How would you guys feel about a “peaceful” expansion?

Basically Cataclysm 2.0 without a big world threat. Heavily focused on establishing the peace between factions and cross faction play. Dungeons are pretty small world, focused on dealing with new antagonistic factions in a similar vein to The Defias Brotherhood / Scarlet Crusade etc. Little tid bits here and there about looming threats such as new demon commanders, alliances within the void, whispers of Xal’atath etc.

Overall goal is healing / rebuilding the world. Player housing for all we’ve accomplished and getting our own special area in one of the capitals of our choosing. Repairing Silvermoon, Gilneas, Lordaeron / Undercity / Teldrassil. Establishing homes for the refugees etc. Basically… literally world of Peacecraft. Also for PVP’ers maybe some new BG maps and a focus on mercenary mode open world PVP objectives.

EDIT for clarification: There would still be raid tiers, however as some people suggested below, they could just be focused on a smaller narrative in a similar vein to Classic. Such as if we were to address a Scarlet Crusade like faction, the raid and dungeon would focus on them and that story within the zone. Or perhaps in restoring Gilneas there are some weird things (mutated worgen or something, idk) who’ve occupied the place since it’s been affected by blight. Raid is about clearing them out etc.

EDIT 2: Someone else brought up armor tiers etc. I was thinking maybe since we’re in Azeroth, this time could also be used to give us the more old school aesthetic from classic (think exiles reach armor) except more variants and higher res of course. Plus they could use the time since the focus is rebuilding Azeroth, getting all the races their heritage armor and weapons / mounts along with the quests.


Would love it after all the cosmic stuff. More world building is in dire need of happening in the lore.


I would actually like this a lot.


Could there be a ‘carpet bagger’ option for those that wish to undermine /sabotage the peace process? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve always been for player housing, but other mmos I’ve played it turns out to be a land grab, so I would be ok with instanced housing.

As far as rebuilding, that would be cool, but I fear that it would become ‘grind for mining mats’ etc… and just suck the fun out of it.

Overall I am not against your opinion but wary of how it would be executed. :grimacing:

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I love it, except player housing. I genuinely don’t think wow needs it and want the dev time to go towards other, new content


Sounds like a non m+/raiders dream. No thanks HELL NO

Yeah. I think WoW lore needs space to breathe. I’m tired of one world ending threat into another.
They should take the opportunity to create a batch of new characters and stories.
Maybe at the end add a conflict like a Silvermoon civil war led by Lorthemar and Alleria.


I think that’s what people want. Just have an expansion thats a build for future expansion. There should be some minor conflicts but in the middle of the expansion have the major conflict that’ll end in the same expansion.

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Sounds fantastic. Less cosmic world-ending invasions with stupid implications, more localized threats.

Give us raids to fend off a new Defias organization or to defend Kalimdor from that giant flotilla of Vrykul warships that the IE quest drops say is out there somewhere.


A local politics and intrigue plot with local characters in azeroth is sorely needed. There’s just so much to work with.

Yeah, like raids would still be happening but the narrative around them would be focused on those “smaller” factions. Like perhaps defending Silvermoon from a local scourge commander in Ghostlands or something while we attempt to help heal / rebuild the area. Idk. Basic small stuff like you suggested and things like that!


I would be fine with it but raiders need something to do.

Do Vulpera have a leader?

Have a weekly player vault that gives you furniture.

Random player: What?!?! Another sleeper sofa!?!?! That’s three, and it is not even tradeable!


If you dig into the quest drops that you could get from Island Expeditions in BfA, almost all of them are little breadcrumbs to things going on in Azeroth that would all make great plot threads for an expansion like this.

Here’s the full list:


This notion that Player housing is some monstrous dev time sink really has to stop, its the biggest myth in all of game development.

Player housing is probably the cheapest low effort content a dev team can produce. 100% of its assets are produced naturally each expansion by the art team when they add deco to the new zones.

All they would have to do is add it to a personal instance and port in the tool they use to place it in the builder after that its just adding drops to the world. Its not going to cost you a raid tier or slow down expansions releases just because they added a few tables and chairs to professions and boss loot tables.


Player Housing always tickles my collector bone

No thanks.

I actually wouldn’t mind to be honest, if it’s a proper focus on open world instead of their haphazard garbage of ''well we gave them 230593059 things to do, that will help! RIGHT !? /SAYS ION".

I think it’d be a neat idea in either doing tasks in rebuilding Gilneas, or helping other areas.

Yup. His name’s Keero. He’s a shaman. Great voice actor too.

Here’s stuff that I’d love to see:
-velf belf and helf dalaran situation and families on opposite sides of a political divide
-gallywix supporters vs. gazlow supporters
-vulpera and goblin economic philosophy tensions
-mechagnome and gnome tech tensions
-crowley and genn tensions
-vulpera and tauren bonding over shamanism and addressing the grim totem

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