How would you fix WoW

I’m adding to my list:

More fun things to promote developer interaction that aren’t choice interviews, canned statements, and choice Twitter posts that explode because someone had a bad day or is frustrated. If they spoke to us more, the choice angry posts wouldn’t get as much limelight.

Dev Watercooler, more live panels converted to online livestreams. Things like Department v. Department raid nights livestreamed, or more battlegrounds with the devs. Or just GM’s flying around showing that they’re doing their job appropriately on a livestream banning bots real time. More website contests, more work with the Twitch and Youtube content creators that are sticking around.

Just things that are not inherently within the space of WoW, that speak to the WoW community or show them the people making the game are just as much people as we are.

Also, bring AWC and MDI back to Twitch. They’re not great but it’s a disservice putting them on a platform that guarantees no one will watch them.

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Bring it back to Cataclysm. Undo Dragon Soul. Add AOE loot.


Your post is very anecdotal but I second and third definitely taking a break. Sometimes it’s not the game. It’s the player.

New management team with a mission to create a game for the playerbase they have - or had - rather than focused on a fantasy hypercompetitive elite playerbase they think they deserve.

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Bgs aren’t “solo content” if your team of solo pugs can be put against a full premade.

  1. Reset the story and hire a new narrative team - the current story is so awful it makes Age of Sigmar look good

  2. Stop stratifying every piece of content. This alienates new players and contributes to the games decline. Go back to the basics. Add HM encounters to dungeons and raids for those that want the extra challenges.

  3. Reestablish your QA team. Every expansion recently and major patch feels like this is a beta test

  4. Actually Listen to your playerbase. We all know there’s a lot of noise coming from different segments of your playerbase and that these often conflict with eachother. But other successful business have individuals whose job is decipher and mediate these concerns.

Sorry, I forgot one of the most important ones

  1. Foster a sense of community in your game. Things like CRZ, sharding have been toxic to the community. Time to innovate how servers and populations work to make populations more stable and encourage player interactions

There are so many things they could do - some at cross purpose - that its difficult to move anything forward.

The first thing they should do, IMO, is decide what to do.

What do I believe that singular focus should be?

This is an MMO - the cornerstone of which is (or should be) fun interaction between players. I believe they should get this right - before working on any other external initiative.

Yes, I know an argument can be made that a big organization with multiple teams can walk and chew gum at the same time. And it’s fine if the PvE teams and the PvP teams and pet battle folks and transmog folks and all those other subgroups chew their own kind of gum (or whatever) but they need to all be walking in the same direction while they chew it.

So what would that mean in the way of concrete changes? Every element of the game should nudge players toward fun when they interact - and toward more interaction.

As an introvert, I’m not saying that the game should try to “force” introverts to be extroverts. But even introverts enjoy positive engagement with others. We just need a rest and recharge afterward. What kills our fun, however, is the high level of toxicity we find in game.

For a long time its been so bad that I’d wager the majority of the playerbase chooses to say as little as possible to anyone not in their guild or on their friend’s list. I can’t count the number of times people have said to me they are afraid to type anything into chat during a LFG or LFR - knowing that even the most innocuous comment might lead to them being insulted or group kicked. Likewise, with few exceptions, Trade Chat is dominated - not by Trade - but by boost spam and trollish behaviour. No matter how many times people report the offenders, nothing changes.

I’m not talking about creating an environment where players think they have to walk on eggshells for fear of being banned or muted by Blizzard. But I do think that after a certain number of reports (or being blocked by hundreds of players), a human being should look at what a vocal minority of trollish players are doing - and if their behaviour can’t be moderated - they should be permanently muted in game - if not banned.

Blizzard already does bans - they ban for cheating, pilots, etc - because those actions undermine the game. But do they ever do a 6-month or 12 month or even ‘perma’ ban (or permanent in-game gag) when its clear that certain players are intentionally spending hour upon hour doing little else but creating a toxic game environment?

If they do - I have not witnessed it.

Right now many would argue that while Blizz does cut off players for blatantly cheating, they care more about the $15/mo (or engagement metrics) that toxic players bring to Warcraft than they do about improving a very toxic in-game player culture.

With cheating at least players know there is a line - and if they cross it there will be consequences.

