No it’s not. I have beaten plenty of premades over the years.
Even solo or in a 2/3 man group.
No it’s not. I have beaten plenty of premades over the years.
Even solo or in a 2/3 man group.
Actually its not, if you join AV with the faction that is accustomed to losing. At the time we’d be in there with bots, players who couldn’t figure out how to blacklist AV, and afk screamers who wanted to “just let us lose fast so we can re-queue for welfare honor”
When not intentionally queueing against another premade (we’d schedule dates and times on the PvP BG Forums) it could actually be a bit of a challenge with only 15/40 to win against the faction that was used to winning. They’d come in with live players, move as one, not afk, and played to win - because they expected to.
Again, I understand why Blizzard nuked premading on the 40’s BG maps. As much as I might have enjoyed that at the time, its not something the game needs going forward.
But I think it would be fun (and an enhancement to the game) for Blizzard to bring back Korrak’s Revenge AV (a recreation of one version of vanilla AV) and permit guild versus guild or other premade versus premade large scale combat. Time limit it as an event, but reward a little Honor, or maybe tokens to use for old PvP sets or something low key. Let people who want to opt in.
During the event, even pugs could join if they wanted to and use voice. We’d often spam out Vent info so puggers who wanted to coordinate, could.
I don’t think any of us who participated the time were under the illusion it was “serious PvP” but premading was a very accessible way for players who were completely uninvolved in PvP to get a taste of it. Some of us actually “got gud” and started to do rated play. But mostly it was a group social activity.
Rated play gave me most of what I wanted - voice coordination. But rated doesn’t happen on 40-player maps. Nothing that epic is currently available. So we had to make it to play it.
How did I get intopremading? Back in original TBC my progression raid guild had us all go into BG’s (AV and WSG) to earn our PvP trinket - for use in boss fights. We’d premade BG’s the way we coordinated raids - all together in voice - and I loved it.
Long after that guild disbanded I kept looking for similar in-game experiences.
It’s like some proper don’t want any RP in their RPG. Everyone always crying about switching covenants out having alts trap three benefits of mains. The hell with a character or having a story right?
People won’t like to hear this, but the #1 thing to fix WoW is to get rid of catch-up gear.
Used to be that people kept playing so that they would have better gear for the next patch/raid/content.
These days, people are actually encouraged to quit, then come back for the next patch, get showered with easy catch-up gear, do whatever for a couple weeks, then quit again until the next patch, when they’ll be showered with more catch-up gear, etc.
Rinse & repeat.
It’s a dumb way to run a game.
I would have taken a different approach and allowed players that choose ToF to complete their campaign while leveling.
Would open all dungeons to those players as well.
Gladly, you’re not in charge. If someone works for gear why should it be limited in pvp because new guy doesn’t have as good of gear. Dumb ideas unless you’re the scrub. Also, they tried housing with garrisons, while i loved them and still use it, misty of y’all whined and cried about them
Okay, first of all, I would revert class design to MoP expansion where it was the best in my opinion. I would get rid of borrowed power, and bring back tier sets. But instead of needing raids, they would be purchasable for Valor currency like in Cata. In fact I would bring back entire currency system from Cataclysm.
After that, I would make sure that players could play whatever content they want at max level without touching any other content. For example, if a player wants to PvP, they should be able to jump right into PvP. If players want to PvE , they can jump right dungeons/raids. There will be no mandatory side content.
Saying that, side content will be plenty, with progression paths inside each, but it should be optional like Suramar or Mage Tower or Pandaria farm. Optional side content is important because not only it frustrates players to be forced to do something they don’t want to do, but it also detracts exclusivity from players who like that particular side content. If it’s completely optional, but still hard, it gives it more prestige.
When it comes to PvP, I would bring back Warlords of Draenor gearing system, which provided the best balance between fairness and gear progression.
I would also like to make professions into a legit Bind on Pickup gearing path, looking at New World example, but I fear more competitive WoW players will feel forced to do professions to get gear.
How would I bring people back? 10 step process, most of which is already in the game in some form or another, just not being utilized properly.
Step 1: No more “difficulty modes”. There is one raid difficulty. That difficulty is easier than current Mythic, but harder than current Heroic. If your guild logs in 2-3 days a week for 3-4 months and isn’t parsing green overall, you WILL clear it. The stars of the game are loot and the people you’re with. The star of the game isn’t CE achievements. The faster you clear? The more opportunities you have for loot (And yes, Master Loot is back). That being said - Hall of Fame still exists for every tier, and rewards a special mount. “Region First” achievements will unlock an absolutely spectacular mount that no one else has access to - We’re talking Brutosaur levels of spectacular. Gold cap spectacular. Limit should be rolling around in actual tanks or something. Also - This should address SOME of the faction population issues as a bonus!
Step 1b: All story content is viewable by statues/heads on spikes (Think Arthas/Onyxia) commemorating the death of said boss after it’s defeated. You want to be an adventurer and not a god slayer? Check the cinematic out in the city so you’re caught up on the story - after all, you’re just an adventurer right? (looking at you, every post on Reddit) Your character doesn’t have what it takes to kill God-Tier baddie.
