How would you fix WoW

“Then you’re limiting what people can play. What about healers?”

Do you know anything about game design? The structures are created by the designers, they can literally have a tournament mode where it’s 2 dps and a healer, use an algorithm to form the best groups.

“And what you fail to realize is that won’t ever change even if the token is removed because those people buying boosts will just go to websites and but them that way.”

Yes it would, because it’ll make it more difficult, you’re arguing the no action is the best action fallacy.

Its plaguing the game, just go look at LFG and see the number of ads and spam, look at trade chat. PVP is an absolute f***** joke.

“Again sorry your comprehension is so bad.”

Useless comment and completely baseless. You’re a copium addict you might as well tattoo the ashe grabbers name on your lower back.

The whole point of mythic+ is the timer. Quit trying change something you dont like yet millions do. Be like add timers to raid bosses sure let’s do that. Tier is good and at the most one legendary and back to no covenants hall’s garrisons

I don’t think there is any reason for them to fix WoW. They keep losing players but making more money. Why would they try to make the game good when they can lure people into 6 month subs with store mounts and sell a metric ton of wow tokens? If they really need money they can just release Classic Wrath with a $80 collectors edition, unlimited $60 boosts, $15 TBC character copies, and add the wow token to Classic.

Really no reason for them to fix the game at all.


PREACHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH these f******* tokens are a cancer.

wow no nid fix is good now dan befor

  • Bring back the Dev Watercooler articles and rationale behind design and obstacles. Transparency and familiarity help breed friendliness.

  • New talent system based on Conduits without the conduit item level or conduit energy.

    • Allows new talents to be added on a whim instead of in level tiers and prevents tier bloat.
    • Allows talents to be earned through loot or overworld content including questlines, custom dungeon activities, class based challenges, special activities that can be built on, etc.
    • I figure this system would re-utilize the class hall Artifact altars to add new talent conduits to your tree.
  • Remove rating based ilvl upgrades from PvP, and reduce the number of upgrades needed on honor gear.

    • Lowers barrier to entry.
    • Re-add resilience to the stat weight on PvP gear so it’s still not better than PvE gear in PvE, but PvP gear would still be the best in PvP. The ilvl shifting in PvP and the vague “ver is kinda the pvp stat but not” makes no sense and we already carry 2 sets to PvE and PvP.
  • Class specific, entirely cosmetic tier armor earned by completing difficulties, M+ or PvP milestones, or an in-raid questline like Trial of Valor did.

    • M+, Raid Finder - Mythic, and base and Elite Gladiator gear should all get a color variant.
  • Add a valor point gear vendor that sells normal raid item level armor that can be upgraded to Mythic item level solely through farming valor points. Valor can be earned in raids and M+.

  • Hire more Game Masters for the following:

    • Advertisement channels in the premade finder; and a moderation for Scam protection and bans for people linking suspect external websites.
    • A bot squad that just investigates and bans bots, and bot farming patterns; and also suggest changes that would prevent generic bot farming patterns.
  • World Quests 3.0

    • They’re just in-world raids. They give cool rewards, they don’t have a lockout, and they spawn randomly throughout the world. You complete them by completing a series of tasks with a massive team.
    • They’d probably give gear, augment runes, and cosmetic armor sets to farm up.
  • Prune a lot:

    • Legendaries.
    • Domination Sockets.
    • Renown.
    • Covenant abilities.

And more main world Azeroth stuff. I’m tired of the cosmic conquest already and its only been a year.

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Honestly, it’s a long line of stuff, and I’m not a game developer. But here.

  1. Remove complicated and combative systems. There’s nothing wrong with aiming to make a character feel good and feel different but systems like conduit energy and domination sockets make the player base angry for a reason.
  2. Put more of an emphasis on PvP balance, and focus. Bring in people who are good at the game at a high level who can easily understand when something should not function in the manner it does, and correct it.
  3. Relearn what competitive integrity means. Shadowlands has absolutely none of it in a PvP setting and that’s part of what makes the ladder so angry.
  4. Bring in more of an emphasis on challenging content again regarding things like time sensitive trophies such as mage towers, challenge modes, etc. We need more challenging time sensitive content, not less. Every expansion should have some kind of mage tower or challenge mode idea.
  5. Put more of an emphasis on racial identity and racial / cultural influence within WoW. Part of the problem with the aesthetics of this game is everyone is so bland and uses all the same spell animations and colorations. Green fire was amazing because it did something in this department. Other classes should get something like this as well.
  6. Fully separate PvP and PvE. If someone doesn’t wanna PvE at cap, they shouldn’t have to. The amount of work someone has to do just to be viable in one content field is immense.

