How would you guys feel about a “peaceful” expansion?

That would be awesome. I like the ideas!!

Ah I remember now

I haven’t done the BFA questlines in ages since we don’t have a linear leveling path anymore :frowning_face:

I want his armor still. :T

It is cool looking

eyes pouch

It would be awesome if we could have accessories one day too :]

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Okay, but what would they do for raids? Lol.

I’d like it, but without a villain for raids, they don’t really exist?

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I disagree that to have raids or dungeon content you need a big bad like the jailer or LK.
Classic dungeons had the scope of the zone not the over all game for a lot of dungeons.
you just have to have content be relevant to the zone and theme of the xpac and go from there.
trying to rebuild sections of westfall? maybe you got to go after a dissenting group to stop them, idk its do able without needing a LK or jailer type. just takes writing and planning which i realize is a huge ask of this dev team.

Basically you don’t need an old god, cosmic being, etc to create content for raids and dungeons, you just need a dev team with creativity. you can do raids where you arent just there to kill off a guy, but to shut down production, opposing forces, etc. have the end tier boss be related to the over all story but they dont have to be THE reason for the story.

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there is way, WAY more to player housing than just the art assets

As long as the endgame isn’t affected and there’s 4ish raid tiers still.

If you guys want to do dull storylines that’s fine but I am not trading in a raid tier for something as useless progression wise as restoring Silvermoon.

Rather have some new big fancy elf city in a new place.

But not as much as people like to pretend. The idea that it is going to eat up all the dev time of an expansion is totally wrong.

If that was true I reckon they would have done that already considering it was an original plan

Yeah garrisons was not player housing sorry bub.

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I just want a scene of Velen relaxing on a beach with no worries. More race development would be nice after all these events.

Indifferent on housing, seems like a missed opportunity for easy repayable content for folks.

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The Vrykul pirate king thing feels like it could feed a raid tier and some new dungeons - Maw of Souls for a raid aesthetic would be cool (I know there’s the Halls raid but it lacks the cool factor of having half the instance on Naglfar)

The traditional troll raid ™ is also usually based around local threats, I’m sure something could be conjured up even if it’s not literally a troll raid (honestly at this point preferably not one at all). Maybe a centaur resurgence? Or the Uldum we were robbed of during Cata.

Catacombs of Scholomance as a raid where they find out there’s something deeper and worse than the Barovs that was left behind?

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This is awesome!! Thanks for the share! :slight_smile:

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Love this idea.

For a minor raid tier they could do the opposite of Return to Karazhan where they dig up an old fan favorite dungeon and make a 10-man out of it, really

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looks good, build for a future expansion, deal with remnants of the Legion, Old gods , Scarlet Crusade etc.

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I really love the idea of some catacombs beneath scholomance that gives us more room to delve into creepy new scourge / necromancy lore.


That’s exactly what WoW needs. The devs are way too focused on m+/raiding.

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Really would like it. The best wow expation they could put out would literally be this.

Just an entire expation of self contained plots and stories back to back. Im talking like Isle of thunder or mechagon sized stories back to back to back that have nothing really connecting them.

Blizzard needs to remember the value and power of simple wholsome adventure stories.