and less doomy cosmic crap would be a nice change of pace.

I’ve said it a few times now, it’s almost literally transmogging for a little corner of the world, and that’s true even in the developer time investment required. It won’t be like garrisons because the scope of the feature isn’t even a fifth or sixth as large as what was originally planned for garrisons.


World of Warcraft: Peaceful Edition