That’d be where I start.

As much as I would love to do this, that, or another… I wouldn’t (well, except maybe change Alterac Valley in WoW: Classic to the original Alterac Valley complete with elites, villages, no death counter, etc).

Instead what I would do is allow WoW to run its course while shifting focus to Overwatch 2. Pour a bunch of talent into the campaign and try to make the world/story something pretty neat. Wait a bit, allow for it to garner a little bit more attention…maybe release a DLC and/or TCG or something, then when WoW is finally, truly on its last leg, release an Overwatch MMO.

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And limiting people based class spec/comp.

Still no coms

No it won’t. They will just go to a third party website. Typing boost in a google search isnt difficult.

Someines mad. Is that why you can’t make friends?

Classic style max level 60
fix the zones they gave up on like Ashera, Blasted Lands and others.
throw in new raids like 10 man, 25 man, 40 man have a few dungeons and at least 1 raid in every zone on both sides of azeroth.
get rid of flying.
no dungeon boosting
no bots
no tokens
no cash shop
balance classes and insert DK, Monk, DH
balance server factions
i have prolly missed other needed improvements but these are off the top of my head
go back to their roots and revamp the sh!t outta it.

  1. Reputation and things like Renown/AP, etc account-wide. Sure, I still have to gear up those new alts but I can focus on that instead of the monotonous things.

  2. Put Thrall back in charge of the Horde and Malfurion in charge of the Alliance.

  3. Bring back class halls.

"And limiting people based class spec/comp.

Still no coms"

I literally rebuked you, I guess you can’t read.

“No it won’t. They will just go to a third party website. Typing boost in a google search isnt difficult.”

Hey dingus, news flash, they’re doing that right now. They’re doing both! Get rid of both, other companies do this whats your excuse?

“Someines mad. Is that why you can’t make friends?”

Yet, I’m a much better player than you?

Set up the game so people can raid log.

Hooboy a lot.

  • COMMUNICATION. Like actual admins or mods talking to players on forums when bugs or mistakes happen. Even if it is an ‘anonymous’ account that is shared between a team of mods.

  • Remove borrowed power systems. Go back to the basics or MoP when it came to talents and speccing into either PVP talent benefits or PvE talent benefits (ex: Warlocks can talent into being able to cast while moving for PvE/PvP. hot damn)

  • Make every spec have it’s own identity and useful. Bring back the class fantasy with older talents, spells and Class Quests. Make it so that if you spec into (lets say) a more ‘hybrid’ or deep into a certain spec, you can gain specialization bonuses. This can bring back old specs like Warriors and Gladiator stance or Demonology Warlocks being able to tank like Demon Hunters can. Obviously the second one’s job was stolen by DHs, But it can be brought back as a deep-into Demonology talent would be a ability on a CD that sacrifices your current demon, and make the warlock get a (new) temporary tanky stats and demonic appearance that looks like the demon they sacrificed for their ability.

  • Let alts skip the beginning of current xpac’s campaigns.

  • Add in a ‘bad luck’ RNG so that after a certain amount of times, the game ups the chances of a certain item dropping so you don’t get just pity gold and a faction currency.

  • Add in tier tokens and tier set bonuses for all classes. This ties back into class fantasy along with the RNG ‘bad luck’ prevention. Either give players a token to hand into an NPC or multiple tokens through boss loot drops so that you can at least guarantee to players that even if you don’t get a head piece drop, you can at least get it on your 6th week as it would cost 6 tokens.

  • Mythic players are the 1% of players and are the loudest, and their opinions should be taken with a pinch of salt, but pls remove necrotic and explosive. And on the topic of the 1%:

  • ADD MORE CHALLENGES. Bring back mage tower, bring in extreme versions of older raids. Spice up the game a little bit and give people who can complete these cosmetic and titles for finishing the challenge.