With toxic behaviour, there seems to be no line at all.

Again, this is NOT just an issue of bans or gagging certain players (but that should be a part of it). This is about signaling that certain in-game behaviours are no longer acceptable or tolerated and every team at Blizzard can play a part in that - right down to story-line development and game design.

Parallel to this in-game initiative, I believe Blizz should continue to do what they say they are already committed to - and reduce the toxicity of their office environment.

Sure, I could list another dozen things they could think about.

But bluntly I believe it would take a full expac cycle to make a dent in the issues they face with in-game and in-office culture.

Start there, fix that, then we can talk about next steps.

whew, one of the forum’s premiere delusional shills has come out full force to really tromp all over this thread. yikes

It’s still solo content because it doesn’t take a group to queu for.

Remove most all the stultifying chores and bloated amounts of currencies in the game.

Then I would bring back PvP resilience and the OLD way of gearing for PvP with Honor then Conquest points.

Some would disagree with you that stacking premades against full groups of random solo pugs is something the game should be doing. Those who want solo queue are not asking to be your victims. They are asking for a division that contains no premades.

But heck, it isn’t any sort of competition when elites are matched against players with very low rank, and elites are given extra advantages and the lower ranked players handicaps. But I’m sure your entitlement to easy wins for free welfare loot is all that matters.

It’s the same system. The issue is too many dps not enough tanks/healers.

Asmingolds an idiot. Even then 4 people do not speak for the arena community.

Bruh the only one making excuses here is you. My parses are better than yours in CN.

That’s not even the argument I made. See how your reading comprehension is so bad?

DK isn’t even the hardest melee to play.

If I keep making the same point you clearly didn’t refute the point.

The majority of the player base is bad so they of course will look for a scapegoat.

Even the players they invite to test the game for them in the Beta testing ?

I would say yes to Mythic 0 queue


Yes again

Keep preaching it

Let them mess it up more ?


You want to bring back the old dead bodies making website names for gold sellers that will hack accounts again ?

I did some premading years ago (we’d set up groups of 5 then count-down queue in Vent) but that was almost always for Alterac Valley.

At that time there were a number of premade teams (Alliance and Horde) and we’d look forward to large scale (maybe 15 to 30 premaders at most on each side) coordinated combat. It is true that pugs would sometimes get in there and get stomped - and I’m sure their experience suffered for the short time they were there before typing /afk

But in my experience these large map 40-player BG’s are near intolerable for everyone when rando pugs run around aimless screaming at each other to “just lose quickly”.

Premade versus premade in AV could - at best - be quite magnificent.

And even when we were not against another premade we greatly enjoyed summoning Lok’holar, Ivus and other madness for old times sake.

I understand why the ability to run large premades on the AV map was ended but I do believe it would be nice for them to restore that ability maybe once or twice a year for a special “Korraks’ Revenge” style event that those who wish to premade could opt into. What fun that might be for guild versus guild play!

As I recall Korrak was very popular when it was done for the 15th anniversary - and not just because of the obscene level of XP we got doing it :wink:

MoP pvp balance,
WoD pvp gear system
Everything else like WotLK was

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Detach narrative progression from character power progression.

Go back to world building to create more content to experience between raid patches.

Rely on less cutscenes and cinematics and more on quality story telling that isn’t based on the trope of cliffhangers and plot twists.

Don’t introduce another class or race until current specs are balanced better, then from that point on ensure future expansion loot doesn’t imbalance them again.

Tier set: because we think we do and yes we actually do want them back.

Lastly, stop thinking short term profit and go all in for the long run in terms of game design and development. Let your mobile games be your short term financial gainers.

edit - and oh yeah… pay your Dev’s their industry worth.

No, most people are just done with the content in 9.1 and there is no reason to continue for most (though they will be crying in a few months when they have to grind renown again)

There are very few changes I would make to WOW atm.


  1. Bring drums back up to 25% this will help ease the meta in Mythic +
  2. Remove AOE cap
  3. Better tuning of bosses in mythic + Some bosses still take to long with how their mechanics work.
  4. Remove Conduit Energy
  5. Making cov swapping easier.

2 groups of 5 in a 10 man bg against randoms on the other team is a predetermined win.

Anyone can get beta. Even I got beta access.