How would you fix WoW

It seems like everyone is jumping ship and moving away from WoW. No one in my guild logs on anymore, lost count of how many of my other friends have quit the game. Some of the biggest streamers and content creators for the community have quit and it seems like there’s more new drama about blizzard everyday.

If you had the power the change everything what would you do? How would you bring everyone back who left? and do you think that WoW will ever return to being the leader of MMOs

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I took a break for now and usually when I start playing again I’m all happy and smiles again for 6 months at least. People themselves could fix wow alot by actually taking a break like alot do and they usually seem happy afterwards. After 17 yrs it’s hard to keep people happy no matter what.


The first step to make wow great again is to create a decent spectate mode on pet battles (so we can have proper tournments).

OH and and make rematch addon the base UI.

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  1. More communication with the community
  2. Allow people to change covenant freely without any penalty
  3. Let your alt characters skip their covenant campaign if you already completed that same campaign on a different character.
  4. Remove explosive and necrotic from the M+ affixes list.
  5. Give us a way to control the vault RNG a little bit.

That would be a good start for me.

One thing I am very much happy with is being able to funnel your soul ashes between your characters.


No. The vast majority of the community is bad at this game and their feedback should mostly be ignored.


Agree or better yet make renown account wide.

Both of these are fine imo.

I don’t see an issue with the vault.

Since the season started, I had 3 vaults which were Ring/Ring/Bad trinket on my main, it’s a bit disappointing.

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I feel that. My vault this week was worthless as well.

However you have rng protection of being able to select from 1-12 items versus opening a chest and just getting a single item.

it’s not broke :nerd_face: :smoking:

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I am astounded that in this day and age, there is a cigarette emoticon.

I just wish we had a way to like block certain item slots by spending some in-game currency.

Just take the extra roll coins we had in BFA to give us a second shot at loot, you could use Gold, Honor and like Stygia/Cataloged research to purchase one of those vault block.


Now this is just what I think:

  1. increased moderation
  2. add a queue for mythic plus and arena but also keep their lfg systems.
  3. Bring back class identity.
  4. Less reliance on borrowed powers.
  5. Make gear last longer in terms of relevancy.
  6. Complete overhaul in the story.
  7. Make old content great again, revamp old zones, make questing there relevant and fresh.
  8. Remove tokens.
  9. Ban boosters and bots.
  10. Remove store mounts.
  11. Overhaul systems and ffs release a new class.
  12. Remove the aoe limit for classes, its not fair that some classes have uncap vs cap.
  13. Make questing challenging but not cheap.
  14. Make trainers relevant again.
  15. Skill trees like classic wow with a modern tune up for fun builds.

100% no.

This was a train wreck in legion.

This is dumb and hurts nobody but the players like myself that don’t buy boosts.

Yes. We need to hear from Blizzard re: WoW. I agree they don’t need to listen to GD.

Yes please to this. Let me buy the gear with anima - it’s already for sale. I cannot fathom doing those quest lines again (I’ve done them each more than once).



I’m confused, how is feedback from bad players considered bad? If you’re talking about mythic end-game content, then sure… but an overwhelming majority of players in wow are considered casual. If wow didnt have casual players, it wouldn’t survive.

But if you’re talking about simple quality of life improvements or bug reports, then all feedback should be considered.


“100% no.”

Yes, we need a queue system. Especially in Arena. LFG is trash. Nobody wants to sit and wait for 40-45 minutes to form a group.

“This was a train wreck in legion.”

No, it wasn’t.

“This is dumb and hurts nobody but the players like myself that don’t buy boosts.”

Its not dumb, tokens are ruining the game, play the mmo and make your gold.


A new class.
A new playable race.

Seriously if any of those two were released they would make any expansion a success (for me).

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I agree, a new class ffs.

Because bad players have zero understanding of the game. These are the people who blame everything on the game and other people but never themselves.

Classes should never be tubed because Carl in accounting can only parse at a grey level and he feels his class needs buffs.

Fire Kotick.