  • Ban players and guilds who do gold (or under the table RMT) carries. This can be in PVP for Glad or PVE with heroic/Mythic AOTC. It’s ridiculous how pervasive these are in game.

  • Bring in new classes. It’s been a while since we had a new class, and make all classes available to all races. Lore is already down the toilet, and 4th gen DKs exist so let the Forsaken have Paladins ffs.

  • Remake older dungeons and raids. Make them relevant again as a ‘timewalking’ experience and bring in updated armor sets of classic armors. Like how Tier 20 in Legion was a remake of Tier 6 TBC armor.

And on the last note:

  • STOP IT WITH THE ARMOR RECOLORS FOR RAID DIFFICULTIES. Let armor be dyed certain shades and make the heroic and Mythic tiers of armor look more grand and (well…) Mythic!

I got a lot more but im rambling, I know PVP needs a lot of fixing as its DoA right now.


Skips for any questing content you’ve already done, especially if it is necessary to complete that content in order to prepare for endgame play.

Less RNG. Please. A little is ok, even exciting if done right. But it seems like RNG has to be default baked into every system, for at least a while until they change it. Given that my unholy set bonus was literally a 1000 dps increase it felt pretty uncool to have to wait until yesterday to get it.

More concession on things that players ask for that wouldn’t ultimately have to hurt the vision or direction of the game. It wouldn’t have hurt anyone to have had swappable covenants from the beginning. Tie it into completing each covenant campaign if you want, but it didn’t have to be this way. Whatever it is the pvp guys are asking for, they deserve some love, and it would absolutely be possible to give them what they want without also creating a situation where m raiders are ‘required’ to pvp to get bis gear.

RE: who they should listen to: Whoever they need to. They are just as capable as we are at parsing through what content players do to assess the validity of their opinions. If forum Andys can do it to put someone down, devs can absolutely do it and probably to a greater extent. They know who does what content and at what level. I think the greater issue is just a serious lack of ‘we hear you, and here’s why we disagree’ or ‘we hear you, and here are the problems were having implementing the changes you want,’ or ‘we hear you, and actually we’re working on that right now, expect it to go live soon™’

For all the cannibalism the playerbase seemingly does to itself on the forums, if we aren’t trolling I think the one thing we could all agree on is that we want as many people playing as possible. It is an MMO, it’s nice to play one that feels alive, and unfortunately that’s not happening at the moment.

End of the day the game is based on group content not solo content for top gear.

And like I said. Removing the token does nothing but hurt people like myself who work long hours or people who play the ah and buy tokens to pay for game time.

Lacking any actual arguments I see you resorted to the personal attacks now :joy:

Nice 1550 achievement :+1:

My 2 biggest issues are related to class design and how they’ve handled flight in WoD and beyond.

  1. Classes need to be fully complete the moment a character reaches the level cap. No borrowed power gameplay systems.

  2. Alt friendliness on par with WoD. Level the toon, gear it, and be good to go for whichever content I want to do on that toon. I miss playing alts, but when I level an alt and see what I need to do for that alt to stay relevant, I lose interest. No more borrowed power gameplay systems to grind.

  3. Class design reverted to MoP/WoD. Melee survival would be a 4th hunter spec and ranged survival would return.

  4. Flight available to be earned at release. I don’t care if it’s a small sum of gold (on par with the 2.5k gold cost in MoP or for achievements that are able to be quickly earned within a couple of weeks.

  5. Flight for alts while leveling.

  6. No more no fly zones.

Two words: Player Housing.

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“End of the day the game is based on group content not solo content for top gear”

You queue and join a group… how many conversations have you had in a group setting through LFG? Knowing your attitude, probably none.

“And like I said. Removing the token does nothing but hurt people like myself who work long hours or people who play the ah and buy tokens to pay for game time.”

I don’t give a dooky, why should the majority suffer for the few?

"Lacking any actual arguments I see you resorted to the personal attacks now :joy:

Nice 1550 achievement :+1:"

Nice 66 parse avg, you play range, that’s embarrassing. If you’re referring to pvp, I don’t really play it or care for it, but I know top rank 1 gladiators who know more about the game than you do that want a queue system. You’re also a hypocrite, you insulted first, don’t get mad at me when I hit back.

a focus on game design for fun and engagement rather than metrics that drive the cash shop and grind tolerance levels