Step 2: Add flavorful abilities back into the game, and make it a point to add little things that can save you 1-2 minutes in a dungeon with the use of them. Rogues can disarm traps again - and they’ll do so in one of 10-12 5 man dungeons with ONE extra difficulty mode. There is the Dungeon, and the Mythic version. The mythic version drops badges, which can be exchanged for raid-level loot at the vendor. The mythic version is the equivalent of a +10-15ish dungeon now. Not +20 IO-checking Blitzkrieg, but not M0 either. This leads me to step 3…
Step 3: M+ is gone. Everything else remains the same. You earn badges/valor that you use to upgrade your loot when you’ve cleared all dungeons on mythic. You also are able to buy some pieces with said valor off the vendor, and it serves as approximately 75% of the progression path for a character total.
Step 4: The best PvP loot is earned in Arena, of course, unlocked by rating and purchased with currency earned from Wins. You also earn this currency through BG’s (rated BG’s gone). However, the ilvl is lower. Not blues, but low-tier epics.
Step 5: Since PvPers are going to have a self-contained system, and dungeon crawlers/raiders are going to have their own self-contained system, both need changes. Every .1 patch will be a new raid, a new 5 man dungeon, and a new arena location. Every .0.5 patch will be a tuning pass to address outliers.
Step 6: Stop the timegating. Add new quests to the game every .1 patch. Not dailies people just mash through because they know they’ve gotta kill 8 bumblebees. Actual quest chains. The star of the show here isn’t grinding out a dumb rep no one cares about, the star of the show is the story you’re telling. FFXIV does a good job of creating these larger chains. Emulate that. Also - Pathfinder is gone. You’re flying right when you spend the gold at max level.
Step 7: Professions overhaul. You should be able to source rare materials in the world and craft raid-level loot. We’re talking people mining for 20 hours a day for a week to get a 1:500 node drop crystal. 10 of those + raw mats = Raid weapon/armor/whatever. You should be able to spend 2-3 months by yourself gathering mats to make some insanely good items…or sell them for crazy money. Imagine how great it would feel for some people to literally be a tradesperson - they’re not raiders. They’re not monster killers. They’re miners.
Step 8: If this all goes well and you’ve stopped the bleeding? Player housing comes next. And I don’t mean Garrisons. I mean real player housing.
Step 9: This one is the final move you make in regards to the game itself - If the game is trending up again, you GET RID OF THE WoW TOKEN. I’ve given players means to make money again (professions - since they’ll be gold makers overall again). You don’t need to be selling your own gold. This thing has decimated the game since its inception. This should take out most of the run-sellers. The M+ sellers are already cooked. The only thing people are going to be selling are PvP carries. All this leads me to step 10, the final step.
Step 10: Police your game. Ban players who cheat. Ban bots forever - And if they make new ones? Ban those too… Ban people abusing mechanics. Ban people saying wild stuff in chat. This should be happening already, but it’s not.
The issue with tokens is twofold.
Blizzard is designing the game economy around them. Legendaries are 400K gold because only a small group of players bothered to do the hyper-grindy crafting. They cost 400K gold and Blizzard is fine with it because that’s $40 extra per player, per spec.
It has created a P2W carry economy in PvP where whales pay for carries to higher ratings and iLvl. Non-paying players fall behind. There are also AotC and KSM carries in PvE but it mostly just adds spam.
Limiting tokens to one per account per week would fix the issue. That’s plenty for raid mats and people who grind out gold to buy their subs, but not enough for the whales to buy expensive carries or to substantially shift the crafting market.
“Asmingolds an idiot. Even then 4 people do not speak for the arena community.”
And you do? LoL.
“Bruh the only one making excuses here is you. My parses are better than yours in CN.”
Okay so, you suck now.
“That’s not even the argument I made. See how your reading comprehension is so bad?”
You’re claiming melee is brain dead, more people play range, why? It’s better right now. Your “harder” argument falls flat. It’s mostly subjective.
“DK isn’t even the hardest melee to play.”
"If I keep making the same point you clearly didn’t refute the point.
The majority of the player base is bad so they of course will look for a scapegoat."
You have an ego, and for some odd reason this is the hill you choose to die on.
“The majority of the player base is bad so they of course will look for a scapegoat.”
So they don’t have a say? You’re just as bad, get off your high horse.
Don’t even bother, this guy is so delusional and suffers from copium 19.
Blizzard has nothing to do with the cost of leggos. Thats set by players and are due to the cost of the mats.
Non paying players only lag if they are not able to push any ratings and then they would lag behind anyways.
I mean I am ok with this.
Someones upset and bitter because they cant refute points.
You have no points, you argue for the status quo, the game is in massive decline dude. ObvioUSLY something isn’t working. Arena particpation is at a all time low. Partipation is down all across the board. Your way isn’t working.
Yes, it was more fun when they put in challenging 10-man raids and dungeons with better loot mid-expansion. Even as early as WotLK I started burning out on the badge/vendor grind every patch. They could have just used LFR, Tazivesh, and M+ to gear people up.
I’ve heard that narrative before and I don’t believe it for a second. Blizzard used to adjust drop rates to mitigate problems with crafting costs. Now they make much-needed items rare, knowing it will create an economy that sells tokens. Activision is not a benign company that lets the AH free market run. They are a large corporation looking to gain extra money from their franchise without the players crying P2W too loudly.
I never claimed to speak for the community.
Nope, changed mains and am still grinding gear to catch up.
It is.
Because its easier to get raid spots in the meta groups.
Better doesnt equal easier to play /facepalm
I mean it really isnt. Most melee arent hard to play. Sub is def harder.
This isnt a false statement.
I am not the one who said I was better than anyone. That was you…Irony.
No they dont. Games should never be balanced around bad players.
People could fix the game a lot by not being a bunch of a**holes tbh.
People can easily farm the mats themselves. Most choose not too.